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davecason 01-11-2012 10:01 PM

I'm just about done!`
Hi !

So is it JUST me or does anyone else out there know why in the heck I can't get to Google.M or even fregging Hotmail or YouTube.

Telus (my provider) says its because its a Blackberry and its crap for the web (they say it compresses the data and a bunch of other stuff) and lately I'm inclined to believe it ..... is it true that everyone CAN'T stream from YouTube? My bloody 9800 sure as hell can't !

Even tho I have only 6 GB of data on my plan per month !! Yea, 6 GB ..... where can I trade a BB 9800 Torch for an IPhone ?


tsac 01-11-2012 10:08 PM

Re: I'm just about done!`
Your carrier is full of "XXXX" The Blackberry requires a specific Blackberry Data plan to access these sites and other internet functions.

What do I need a Data Plan for? - BlackBerryFAQ

All those work very well by the way.

JuniorABCA 01-11-2012 11:12 PM

Re: I'm just about done!`
I am on Telus and have no issues.. the odd video won't play on youtube but that is something to do with the video formats from what I have been reading..

I agree with tsac that you have to have a properly provisioned BIS data plan.

adperdue 01-12-2012 09:58 AM

Re: I'm just about done!`
Some videos on Youtube won't play due to music licencing. If the song owner wishes it, a video won't play on a mobile device.
Posted via Mobile

davecason 01-13-2012 01:14 AM

Re: I'm just about done !
OK, so maybe the Telus guys are bullshitting me !!?!

As for the phone, don't get me wrong when I was just BB'ing and texting its dandy but now that I need and WANT to hit the web, it acts like crap !

So I called Telus at *611 and the tech told me that because its a BB the data stream gets compressed and thus I can't use YouTube very well and it appears so ...

Even sometimes when I go to hit Facebook sometime's it's happy and other times I just stare at a blank screen waiting for a refresh. Yes I am using FB for BB (it came on the phone) and I am trying to hit Google.m not the regular page.

I also seen to be seeing two differnent streams on FB on my PC it's feed XYZ and on my phone it's got game notification's and crap that I thought I blocked !

Of course it might be operator error so if anyone had any suggestions or advice for Telus ... I'm all ears !


aiharkness 01-13-2012 07:18 AM

Re: I'm just about done!`
If you are really using an 88XX series BlackBerry as your profile indicates, not only are you running an old system, the browser is way behind what it is nowadays with the latest OS versions. You'll need to recognize the limitations and live with them if you intend to continue using that device.

I can't comment on facebook. Don't use it.

And FYI most salespeople and even the technically inclined carrier reps don't know BlackBerrys. They repeat what they've heard, or sometimes, it seems, just make stuff up in order to give you an answer.

Last point, if that is an 88XX series BlackBerry, you don't have much memory to work with. If you are running 4.5 the small amount becomes even more noticeable. Pick and choose the two or three apps you really, really need, and stick with that for a while and see how things go. Add an additional app or two with some consideration, and remember to keep an eye on your free memory. You'll probably be in the situation where you have to decide what to get rid of before you add something else.
Posted via Mobile

JuniorABCA 01-14-2012 11:10 AM

Re: I'm just about done !
I agree with aiharkness about the tech guys sometimes just saying whatever to make you think it is not their fault. I am able to get youtube on my phone, except for the odd time like I stated earlier..

As for the facebook thing.. That is working right. The BB app does not block the game notifications. However if you click where it says facebook, when the app is loaded, and choose to see the status updates the game notifications go away.. That is how I have used it in the past and lately I just don't bother with it on the BB...

Hope that helps and sorry to hear you are having so much trouble with the youtube thing..

davecason 01-16-2012 05:57 PM

Re: I'm just about done!`
Thanks for the great advice .... I used you tube and facebook as an example but even today I wanted to get to a site called DYNDNS that I use for routing and even today - it just hung. No real reason but do you think that BB has an "issue" so to speak with the web and google in general?

Should I use the link in "Browser" that came with the phone or google's main page or google.m or some other way to get to google? Do youu think it's the way I connect to the internet on the phone or the phone itself? Is there anything I should be worried about if I have 3G and full bars? I wouldn't think the phone would hang all the time if I have full sig strength, but is there an update I should look for?!

The phone is actually a: BB 9800 Torch Mod: RCY71UW PRO- 27803-035 and it has a 4Gb Sandisk in the back. I'll fix the dyslexia in my profile ! (grin) Sorry bout' that.

I do make the effort to keep the phone current everytime the Apps icon says too, is there anything else I can do to speed up the performance of the phone on the web?

For messaging its great for YouTube and Broweing - not so hot!


JSanders 01-17-2012 04:52 PM

Re: I'm just about done!`


JuniorABCA 01-17-2012 10:54 PM

Re: I'm just about done!`
You could also try using Opera Mobile. I have used it on this phone and it works too. I can use the default browser without issues here in Edmonton so I am not too sure what else to tell you, from my limited knowledge...

For google I have used as well as and it will usually redirect me to the mobile site..

cowgirl05 01-22-2012 10:52 PM

Re: I'm just about done!`
I have the BB Torch, 9850. I don't do a lot of youtube, but it does do just a super job when I ask for one. And this browser really is faster than the ones I've had before. So the Torch can do a GREAT job with at least youtube. I won't use FB on it though, so can't comment.

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