Thread: Iraq : POLL
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Old 01-26-2009, 09:29 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by greggov View Post
I think they did have WMDs. Why? Because WE GAVE them to Iraq when we backed them in the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980's. They were used against Iran. So I believe they were there.

So where are they now? Well, my guess is as good as yours. They could be anywhere. A lot of Iraq is desert - they could be buried. Just like these Why don't you see that on the news? Beats me. Probably because it could be used as justification for staying there.

We gave Saddam I don't know how many warnings and empty threats over those weapons. And we had to follow through or we wouldn't be taken seriously. Now, if you have something you're not supposed to have, and someone tells you that they are coming to look for said items, do you keep them or try to dispose of (and by dispose of, I mean move to an undisclosed location, not destroy) or try to show them off? Right. Hide them.

[I liken this to college when you're not of the age to drink, you're not supposed to have alcohol in your room, or drugs/paraphernalia. When the RA's or hall directors announce room check over winter break, you hide all of it, or bring it home with you. You do not leave it on your desk to be found.] Same thing here. We announced we were coming to look for it, and they moved them.

Back to the poll - I think if we don't stay, we'll be back. Only the next time, it could be worse, just like this time is worse than the Gulf War in the 90's.
I do not dispute the fact that there was at one time WMD in Iraq because yes we did supply them to Saddam. The Iraqis also were making WMD in those days as well, but post '91 war the country was vastly different. They did not have the $$ to keep those programs going and whatever we had supplied them had been used in their wars with Iran and then the battles with the Kurds. That is how I view the lack of and WMDs or remnants of them. Its hard to hide a whole program of labs & scientists ect..

Although we may never know the truth to that.

As for the "taken seriously", no war should be fought because we are afraid we would not be taken seriously.
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