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Swift07 03-08-2011 09:32 AM

Why is my data getting used uP so fast
I have the blackberry curve 8310
Yesterday I added the 200mb data plan so AT&T can shut up about me not having a data plan LOL
I didn't use much data at all
Only went to download face book , twitter,crunch SMS , and black berry app world
And I also set up my email
Threw out the day I think I checked fb 5 times for no more then 2 minutes at a time
Same goes for twitter

When I got home it said I had used 8.45 mb
This morning I woke up and it said i used 11.74 which Is weird since I used NO data yet today :-/
Could it be cuz I get emails to my phone that it's always running now?

Please help :( I DON'T want to go over my limit esppicaly when I'm hardly using it

Swift07 03-08-2011 09:46 AM

Re: Why is my data getting used uP so fast
Also does crunch SMS use data plan? I'm hearing so many different things that I'm just confused now :(

Dubdub 03-08-2011 10:22 AM

Re: Why is my data getting used uP so fast
Facebook and twitter use a lot of data, and are generally running in the background all the time unless you close them down when you are finished using them. Email also uses data, but not that much since they are compressed by RIM when sent.

I am surprised that the 200 MB plan with AT&T will give you a BB connection to RIM. Maybe a new plan? Last I checked, you had to have the $30 BB data plan for RIM services.

adperdue 03-08-2011 11:28 AM

Re: Why is my data getting used uP so fast
The 200 meg plan gives you full BB data, not just em-l and bbm. I would suggest deleting facebook and twitter, or getting SocialScope to consolidate the data to one app, then changing the settings to wifi only. Also, if your really worried about how much data you use, either change to the 2 gig plan or use the SmartLimits feature to make sure you don't go over your allotment.
Posted via Mobile

Swift07 03-08-2011 12:19 PM

Re: Why is my data getting used uP so fast
But how is it that my friend has the same 200 mb. Plan with blackberry and she uses the same apps but never goes over the limit

jaszman 03-11-2011 02:51 PM

Re: Why is my data getting used uP so fast
I really don't know why facebook and twitter use so much data, but I do know that of the apps you've listed they are always considered big data users. I have a 200 mb data plan and I use BB E-mail (10 to 20 a day), BBM, Berry weather, and Blackberry app world, and I never use more than 10mbs a month. Its never the Blackberry apps that eat the data.

Also just as has been stated earlier, are you sure you are closing the application (facebook or twitter) when you are finished using it. If you just exit the application it will continue to connect to itself forever untill you close it or remove the battery to close all open applications and reset the phone.

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