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mriff 03-08-2010 10:36 PM

Supreme Court Hearing on Westboro Baptist Church
So what does the crowd think about this group?

Justices to hear case over protests at military funerals -

TBOLTRAM 03-09-2010 07:52 AM

The Westburo Baptist Church, due to it's extreme political agenda, should not be considered a nonprofit and be taxed. This would solve a lot of problems.

kathrynhr 03-09-2010 10:43 AM

I'm tired of hearing about freedom of speech. Where's my freedom FROM speech? I can't wait until technology advances to such a point that each of us can selectively turn off any sound of this nature that offends. I want the right to silence.

On topic: I'm glad the court took up this issue. I'm not sure freedom of speech applies. Funerals and other such memorial services are not public gatherings, and most are not conducted on publicly owned property. Even in the case of those that are, I doubt the family (or any reasonable bystander) would conclude that because a graveside service takes place on a public burial area, the service is automatically opened to any and all outsiders.

jsconyers 03-09-2010 11:17 AM

I am not religious at all, but since when is it okay for people to promote hate through Christianity? I always thought Christianity preached morals, respect, the 10 Commandments, the "do unto others" mantra.

Stories like these push me further from religion.

Noodle22 03-09-2010 02:34 PM

They ruin it for the rest of us. I've considered going to church before to explore different faiths, but this kind of stuff makes me not want to.

I think they lose more followers this way.

jsconyers 03-09-2010 02:40 PM

I especially like this comment that was posted in the link


I saw this story on TV and felt compelled to reply. I am a 2 time veteren of the iraqi war and this story just hit a nerve. I have lost many fellow soldiers to this war and this display just reiterates what most soldiers are thinking, do people really appreciate our service and sacrifices. I know that most people do by the love and respect soldiers receive from strangers but when you are in a foreign land then you tend to forget sometimes. I am all for free speech and protect it on a daily basis but this goes far and beyond that. By this being a church that is demostrating just makes matter worse. They are supposed to preach love and redemption but instead they are preaching hate and bigatry. There is a time and a place to preach free speech and it is not at a funeral for soldiers that just lost their lives defending this great country. I can only imagine if they would have showed up at my soldiers funeral how things would have turned out. That is a private time for grieving for someone who has made the ultimate sacrifice and they are impeding on it. If you want to protest about homosexual things go write an intelligent article or do a spot on tv. Do not go to soldiers funerals and display signs saying their deaths are in any way related to how america is. I hope that the judgement for the money gets overturned and the father of the brave marine that lost his life gets retributions. I hope that will send a loud message to this church to stop preaching bigatry

TBOLTRAM 03-09-2010 03:17 PM

Again, tax the turkeys.

monkeypaw 03-09-2010 04:06 PM

This isn't a church, it's a cult. They'll win the free speech basis. However free speech doesn't mean you can direct anything you want at another person. Harassment, libel, stalking, disturbing the peace, etc. are all enforceable.

Their signs are generic, but some DA should take them on as it is clearly directed at the families. I found this definition of harassment:


Under the United States Code Title 18 Subsection 1514(c)1. Harassment is defined as "a course of conduct directed at a specific person that causes substantial emotional distress in such a person and serves no legitimate purpose".
Harassment-A legal definition

test54 03-09-2010 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Noodle22 (Post 1576876)
They ruin it for the rest of us. I've considered going to church before to explore different faiths, but this kind of stuff makes me not want to.

I think they lose more followers this way.


angelbear1973 03-10-2010 12:28 PM

the entire church is one family

kathrynhr 03-31-2010 07:38 AM

OK, I'm pissed. The family has been ordered to pay the court costs of the picketers:

Dead Marine's father ordered to pay protesters' legal costs -

jsconyers 03-31-2010 07:45 AM

This is my own back yard, York PA. About 20 minutes from where I live. I read this the other day and was going to post this but it seriously pissed me off too.

mriff 03-31-2010 02:13 PM

These people claim to be Christians. They are not. They are monsters. They should be confronted. And run out of town every city they infest. There should be flash mobs set up to take them on where ever they go.

jsconyers 03-31-2010 02:19 PM

I am not a fan of Michael Moore, but I did enjoy watching this:

YouTube - Michael Moore vs Westboro Baptist Church

LunkHead 03-31-2010 02:19 PM

I am shocked that this family has not been *taken out* yet.....

mriff 03-31-2010 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by LunkHead (Post 1588070)
I am shocked that this family has not been *taken out* yet.....

I was thinking the same thing. They are messing with people who are keenly aware of how to use all kinds of weapons.

test54 03-31-2010 09:41 PM

I think this calls for some kind of flash mob like mriff said. They are despicable and should be dealt with. Freedom of speech is important but should not impinge on others right to mourn their loved ones.

daphne 03-31-2010 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by jsconyers (Post 1588069)
I am not a fan of Michael Moore, but I did enjoy watching this:

YouTube - Michael Moore vs Westboro Baptist Church

Ditto. Great video.

ezrunner 04-01-2010 06:33 AM

Wirelessly posted (well lookie here!)

Sickening. I'm trying to figure out why the family has to pay the picketers court costs! Where is John Rambo I'd like to send him in after these morons!

Noodle22 04-01-2010 08:21 AM

I finally got a chance to watch that video. It makes me sick to my stomach to think people still act like that and say it's in the name of god.

And what's with the liberal use of the word "***"? It's like they feel better everytime they say it.

Why can't we treat gay people the same as straight people? Why can't we all be treated as PEOPLE? I will say I am an open minded person, I don't have a gender preference, I have a "human" preference. I can love someone based on who they are, not their gender. I love the gay community here, it's one of the best. I was a parade marshall in the gay pride parade, too.

I just can't believe in this day and age there are still so many backwards people. And when I see children holding up those signs it makes me sad in my heart, now they will grow up ignorant and hateful.

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