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Old 01-19-2009, 01:18 PM   #20
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Jan 2009
Model: 8330
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Posts: 48

Originally Posted by ArgonNJ View Post
Having a BB now a days is becoming just as "super trendy" as having an iphone.
It does seem that both the iPhone and BB can be called trendy picks. As someone new to all this it's hard to sort out the hype. As near as I can tell the iPhone wins for interface and the BB is supposed to be best at email (though I don't see where the iPhone is bad at email). The battery and no card swapping is a big issue for the iPhone but (so far) I find the graphical smart phones have much more potential to be insanely useful.

If I could switch carriers I might go the Google phone route. I like what they are doing and I have more confidence in them pleasing the non business user base than I do BB or iPhone. I think BB is more into keeping it's BES base and Apple is more into doing what they think is best instead of what others ask for.
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