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Old 09-13-2009, 03:32 AM   #32
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Originally Posted by SoCaliTrojan View Post
This situation won't work for people who work for large companies, especially those who have to travel alot. Having everything done in local time only works for the casual traveler who doesn't have alot of entries on his/her calendar. Automatic time zone changes can also be screwy around daylight saving time, especially if you travel to an area that unexpectedly doesn't follow it or perhaps follows a different start/end date.

As you admit in your first post, this is your first blackberry. The blackberry isn't aimed for the general population, it's aimed for business-oriented people.

I'm not trying to say that your desire is wrong. I'm just trying to get you to understand the purpose of this "feature". (Yes, it is a feature to me.) It's like trying to race a Honda Civic in a Formula 1 race or use a golf cart to pick up trash on trash day: each vehicle is built for a specific purpose. Cell phones are the same in that respect: each model has a different purpose.

If you want to continue your practice of using local time, then you'll have to manually change the time zone. It's not hard, especially if you've just landed and the pilot is telling you what the local time is.
The whole point is it should be an OPTION, which apparently it will be is OS 5.0. This is one of the dumber threads I've read.
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