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Old 10-06-2010, 09:05 AM   #9
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Posts: 31

Originally Posted by MaxPayne79 View Post
i'm incoherent? ur comments are from mars and make no sense what so ever to anyone let alone me. u always talk in code so no one can understand u and i'm starting to think ur a monk that's learning english cause ur english is rough to say the least.

before u make comments that make no sense and attempt to sound like u understand blackberries and phones in general, try, really honey, try..if not to elevate ur pathetic loner existence above ur self indulgent and conceited ways, and for me and all the others that u offend repeatedly on this forum with ur ignorance and bullishness, perhaps do it for ur alien kind.

Rise up above the dust and off of ur moms basement couch, dust yourself off and head towards the door that leads to the OUTSIDE. in know that's a band word in ur alien culture but here on Earth, the planet that you've unfortunately decided to pollute with ur existence, people socialize. YES, it's true. It's not too late for you, my 15 year old friend. You can move towards the lights and expand beyond limitations and go out there and speak...yes.. communicate with the outside world and maybe even speak to a girl. I'M SORRY!!..did i frighten u off? i apologize. Perhaps we'll get to the female species in tomorrows lesson. Now u go rest Neo, u have a lot of learning to do.

Think before u speak my goofy friend. what i wrote even a 12 year can understand because my 12 year old cousin read it and we just had a discussion about the various sizes of the .9xx os leaks. Really, Neo, get out of the matrix and get a job. i hear wall-mart is highering ;)
His English may suck, but I have to give him props for sticking it to you. Decipher his internet slang and there's actually a point in there that probably needed to be said.

Last edited by titan703; 10-06-2010 at 09:13 AM..
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