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joebogey 03-05-2010 11:01 PM

So who's going to be the first gineau pig to try it? Is anyone already using it? I and currently using Google Sync to sync with my Google address book which I manually merge with my MSN address book. For business I also use an AOL email address, also on my BB, and this looks like it could be a good program.

So looking for someone with experience before I install and create more problems.


joebogey 04-07-2010 05:59 AM

Wirelessly posted (The bane of my existance)

Well, I took the plunge and installed aol sync. I'll be removing it today. First, when it syncs it also syncs you 'safe sender list' so now I have about 20 entries for 'Empty Contact'. Secondly, it also created anywhere from 3 to 12 entries for every other contact! I tried deleting the duplicates from the web address book and no luck. I tried deleting from my BB address book and no luck. I tried deleting from the web address book and my BB address book and they were still there after a sync. I can't even say that the documentation was bad, as it was non-existant. So today I will be uninstalling the app and will use the gmail web and the google sync app to fix my address book.

lraed74 04-07-2010 07:35 AM

Have you thought of trying backupassistant from Verizon, it is free. I did this and you can view all your contacts when you log into your Verizon acct.

joebogey 04-07-2010 10:02 AM

I was looking for something to keep my email and phone contacts in sync. I previously had a Company BB on BES with Lotus notes, so I was able to use my BB to manage a single address book for both email and phone contacts. I was looking to do the same with this BB which is my own personal BB on BIS. My two primary email services are and Right now I use Google sync to sync my BB with a gmail account, I then manually sync the gmail account with my msn account. I've used the Verizon BUA before on a phone only device and like it for that, but with the merging of both phone and email contacts, and updating my msn address book it doesn't fit. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.

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