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Old 07-10-2010, 11:01 PM   #13
New Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Houston, Texas
Model: 8520
Carrier: T-Mobile
Posts: 8

I had the same problem. I tried the steps given but without success. Since my BB was new I took it back to the store and they said that it needed to be replaced which it was. They also suggested against downloading Apps directly from the net into the 8520, or any BB, but to use DM instead to prevent this from happening again.

I can't see that the install vector would make ANY difference in whether this happens or not going forward. The symptoms strike me as more likely to be related to conflicts between the existing environment on the BB when the new App install(s) is / are attempted.

If anyone can shed any light on what has occurred, the recommendations from the store personnel, or my assessment of their validity, please do so. I have a decade of user experience with BlackBerries but they were all Corporate builds with VERY limited flexibility. This one is mine and I can do as I like but don't want to keep taking it back to the store every week because I've broken it and can't figure out how to fix it with the available resources, such as this Forum.

Thank you for any assistance or guidance that you are willing to share.
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