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Old 11-12-2008, 07:20 AM   #12
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Originally Posted by BlitzSix View Post
In fact, some people don't like 3G because with 3G you (usually) can't have UMA.
I have never come across anything suggesting this before. Please point me to a link if possible. Tmo would put all the money and effort into UMA, only to have it not work with their new 3g network?

I'm like plakius. I signed up with tmo about a year ago, waiting until the Curve was available for uma. I bought the iPhone a week after introduction, only to come home to find reception was limited to the window sill. I had been an otr trucker for years, coming home rarely. I haven't had a land line in that time and no longer want one. My previous phone was a Moto VXXX (forget), a tiny clamshell that worked fine and allowed bt tethering to my Mac laptops practically anywhere in the country. But when I could get a faster laptop card I went for it, spending 60.00 a month extra.

UMA, after a few initial hiccups in the beginning, works great. I can sit on my sofa now while my neighbors are all out in the alley talking on their iPhones. Unlimited calling for 10 bucks a month is a steal.

I have been very happy with my Curve too, my first BB. I just received a free replacement Monday from Rim after mine abruptly stopped turning on or charging.

I had to replace the trackball after my attempt at disassembly, or should I say reassembly, failed miserably. I paid $30.00 to get one same day and then paid $10.00 including shipping for a spare from ebay. Atomic trackball sounds good, if it eliminates the lack of confidence I now have toward the original.

An autofocus camera is very appealing. It's still a camera phone, but as an amateur photographer, it's a great addition.

More processing power is needed in the Curve, and if it ends the hourglass, not just by changing the icon, I will be happy.

I live a block from a corporate tmo store. I played with the G1 a couple weeks ago, but no uma, no Mac sync, no notepad, no Mapquest, ruled that out quickly. The trackball seemed to work well.

I am still tempted by the Flip, but it has the same processor as my Curve, and Mapquest isn't compatible yet (They promised me this quarter). The flip seems to be targeted to first time BB users though, and maybe they will sell well. However I have personally met those who went from the Curve to the Flip, and were disappointed. Mainly the qwerty vs suretype thing. I would also miss the key shortcuts which I have finally learned.

3g is just for "browsing"? Like it's just a meaningless diversion? I have been using Vlingo, the speech to text app. It's cool and works pretty well because it sends your voice to a server, where it is translated and returned to your phone as text. This app allows twittering, opening apps, searching, sending email and texts, etc. 3g would be a plus here.
Mapquest too of course, and weather apps.

I read (I'm no expert) that 3g improves call quality too. I want that in my new phone.

Maybe tmo and rim have their reasons. Maybe everything on the net thus far is wrong. But if I watch my money and don't succumb to the latest and greatest sickness, I will wait for a 3g BB from tmo.

To end this ramble, I am on the fence. I have a two day old Curve now, and the Javelin seems like a minor upgrade, like the camera manufacturers do all the time.

If the bucks aren't a consideration, sure go for it. If you never had a BB, definitely go for it. But for Curve users on tmo who need uma, its iffy. Caneau said it best in one sentence:

Originally Posted by caneau View Post
It's a phone that will undoubtedly be out-classed six months after its release.
Hopefully by a 3g Curve.

Just after posting I came across this. Looks like it's official, in Germany.
BlackBerry Curve 8900 Gets Official in Germany! |

Last edited by galavanter; 11-12-2008 at 08:45 AM..
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