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Old 10-20-2010, 06:10 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Damaged7 View Post
Wirelessly posted (Bold 9000)

Seems kind of useless. I could buy a really good netbook or a semi-decent laptop for the price. Not too mention it would do about 5x more then the ipad can do.

90% of the sales will be due to the apple logo and have nothing to do with the product.
Pretty old thread but I am new here and saw it. I have replaced my laptop with an iPad. Agreed that the laptop could DO a lot more than the iPad, but the iPad is always there, instant on, instantly connected, and runs for a whole day on one charge.

My laptop ran for two hours a most, took ages to load up, was too hot to use on my lap and very often was at home when I wanted to use it in a cafe or somewhere else.

The iPad does most of what I need to do for consumption of data. When I need to make something, then I go and sit at the desktop with a real keyboard, big screen and plenty of storage. But probably 90% of my online time is now on my iPad.

Flash - never yet found an occasion when I have missed it.
Camera - can't imagine ever trying to take a photo with a device this large, and video calling/conferencing fills me with stabby thoughts, so never going to miss that.
Connectivity - would be nice to have a USB to plug in a drive, but with DropBox, etc, there's really no need.

Apart from having a 1280x1024 screen instead of 1024x768, I honestly can't say that there's anything I'd want to change about it.
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