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Blackberryer 05-15-2008 12:09 PM

Should we thank iPhone for giving us Bold?
I remember about a year ago I jumped over to Apple because I was tired of waiting for RIM to finally put out a phone that had all the features we've wanted for a while. They'd parcel them out phone by phone, and while I am somewhat of a gadget nerd, I had no intention of upgrading my phone every six months. Well, after iPhone's huge success in the market place, we see that RIM's newest phone will contain virtually every feature you could want on a BB.

Now, I'm fully aware that Bold wasn't designed and produced just last month. Obviously it's been on the drawing board for quite some time. However, is there any doubt that if the iPhone doesn't exist, there is no Bold? Or at least the Bold that's presently constructed?

wayneholbrook 05-15-2008 12:19 PM

Your 100% right....

Shaun 05-15-2008 12:21 PM

I think we have to thank all phones that were produced in the past year, for the Bold, even all the BBs that were released. Its the natural evolution of technology. More features, faster performance, smaller hardware footprint.

I do think that the iPhone deserves credit for pushing RIM to look at form factor in a much more aesthetic way. I do think we would have seen the bold with similar functions since it is the next step in the progression, but maybe not so nice looking.

blakeatl 05-15-2008 01:43 PM

RIM just needs to get some animated apps like the Iphone. That's the only thing I see different form the blackberry other than the touch screen.

greggebhardt 05-15-2008 02:04 PM

I do not think so!

The Bold is just another step that gives us all the features at one time. At the same time the OS was due for a change and with more software we needed more processing power and RAM.

Do not let the silver band around the edge of the 9000 make you think that RIM is trying to capture the iPhone people. The 9000 will do that with it's features.

Maybe the iPhone has RIM getting a little more agressive toward a better device but when RIM looks over it's shoulder, iPhone is way back there!

greggebhardt 05-15-2008 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by blakeatl (Post 931126)
RIM just needs to get some animated apps like the Iphone. That's the only thing I see different form the blackberry other than the touch screen.

I think with the money that RIM is putting up for it's software developers you are going to see some fancy stuff. Stuff they could not do with the small memory and weak precessor. With the 9000, that all changes, just give them a few months after the 9000 gets out and we are going to see some magic software!

MissKalunji 05-15-2008 02:24 PM

The bold is sexy indeed n i would say yes thank the iphone

Blackberryer 05-15-2008 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by greggebhardt (Post 931159)
I do not think so!

Maybe the iPhone has RIM getting a little more agressive toward a better device but when RIM looks over it's shoulder, iPhone is way back there!

I absolutely believe Apple forced RIM to step up its game. I frequent this and a few other BB boards and prior to the iPhone, there was a lot of frustration over the lack of a version of our own "Jesus phone." The Bold was an obvious next step, but for some reason it seemed as though a feature packed device from RIM was a long time coming.

Cory Scheuer 05-15-2008 02:33 PM

well i dont know if anyone of you guys know this but the BOLD has been in development for over a year now... so maybe it is because of the iphone but i highly doubt it...

Outrigger 05-15-2008 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Blackberryer (Post 931191)
I absolutely believe Apple forced RIM to step up its game. I frequent this and a few other BB boards and prior to the iPhone, there was a lot of frustration over the lack of a version of our own "Jesus phone." The Bold was an obvious next step, but for some reason it seemed as though a feature packed device from RIM was a long time coming.

I agree that the iphone has pushed a lot of manufacturers out there to redesign and come out with better UI and better phones. Its just competition. If there was no competition, what incentive does RIM have to add new features and better form factors?

You'll always have BB fanboys telling you that BB evolved to what it is today naturally without outside influence. Like anything, without competition, it will just grow stale.

BBSwany 05-15-2008 03:01 PM

The specs of the Bold have been in production for the past year. The design portion got kicked into high gear with the release of the iPhone. Love it or hate it, the iPhone is well designed. I loved how it felt sturdy and being made of materials other than plastic was a welcome from most other devices. I'm glad the iPhone came out because we have a better BB because of it. :smile:

i robot 05-15-2008 03:08 PM

well what really p's me off is how apple can get is so nearly perfect at its first attempt and it looks like version two will iron out most of the outstanding issues. RIM has to make moves. I am looking forward to RIMtunes ;)

Blackberryer 05-15-2008 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by bbswany (Post 931218)
The specs of the Bold have been in production for the past year. The design portion got kicked into high gear with the release of the iPhone. Love it or hate it, the iPhone is well designed. I loved how it felt sturdy and being made of materials other than plastic was a welcome from most other devices. I'm glad the iPhone came out because we have a better BB because of it. :smile:

This is how I feel. I fell in love with BB for the first time last year, but increasingly got annoyed at the lack of different functions. I switched to the iPhone and now almost a year later, I can't wait to go back to RIM and purchase a Bold.

ArgonNJ 05-15-2008 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by greggebhardt (Post 931159)
Maybe the iPhone has RIM getting a little more agressive toward a better device but when RIM looks over it's shoulder, iPhone is way back there!

Apple is a lot closer then you think.

greggebhardt 05-15-2008 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Cory Scheuer (Post 931193)
well i dont know if anyone of you guys know this but the BOLD has been in development for over a year now... so maybe it is because of the iphone but i highly doubt it...


My exact thoughts. I am willing to bet the 9000 was in the works before the first iPhone hit the market. It amazes me that some people think that RIM is trying to stay up with the iPhone. The iPhone is really more like in competition with the sidekick! <vbg>

I will say it again. The iPhone mean little to me. I tried it and it was horrible. Most of the iPhone people hanging here are looking to switch to the 9000 or they would be elsewhere.

greggebhardt 05-15-2008 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by ArgonNJ (Post 931279)
Apple is a lot closer then you think.

It just eats your heart out to have anyone say anything against the iPhone. I am sure in your eyes you would think they are alot closer.

You are the true fanboy of iPhone. Just because I spoke my opinion about the crappy battery life of the iPhone you need not feel you need to make a fool of yourself defending it. You must be thinking of leaving the iPhone and upgrading to the 9000.

I will no longer respond to your childish remarks. I respect your love and defense of the iPhone. It takes imagination!

serrano_yejo 05-15-2008 06:13 PM

Every company is releasing clasics... what about this with few enhancements... color screen, trackball and whatever... like an LG rumor just for talking and messaging RIM BBRETRO

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ArgonNJ 05-15-2008 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by greggebhardt (Post 931433)
It just eats your heart out to have anyone say anything against the iPhone.

Nope, there are plenty of thing wrong with the iphone. Battery life isn't one of them.


Originally Posted by greggebhardt (Post 931433)
You are the true fanboy of iPhone. Just because I spoke my opinion about the crappy battery life of the iPhone you need not feel you need to make a fool of yourself defending it.

??? If by fanboy, do you mean I like the iphone? The answer is yes, its a great device. It has good points and bad points. I do not blindly follow or worship any device. I like the BB too and have owned 2 of them, but the iphone works better for what I need now. You don't see me bashing the BB with FUD comments, I can see both sides of the coin.


Originally Posted by greggebhardt (Post 931433)
I will no longer respond to your childish remarks. I respect your love and defense of the iPhone. It takes imagination!

Good, I hate close minded people.

Shaun 05-15-2008 09:08 PM

Please don't turn this thread into an iPhone v BB flame fest. It is a valid point the OP made, so let's stick to that.

Blackberryer 05-15-2008 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by shaun27612 (Post 931625)
Please don't turn this thread into an iPhone v BB flame fest. It is a valid point the OP made, so let's stick to that.

Thank you. These reminds me of the pc vs. mac debates. When will people understand that preference is based on individual user needs? I am a huge RIM fan, however I was frustrated with the lack of one single device that contained all the features they had spread out among several different phones. So I took my money elsewhere to someone that offered what I felt was the best combination. Now RIM has stepped up to the plate with the 9000, and it looks like I'll be a BB owner again. I still think the iPhone is a wonderful device, and I have no doubt that 2.0 will be very cool. But for now, the 9000 as described better meets my needs.

This is how adults go about making decisions.

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