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gogobet 10-27-2008 11:45 PM

Google phone vs IPhone vs BB!
Those three cell phones seem to share some of the greatest cell phone technologies.
Also each has a unique techs.

I personally think BB is the most affordable and technologically advanced.

I wonder what your opinion is..

* I don't personally see the point of Iphone. What's the point of having a cell phone and a mp3 at the same time? It's total waste of money.

TroyDBrown 10-27-2008 11:52 PM

*** Moved to Versus ***

daphne 10-28-2008 12:41 AM

Here's one thing that makes me glad I own a BlackBerry.

Google Android vulnerable to drive-by browser exploit | Zero Day |

The iPhone has security flaws too.

Frustrated researcher details iPhone security bugs

When it comes to security, the BlackBerry is vastly superior to any other mobile phone.

akosnitzky 10-28-2008 06:01 AM

Wirelessly posted (Verizon 8830)

Thank you for the info above.
I usually take security for granted until there is a problem.

ndub33 10-28-2008 07:39 AM

The iPhone and the G1 have some definite strong and weak points, and the interface for both is very cutting edge. So far though, I haven't seen anything that would make me leave the sucurity and efficiency of the Blackberry BES.

I read a great article in RCR recently about brand loyalty in the wireless industry. More and more, customers will need to consider not only carrier and handset manufacturer, but the company that provides the OS as well.

Horizon Wireless 11-01-2008 11:49 PM

Did you guys see that when the G1 was taken apart, there was a blackberry trackball inside? Same exact part. No difference....

ArgonNJ 12-25-2008 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by gogobet (Post 1150273)
Those three cell phones seem to share some of the greatest cell phone technologies.
Also each has a unique techs.

I personally think BB is the most affordable and technologically advanced.

I wonder what your opinion is..

* I don't personally see the point of Iphone. What's the point of having a cell phone and a mp3 at the same time? It's total waste of money.

While the BB is a great device, it is definitely NOT the most technologically advanced. The BB excels in security, stability and push messaging, but that's about it. The BB was originally designed as a big pager and since then various features have been bolted on, some good, some not so good. RIM has pretty much reached the limit of what this OS can do. It really needs to design a mobile OS for the modern age. That's where the iphone and Android come in. Both are powerful mobile mini computer platforms that WERE designed to be just that. Just look at the difference between the same application running on the BB and the iphone. The BB version is clunky, and basically ugly, almost DOS like. The iphone version is sleek and elegant and of course functional. Then there is the browser. It is basically the best out there, hands down. Now some BB fanboys, yes Apple isn't the only ones with fanboys, will say well if its so advanced where is the cut and paste, no MMS, no this, no that, itoy blah, blah, blah. None of these so called limitations aren't fixable with software upgrades, so I do know what they will say then.
And just for the record, I have owned the first gen iphone and now use the BB. I've been missing it and may pick up the 3G. I would miss the push messaging and BB messenger, but I think the other factors would off set it. We will have to see.

As to the current state of Android, its not quite there yet, but give it a few years and it will be a force to be reckoned with.

So come on RIM, the Storm isn't the answer to iphone or Android. It's just another bolt on kludge. A new OS is needed, please learn from the lessons of Palm and get on it right away!

Christie83 12-30-2008 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by gogobet (Post 1150273)
Those three cell phones seem to share some of the greatest cell phone technologies.
Also each has a unique techs.

I personally think BB is the most affordable and technologically advanced.

I wonder what your opinion is..

* I don't personally see the point of Iphone. What's the point of having a cell phone and a mp3 at the same time? It's total waste of money.

As of right now, I prefer the iPhone. It does what I need it to do, it is the most user-friendly phone I have ever come across, I love the internet, html email, touchscreen, OS, and entertaining free apps..

A friend has the G1. It is a cool phone but I still like my iPhone better.. I like the iPhone's OS better, and after using the iPhone's touchscreen I really don't want to go back to a physical keyboard.

My parents have Blackberries. I think they are great phones. I would have to say I do not think they are the most technologically advanced.. Their email is known as being the most reliable. I agree with Argon that Blackberry should revamp their OS if they want to remain serious competitors.

However, I think iPhone and Blackberry are marketing towards two completely different groups. I don't think Blackberry will ever win over the consumer market Apple has right now that is into multimedia entertainment phone devices, unless they completely refocus their company towards being more entertainment-friendly than Apple (very unlikely.) I don't think Apple will win over all of the business market Blackberry has right now, because Blackberry has a better, more prestigious reputation. I also don't think Apple will ever focus solely on the business market, but they have become more accomodating..

By the way, you mentioned that you don't understand the point of wanting a phone and an mp3 player in one? Because it's more convenient than carrying around those devices separately...??? And if you buy two in one, it is more affordable...don't see how it's a waste of money.

danielxx 01-07-2009 10:34 PM

all has their advantages. but I perfer BB storm

ArgonNJ 01-08-2009 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Christie83 (Post 1227794)
However, I think iPhone and Blackberry are marketing towards two completely different groups. I don't think Blackberry will ever win over the consumer market Apple has right now that is into multimedia entertainment phone devices, unless they completely refocus their company towards being more entertainment-friendly than Apple (very unlikely.) I don't think Apple will win over all of the business market Blackberry has right now, because Blackberry has a better, more prestigious reputation. I also don't think Apple will ever focus solely on the business market, but they have become more accomodating..

Not anymore. Both companies are making strides to win over each other's market segment. Given a year or two and both platforms will be perfectly acceptable to either group.

Christie83 01-14-2009 12:25 PM

It will definitely be interesting to see what happens.

jsntrenkler 01-14-2009 06:06 PM

I think all 3 platforms are fantastic in their own regard. Being that Verizon Wireless has the best coverage for me here in Oro Valley I will stick with the Storm and BB OS. If Verizon had the iPhone I would likely go with that, since I am a Mac user and love the speed and simplicity of that platform. Android would also be a lot of fun, however I don't see verizon picking up that OS anytime soon either.

341EastOf 01-14-2009 07:03 PM

It is BB for me all the way. I like having the ability to tether, swap SD cards, expand my card storage capability, switch a battery at a whim, and not be a super trendy jump on the bandwagon iPhone buyer.

rumel1988 01-16-2009 12:19 PM


rumel1988 01-16-2009 12:28 PM

thanks (y)(y)

ArgonNJ 01-17-2009 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by 341EastOf (Post 1247339)
It is BB for me all the way. I like having the ability to tether, swap SD cards, expand my card storage capability, switch a battery at a whim, and not be a super trendy jump on the bandwagon iPhone buyer.

Having a BB now a days is becoming just as "super trendy" as having an iphone.

341EastOf 01-17-2009 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by ArgonNJ (Post 1250588)
Having a BB now a days is becoming just as "super trendy" as having an iphone.

Yeah, probably true.

noethix 01-19-2009 09:20 AM

Equally "super trendy" to be an iphone hater. They all spew the same blah blah.

341EastOf 01-19-2009 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by noethix (Post 1252570)
Equally "super trendy" to be an iphone hater. They all spew the same blah blah.

Ah, did I hurt your feelings by saying that the iPhone is super trendy?

And by the way, I never said I hated the iPhone. If I were into the smart phone thing because multimedia was my biggest preference, I would probably buy an iPhone. But, I like having some other capabilities that I listed in my above post.

pretzelb 01-19-2009 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by ArgonNJ (Post 1250588)
Having a BB now a days is becoming just as "super trendy" as having an iphone.

It does seem that both the iPhone and BB can be called trendy picks. As someone new to all this it's hard to sort out the hype. As near as I can tell the iPhone wins for interface and the BB is supposed to be best at email (though I don't see where the iPhone is bad at email). The battery and no card swapping is a big issue for the iPhone but (so far) I find the graphical smart phones have much more potential to be insanely useful.

If I could switch carriers I might go the Google phone route. I like what they are doing and I have more confidence in them pleasing the non business user base than I do BB or iPhone. I think BB is more into keeping it's BES base and Apple is more into doing what they think is best instead of what others ask for.

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