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iamkidd 12-20-2010 10:20 PM

Facebook Message Issue
I have my Facebook notifications integrated with my BB Messages folder. When I upgraded Facebook to 1.9 from 1.8, Facebook/BB pulled literally EVERY message I had ever sent within Facebook. I went through each message one by one and deleted it off the Facebook server as well as off my BlackBerry. The problem I now have is I have 1 FB message that won't delete from my bb. It is pulling within the actual Facebook app itself and also showing in the messages folder (because they are integrated) Everytime I delete it from the Fb app, it reappears there when I go back into the app. I have also deleted it off the Facebook server too (via the actual website). I have tried battery pulls, deleting and reinstalling and the same 1 damn message keeps popping up. Does anybody have any advise as to how I can remove this for good from my BlackBerry?? Please help. Thanks!!
Posted via Mobile

SteveO86 12-22-2010 11:00 AM

Re: Facebook Message Issue
I had this issue as well. After trying to delete man times and performing quite a few battery pulls they are dissappeared.

It might actually be easier to delete your old messages from the FB website, those changes should then make it down to the BlackBerry.

Pathfinder1 02-14-2011 06:45 AM

Re: Facebook Message Issue
I have the same issue. It's happened a couple times and I have tried everything and the ONLY way I have gotten rid of the message is to uninstall the FB app from my 9630 and the reinstall it.


Pirata 02-14-2011 04:31 PM

Re: Facebook Message Issue
have the same issue
my fc keeps showing already deleted messages
battery pull.... done
delete fc re install it... done
install older version.... done
device wipe... done
phone wipe and os reinstall... done

nothing works for me

angiega 02-15-2011 10:25 AM

Re: Facebook Message Issue
I have the same problem as of yesterday - there is just one message that I sent weeks ago that will not delete from the BB, it is not on the main FB account on the computer. It shouldn't be a big deal but that little icon showing me I have a FB message when I don't, really bugs me !!

I have done battery pulls, deleted and reinstalled the FB app and NOTHING works grrrrrr

Hope they get this figured out soon !!

Pirata 02-22-2011 10:37 AM

Re: Facebook Message Issue
I found this post...

Folks, I have an update from Blackberry directly.... se below...

Thank you for contacting BlackBerry Technical Support. It was a pleasure to speak with you as we worked to resolve your issue.

The "new" messages/Facebook email development has not been rolled out to everyone yet. They are rolling it out by region, I believe.

Your question: I hope this will be fixed in forthcoming releases, but can you confirm that this is the issue? YES it will be fixed/supported in future releases of the Facebook for BlackBerry app.

Looks like there is nothing to do to resolve this short term.

Pirata 03-02-2011 08:40 PM

Re: Facebook Message Issue
New version fixes the problem for me, now y get message notifications and deleted messages just disappears...

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