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jcl7510 09-16-2004 06:38 PM

Blackberry Screensaver
Just wondering about the screensaver software in the download section. How good is it? Does it require a lot of power? i.e. battery drain I'm using a nextel 7510.

bfrye 09-16-2004 08:06 PM

It's decent, doesn't use much power if you keep it in the holster... I don't see any noticable drain on my 7280 or 7210.

kirson 09-17-2004 01:29 PM

Actually, I'll go further -- It uses almost no power at all -- and is a very nice application. My only comment is that in order to put your own images in the application you have to go through a VERY complicated process.

bfrye 09-17-2004 02:38 PM

Its not THAT complicated. Hehe

Posted wirelessly from a BlackBerry using

kirson 09-17-2004 03:23 PM

LOL -- I have had the experience where I tell people that all they have to do is download and install the JDE, then make sure to have the latest version of the Java SDK (and make sure the PATH variable picks up the correct location), then edit the java source file, build the project, compile the .cod file, copy the new .cod file over the existing one and then run the installer -- that they actually look kind of confused :)

jcl7510 09-19-2004 09:58 AM

Thanks for the repiles. I think I'll give it a try.

bfrye 09-20-2004 07:10 AM

Biggest problem I had with it was returning NULL images or something. But for some strange reason is was due to where the source files were extracted. When I extracted them to the root of the C drive, it worked fine after that.


bhsalzer 09-21-2004 10:03 AM

If you know nothing of JDE and JAva this is a very complicated process but it can be done. Jsut follow the instruction to the t.

bfrye 09-21-2004 10:39 AM

Or with enough brown-nosing and begging you might be able to pursuade one of the veterans around here to help ya out ;)

*innocent blank stare*

kirson 09-21-2004 11:39 AM

The NULL images is the issue that drove most folks nuts. It actually had to do with the location of the project, the images, and the source code. Bottom line - they all have to be under one directory structure.

In other words, put the JDE project is a folder called MY_PROJECTS. Extract the application into that same folder. Put the new images in the IMG folder inside the SCREENSAVED_IMG folder inside that same MY_PROJECTS folders, etc. -- then all the bits and pieces can find each other, and you avoid the NULL image error.

bhsalzer -- a bunch of us would be happy to help folks out if they get in trouble. Also, if you get desperate and simply want a working application with a limited number of images, you could always ask if one of the "veterans" would be willing to compile the application for you -- you could send over the images, and get the revised .cod back -- I've done this for a few people that got too frustrated to get it to work themselves. Happy to do it for a few more -- but it's more fun to get it done yourself!


marriedsonyman 09-25-2004 03:17 PM

im brand new here so sorry if i am not uderstanding. What do i need to do to add my own images to this screensaver. If it was explained above i didnt understand. Thank you

bfrye 09-28-2004 12:21 PM

Open up the package in blackberry sdk.

under screensaver_img, add your new images under the /img directory, then add them to the project.

Open up the .java file (can't remember name, but it's the only one in the screensaver_img project), add your images where they're listed about the middle of the page. Remove the old images if you like. just delete the on the left from the project files list and remove the line linking them in the .java file.

Compile and drop the new .cod file into loader files, along with the stock .cod program file and .alx file.

Ben Fold 10-14-2004 12:31 PM

Why don't you guys use commercially available products like ImageWallet or Terratial ScreenEngager.

bfrye 10-14-2004 01:27 PM

Because this version is free...

buckZor 10-14-2004 07:32 PM

Free doesn't help the economy

bfrye 10-15-2004 10:41 AM

It helps my pocketbook for an application that is merely "fun" though. If it were for a business customer or client, I probably wouldn't consider it. But for personal use, I'd rather have it free or not at all.

johnclevohio 10-26-2004 02:21 PM

Are there any type of screensavers available for the 7100t?

berryapps 11-02-2004 12:53 AM

bfrye 11-02-2004 07:49 AM

Let_It_Ride 11-05-2004 10:22 AM

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