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Old 12-10-2008, 07:25 PM   #5
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
Join Date: Jun 2007
Model: 9700
Carrier: Rogers
Posts: 402

I just got my 8900 today and I have noticed how low the earpiece volume and ringtones are. In fact, this was the reason that I got rid of my Bold and went back to the 8310. It appears with every new OS that the volume is getting lower and lower. I find it difficult to hear the other person on my 8900. The only other thing that I have noticed is the leather pouch that it comes with...the phone sticks out of it by about 1 inch...I am assuming this is so the Rogers branding is visible, but I can see the phone getting damaged easily this way, as you have to pull hard to get it out. Other than these two items I find the phone to be very small and the keyboard is great.
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