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hedone.hawker 12-17-2008 11:14 AM

Hedone Design "Inside" theme for Bold, 88xx, 83xx and 81xx
5 Attachment(s)
Theme name: Hedone Design "Inside" theme
Theme author: Hedone Design
Theme credits: Hedone Design
Supported Device Model(s) and OS: Bold, all Curve (8300 models) 4.2 and 4.5OS, all 8800 models 4.2 and 4.5 OS and all Pearl (8100) models in a day or two (i'll let u know when its up)
Download Link(s): Hedone Design in Life
Theme Cost: 7$

"Inside" is made for Bold (9xxx) but will be available in a day or two for Curve (83xx), Pearl (81xx) and 88xx Blackberries too.

"Inside" its clean and sharp theme made for those who have a lot of friends with other phones but BBs. I allways have to explain my friends why my BBs (Bold and Curve) are better than their phones. Well from now on I'm gonna show them that BlackBerry is made like a Swiss watch!

This theme took more time than i expect I'll need to finish it. Animation have two weels in it that represent "inside" of watch. And I even used graphics from reall switch watch to make this animation.

Altought this theme have only 3 buttons on Home screen u can chose your self what buttons that will be! and for more information on HomeScreen u have Today Plus option included in Bold (as seen on pics below).
"Inside" doesnt show Carrier on Home Screen! A lot of you users told me that you don't need it on Home Screen so if u really wanna know what carrier you are on, u can always check it on Application screen.

for more information check store or my blog.

hedone.hawker 12-18-2008 07:08 AM

i've got notice that pics where not shown in this post... so i updated those pics... hope u can see them now!

gameboy213 12-18-2008 10:18 PM

there is only a bold download available it seems

gameboy213 12-20-2008 07:46 PM

When will the curve versions be available?

hedone.hawker 12-21-2008 02:50 PM

Here you go!!! 83xx and 88xx are on!!!
5 Attachment(s)

Im glad i can tell u that 83xx and 88xx theme is up!!! check my blog for more info if needed!

and here are some pics!

fenderf4i 12-21-2008 10:26 PM

I have this theme for my 8330. Why is it on the main animated screen that you scroll up and down to choose the icons? It would make more sense to have to scroll left and right as they are laid out horizontally. Is this something that will be changed in the future?

hedone.hawker 12-22-2008 09:53 AM

well i have it on my 8310 too and navigation is horizontal as it was made. ill try to uninstall it and ill try again to see if something went wrong with this...

can u pls just select some other theme on ur BB and than reset this one to defaults and select it again? and let me know... my mail is in my signiture!


Shaun 12-22-2008 10:19 AM

This is a small suggestion but may help you out quite a bit... Can you post a video of the theme in use? A lot of the animated themes are not as "smooth" as a user would like and make many of us a little scared to throw down $7 again, only to get a theme that hangs or lags.

Seeing a video would be as close to a demo or trial that most prospective buyers would need.

poolbizz 12-22-2008 03:18 PM

Have it on my 8820 , Excellent.... Nice and smooth ....

To select icons you scroll up and down not side ways

soxfan2003 12-22-2008 04:30 PM

I have this theme and its nice. However the thumbnails above show a "today" like appearance...Is that only on the bold that the emails and calendar events show?

hedone.hawker 12-23-2008 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Shaun (Post 1218964)
This is a small suggestion but may help you out quite a bit... Can you post a video of the theme in use? A lot of the animated themes are not as "smooth" as a user would like and make many of us a little scared to throw down $7 again, only to get a theme that hangs or lags.

Seeing a video would be as close to a demo or trial that most prospective buyers would need.

Thanx for this advice!!! i will try to make video for new themes!!! it actualy make sence!!! ;) thanx! really!


Originally Posted by soxfan2003 (Post 1219498)
I have this theme and its nice. However the thumbnails above show a "today" like appearance...Is that only on the bold that the emails and calendar events show?

yes for now this function is only working on Bold theme! But in a few days u may exect Today version of "Inside" for 83xx and 88xx!

djak 12-24-2008 01:05 AM

Is the 81xx version still coming?

hedone.hawker 12-24-2008 03:58 AM

yes... it tooked me a bit longer than expected, but will be out... just need some more time for it...

hedone.hawker 01-09-2009 10:05 AM

81xx Pearl version is out!!!
4 Attachment(s)
Ok here it is... 81xx Pearl BlackBerry version is here!!!

Theme name: Hedone Design "Inside" theme for 81xx Pearl
Theme author: Hedone Design
Theme credits: Hedone Design
Supported Device Model(s) and OS: Bold, all Curve (8300 models) 4.5OS, all 8800 models 4.5 OS and all Pearl (8100) models 4.5OS
Download Link(s): Hedone Design in Life
Theme Cost: 7$

dirtypirate 01-10-2009 04:01 PM

This is by far one of my favorite themes. Only thing I would wish for is that it was free.

hedone.hawker 01-11-2009 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by dirtypirate (Post 1241862)
This is by far one of my favorite themes. Only thing I would wish for is that it was free.

sorry man... no can do... ;) but thanx for compliments!!! oh and yes... if u do know ur BB well and if u love to use diferent software and have some hardware parts for ur BB... maybe we can work something out... we are building new web page and we will need some people to help us out...

sam123gil 01-28-2009 10:16 AM

it's nice, but i can't pay $7 buck for a theme

hedone.hawker 02-04-2009 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by sam123gil (Post 1263023)
it's nice, but i can't pay $7 buck for a theme

It still means a lot to me that u like it!

hedone.hawker 03-10-2009 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by dirtypirate (Post 1241862)
This is by far one of my favorite themes. Only thing I would wish for is that it was free.

thanx man! and im sorry that it cant be free...

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