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bucknasty 12-17-2005 03:20 PM

Shutdown:BES Customers not effected?
I keep seeing all this about the berry shutdown. If your company runs a Berry Enterprise Server, the shutdown won't effect you, will it?

this shutdown only effects the "rim" servers that RIM outsources to the cingurlar's, Verizon, etc. That is how individuals get push mail.

if your company owns a BES server, the BES working with Notes or Exchange is doing all the "push", not RIM's outsources servers.

I can't see RIM trying to push out an automatic update to a private owned BES Server that is behind a firewall that "breaks" it from doing push email. Who knows what else the update might break. The lawsuits for this could be huge if RIM were to "force" some type of upgrade to a BES server and the upgrade kills the companies server.

Am I correct on this?

Purduecoz 12-17-2005 03:42 PM

The "push" that the BES server does still utilizes RIM's network to deliver mail to your handheld. So, short answer is yes, a shutdown of RIM's BlackBerry network would affect environments that utilize BES. No, you're not correct. :)

NJBlackBerry 12-17-2005 03:48 PM

You don't understand how BES works. If RIM cuts the secure connection the corporate BES and the RIM servers, NO MORE PUSH E-MAIL. End of story.

trancemaasta 12-17-2005 05:37 PM

HH > Network > Internet > RIM > Internet > Company Firewall > BES > Mail System > Recipient ........ i.e since they are in Series removing RIM = NO MORE BES/BIS .... Shutdown!!!

jnelson2000 12-17-2005 06:26 PM

Dude, each carrier has its own gateway with RIM. Cut that tie, and no e-mail. How to you think your e-mail gets from the BES to your Handheld??? The carrier.

bucknasty 12-18-2005 10:16 AM

I didn't think that RIM was involved when a BES is being used.

thought it went bb>carrier>carriergw2inet>Inet>fw>CorpBES

Where does RIM fit in? The unit uses an AES tunnel back to my corproate BES server via the carries gateway into the internet. That tunnel is provided via Verizon/Nextel, etc.

Are you guys telling me that RIM is somewhere in the middle of this? Can somone point me to a white paper that shows that "RIM" is playing the middle man with their network if a BES is involved.

Now, I could see that each carrier has a Berry2Inet gateway of some sorts, but that would be in each carriers datacenter, not running over the Rim network.

The reason I don't "buy" having to pass thru RIM is in the past when nextel has problems with their email to berry's, we were not effected cause we don't the nextel/rim server infrastructure as our server. That is what our Bes does.


tomryan 12-18-2005 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by bucknasty
I didn't think that RIM was involved when a BES is being used.

thought it went bb>carrier>carriergw2inet>Inet>fw>CorpBES

Where does RIM fit in? The unit uses an AES tunnel back to my corproate BES server via the carries gateway into the internet. That tunnel is provided via Verizon/Nextel, etc.

Are you guys telling me that RIM is somewhere in the middle of this? Can somone point me to a white paper that shows that "RIM" is playing the middle man with their network if a BES is involved.

Now, I could see that each carrier has a Berry2Inet gateway of some sorts, but that would be in each carriers datacenter, not running over the Rim network.

The reason I don't "buy" having to pass thru RIM is in the past when nextel has problems with their email to berry's, we were not effected cause we don't the nextel/rim server infrastructure as our server. That is what our Bes does.


The BES maintains an outbound connection to one of rim's srp (Server Router Protocol) servers.. remove the srp (i.e. rim) from the equation and its dead..

you don't need a whitepaper, just look at how a bes is setup :)

NJBlackBerry 12-18-2005 12:05 PM

BES points to one of the three RIM data centers via port 3101 of your firewall. Don't believe it? Shut down port 3101. NO MORE BB E-MAIL.

Berry One 12-18-2005 01:30 PM


The reason I don't "buy" having to pass thru RIM is in the past when nextel has problems with their email to berry's, we were not effected cause we don't the nextel/rim server infrastructure as our server.
Email from blackberry works this way (if you are using MS Exchange):

Blackberry->wireless carrier->RIM->BES->MS Exchange Server->Internet

Email to blackberry works this way:

Internet->MS Exchange Server->BES->RIM->wireless carrier->blackberry

Your Exchange server down: only your company impacted.
Wireless carrier network down: only subscribers using this network impacted.
RIM is down: all blackberries impacted.

You "not buying" that fact is the proof RIM runs damn good infrastructure which goes down very, very infrequently. Infrequently enough not to notice it exists. This is the way we like it.:)

bucknasty 12-18-2005 07:43 PM

I stand corrected! :) Thanks for letting me know. You are correct, RIM has one hell of an infrastructure.

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