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Old 02-04-2009, 07:18 AM   #2
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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I have never owned a SideKick either. But, if you look around more and more people are walking around with BlackBerrys or other Smartphones. I think in the high pace world we live in, people like to have that connection to all their stuff at any time and any place. And with email being the primary means of communications for a lot of people I think we'll see this continue.

I actually think BlackBerrys are meant for both the professional users who use it to stay on top of their work tasks and younger people. I think with the apps like Facebook, MySpace and other social network apps, younger people have started using BlackBerrys and other Smartphones so they can use those apps.

I'm not sure if the Sidekick supports apps, I do think it supports some sort of web browsing but then again, I'm not sure if the browser is a true HTML browser like BlackBerry or a mobile type browser like what you see with a WinMo device.

Anyway, that is my 2 cents on the topic. Back to work.
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