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KennyC 04-02-2006 05:29 PM

New Ringtones Without A Data Plan!
Put away the flamethrowers folks, because I'm not asking the question . . . actually I'm answering it. :smile:

Yep, I've found a way to do it. Maybe this process has been covered before, but believe me when I say I've searched and only found "Sorry, gotta have a data plan." I don't, because I don't have a real need for it (though I suspect the prospect of Internet everywhere will win me over someday :wink: ) but wanted my calendar, tasks, and contacts, couldn't have a camera phone at work, wanted bluetooth, and couldn't resist the $70 price tag. I really wanted to get some decent ringtones for my 7100g, however.

So here's how it can be done:

1) Perform a selective backup with Desktop Manager, saving only Content Space from your real Blackberry, then disconnect
2) Download/Install the Blackberry JDE
3) Start the MDS Simulator
4) Start the BB Simulator (probably best to choose your specific model)
5) Simulate a USB connection
6) Restore the back up from 1) to the simulated BB
7) Surf to the web site that has your ringtone and save it to the simulated BB
8) Perform a selective backup with Desktop Manager, saving only Content Space from the simulated BB
9) Disconnect/Close the simulated BB
10) Connect your real BB
11) Use Desktop Manager to perform a selected restore of the saved Content Space
12) Go to Profiles>Show Tone and find your new content!

I can't promise this'll work for everyone as I've only tried it with my 7100g, but I can't see a reason it wouldn't work. I suspect it also works as a way to get images onto a BB without a data plan as well.

Thanks to HuwSy for walkthrough suggestion!

Well, I hope this helps someone! This is my first post here, this is a great forum - I've really learned a lot already. 8-)

x2dg 04-02-2006 10:12 PM

ive been looking to do this for sometime now but never found a way,and the way u explained to me i find it confusing cause i dont kno what is JDE and #3 has me confused.

coreyg510 04-02-2006 10:37 PM


As we have discussed many times before, searching for things that you dont understand helps everyone, most importantly, you.

A google search on JDE turned up this:

Please try searching on things that you are confused on before posting. Thanks!! :smile:

KennyC 04-02-2006 10:38 PM

JDE = Java Development Environment. A quick search could have told you that. It also comes with the simulator, which is a virtual BlackBerry on your computer's desktop. You can get it the JDE here:

Download and install the JDE and it should become clearer to you.

HuwSy 04-07-2006 12:55 PM

Wont this overwrite everything in your content space. If so might be worth adding:

2a. Backup content space off your blackberry
2b. Restore the back up from 2a. to the simulation

HuwSy 04-07-2006 04:03 PM

Phew that was more laborius than expected. Thankfully i didnt have to convert any mp3 samples to adp too. But yes they do work. Now if someone could only work out an easier way.

KennyC 04-07-2006 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by HuwSy
Wont this overwrite everything in your content space. If so might be worth adding:

2a. Backup content space off your blackberry
2b. Restore the back up from 2a. to the simulation

Very good point, thank you. I have incorporated this into the instructions.

HuwSy 04-08-2006 07:31 PM

just a slight change needed i think,
5) Surf to the web site that has your ringtone and save it to the simulated BB
should be after
7) Restore the back up from 1) to the simulatede BB

is ther no way of accessing the database files directly asif they are zip files or some similar analogy. Or connecting the bb and having windows seeing the content store database as a mass storage device allowing direct access through explorer, Im aware the latter would require some application on the bb similar to card export on the palm but has noone managed to make one?

KennyC 04-08-2006 08:55 PM

Indeed it should, thanks again. With your help I might one day get the instructions correct and complete. ;-)

IIRC, some of the picture/slideshow programs may allow direct loading into the filesystem. I have though about giving it a try myself, as I do know Java, but I'm not up to coughing up the $100 key fee to access those classes.

HuwSy 04-09-2006 04:12 AM

Ah that explains why noones done it yet. I suppose the only other option then is to creat a basic gui that does the above through jloader and sending windows keyboard commands to the simulation window. All in a minimalistic version of the sim & jde package. Maybe that wont happen, far too much work for 11 simple steps.

chris5h 04-10-2006 01:17 PM

Man, I must have somthing wrong.

When I try to run the MDS service, I get an error saying "The system cannot execute the specified program" and then when I run the simulator, it can never connect to a website, and the GPRS letters by the signal indicator are all lowercase, like it is not hooked up.

Anybody have any suggestions?

HuwSy 04-10-2006 02:11 PM

Hum... I cant get my system to do that, even after removing jdk. I assume you have jre installed? Does the MDS server leave any logs which might explain. Look in:
C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry JDE 4.1.0\MDS\logs
assuming its installed in the default location.

KennyC 04-10-2006 04:58 PM

Yeah I haven't seen that either, what Huw says and check those logs...

chris5h 04-10-2006 06:22 PM

I have the JRE installed. I even downloaded and installed the newest version, and I still get the same error. I have no error logs anywhere

thriller 04-11-2006 01:01 PM

when it says backup content space what exactly does that include ? or am i able to do a full backup and then restore the full backup to the simulator ?

A little clearing upwould help on this

KennyC 04-11-2006 01:08 PM

Thriller, if you go to Desktop Manger>Backup and Restore>Advanced then you can select just Content Space.

A full backup might work but it isn't as elegant I suppose.

thriller 04-11-2006 01:19 PM

so what does content space include ? i am jsut wondering, is it only the ringtones ? where are the wallpapers stored as i was wondering if it possible to do the same.

HuwSy 04-11-2006 02:31 PM

thriller: Content space is everything from saved pictures, ringtones and saved webpages or anything else that your able to save under bb browser. Its the equivelent of your home directory on your pc (my documents for windows users)

chris5h: assuming you'v installed JDE in the default location "C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry JDE 4.1.0" and Java in "C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1_5_0_06" then open a command prompt (start > run > cmd) and type the following statments in order including all the quotes, and let me know your progress:


cd "C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry JDE 4.1.0\MDS"


"C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1_5_0_06\bin\java.exe" -classpath !BMDS_CLASSPATH!;!BMDS_CLASSPATH2!;!BMDS_CLASSPATH 3! -DKeystore.Password=password net.rim.application.ipproxyservice.IPProxyServiceA pplication -log.console.dump

HuwSy 04-11-2006 02:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by HuwSy
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1_5_0_06\bin\java.exe" -classpath !BMDS_CLASSPATH!;!BMDS_CLASSPATH2!;!BMDS_CLASSPATH 3! -DKeystore.Password=password net.rim.application.ipproxyservice.IPProxyServiceA pplication -log.console.dump

For some reason this does not display properly on the web page so instead try the attached bat, just download it rename it from .txt to .bat and double click to run. You will need explorer to be showing known file extensions (tools > folder options > view > show known file extensions) to rename it.

chris5h 04-11-2006 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by HuwSy
For some reason this does not display properly on the web page so instead try the attached bat, just download it rename it from .txt to .bat and double click to run. You will need explorer to be showing known file extensions (tools > folder options > view > show known file extensions) to rename it.

Yes, I have the JDE and JRS both current and installed.
I downloaded and ran your BAT file. I didnt do anything. It would flicker and then dissapear. I did a command window to show you what it said (or rather didnt say :))
Thanks for your help BTW.

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