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juliiie 01-20-2011 11:16 AM

Help on BBM/wifi connection
Hi everyone

I saw on the threads tht ppl r using BBM over wifi !

I have this problem with my BB9300: I have the blackberry data plan, i have the service books nd the correct simcard, BBM is working fine over 3G connection (mobile network) but when I connect it only to wifi BBM just wont work (messages are waiting for my mobile network to come back to be sent, nd I wont receive anything).

While on wifi only, I have access to the internet, but not to apps like appworld ...

Can it come from some wifi sometimes offering UMA and sometimes not ?
Do u know if it comes from wrong settings, or do you have any idea wht I can do ?
Thanks !

Jadey 01-20-2011 12:06 PM

Re: Help on BBM/wifi connection
You posted this question in three places. I have now deleted the other posts.
Please do not triple-post queries on BBF... It won't get you an answer any faster!

aiharkness 01-20-2011 12:59 PM

Re: Help on BBM/wifi connection
BBM definitely will (or "can" may be the better word, not sure) on wifi alone. Same for all the BlackBerry apps. If you lose connection to the RIM network, however, then no, even if you are still connected to wifi. (If the white portion of the wifi indicator changes from bright white to dull/grey, then you are not connected to the RIM/BlackBerry network.)

First, have you done a hard reset? If not, with the power on, remove the battery for at least 30 seconds. Then try again. Pay attention to the wifi status indicator.

If it is your router, also try a full power off/on cycle on the router and modem.

juliiie 01-20-2011 05:42 PM

Re: Help on BBM/wifi connection
I have try these reset but its not doing anything ...
I ran a wifi diagnostic test :

1) the wifi parameters are fine (ip, signal level, network acquired)
2) there is nothing in the VPN info (im sorry I have no idea wht this is lol)
3) in the UMA details it reads :
UMA wifi availble : ok
BUT connection : no
status : ISP or wireless network error
4) blackberry infrastructure : not connected

does tht mean im connected to the internet but not to the BB servers ?
if so, how can I manage to get connected ?

Thanks for your answer !

juliiie 01-20-2011 05:47 PM

Re: Help on BBM/wifi connection
and yes the wifi logo is grey nd not white ...

MidnightDraven 01-20-2011 05:55 PM

Re: Help on BBM/wifi connection
Yes that means connected to your router, but not to BB servers.

aiharkness 01-20-2011 06:00 PM

Re: Help on BBM/wifi connection
The only other thing I know to try is resending service books, but your first post reads like you have already tried that. But if not, see How do I resend my service books? - BlackBerryFAQ.

If you've done a hard reset, and BlackBerry services work on the mobile network, you connect to the router on wifi, and you can browse the internet on wifi only, then I'm at a loss why BBM doesn't work on wifi. It does sound from the diagnostics that you aren't connecting to the RIM BlackBerry network.

If resending service books doesn't do it, I don't know what else to do. See what others say.
Posted via Mobile

juliiie 01-21-2011 04:03 AM

Re: Help on BBM/wifi connection
Yeah I tried the service books already ...
I am gonna try again on some other wifi connections, and I will let you know !

thanks for the help anyway !!

aiharkness 01-21-2011 07:08 AM

Re: Help on BBM/wifi connection
Post an update when you can.

Also, for what it's worth, you mentioned UMA in your first post above. I've noticed lately when traveling, in hotels, UMA drops a lot. At home on my router, it is solid, alway connected. So at least for the UMA, I tend to doubt it has anything to do with your handset.

I'll be curious to see if the BBM works on another wifi.

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