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orenm 07-21-2006 08:13 PM

7290 owner, changing jobs and looking to upgrade

1st, this web site is great!

A couple of questions:

1. Is there a section of the site that talks about service providers (who is good, deals, etc)?
2. Not sure if I'm supposed to split this into separate posts in the appropriate areas, but:

Anyone who has an 8700 and can comment on:
-I love the 7290 because it is unpainted ABS plastic, so scuffs and dings are basically invisible. the painted finish on the 8700 will probably get scratched off and will look terrible after a year or two. i don't want a case because it makes it too bulky. Thoughts?

-keyboard is smaller than 7290 and less comfortable to this true?

-screen is not set back, and thus is more likely to be scratched, etc

3. Any part of the web site that explains what you need to have in order for the Blackberry to work? At my current job, they give it to me, and it works. At my new job, I have to buy the phone and make sure it will work with their systems. What will they need to have? One guy there definitely uses a bbry, but it is a small company so not sure if they have the expensive enterprise software. Also, can I have this hooked up to my work email and a personal email account? How do I do this?

Not necessarily looking for answers (I'm guessing some of the above are huge questions), but if you could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot!

Halford 08-10-2006 10:20 AM

My fingers are big... and i didnt like the 8700 keyboard. I remember the Ford company that made Taurus cars a lot smaller (from Medsize to Compact!). The reason is to save gas...

Now BB doesnt need to save gas... or whatever to do with energy... WHY did RIM make 8700 keyboard smaller, I dont know why.... It wasnt wise on their part. I might need to let my nails grow longer.... so I can type on 8700 keyboard but I shouldnt need to change myself to make 8700 work for me...

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