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Old 07-17-2008, 11:18 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by acoustix View Post
"If people will take 10 minutes and read about the Iphone 3G and it's capabilities and how Apple has totally changed this device to a more corporate device and overall a phone that anyone can use from young to old you will realize Apple has indeed set the bar."

I have to disagree on the corporate comment. The iPhone cannot be remotely managed in the same manner as a BlackBerry. The iPhone can only get software from the apple store, whereas I can push out software to the BB from my BES. I can also set policies for the BB, not so much on the iPhone.

Bottom line is that the iPhone is still a personal gadget and has still has no place in the enterprise for companies who truly care about security and policies. Microsoft still has a long way to go in developing ActiveSync, too.
That pretty much echos what I think about the iPhone. I personally am interested in it, but I don't think corporate users are too interested in coverflow album art or pinch/enlarging photos or most of the "wow, look at that" features. The iPhone is all about the big beautiful screen mainly, and the typing, security, email, and synch comes second. You can fanboy it all you want, and it's a remarkable device, but it's not as good as a BB for the corporate messageladen person.
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