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Cedric85 10-11-2004 04:37 AM

Need some help on running 2 Simulator on a com...

I am very new to BB and I need some advice here. Basically, I have created a server push application tat can send information to be store on a single BB simulator. Right now, my teacher wan me to push the information to 2 diff BB at the same time. Problem is I am unable to run 2 simulator on a single com.

I just wan to knoe whether it is possible to run 2 simulator on a single com. If it is possible, can u provide me wit the steps to do it.

GhostFalconX 10-12-2004 12:05 AM

Good luck, bro! :wink:

Cedric85 10-12-2004 04:51 AM

SO u are telling me its not possible??

Mark Rejhon 10-12-2004 06:45 PM

You may be able to, if you run on:

(1) Two separate computers
(2) Two separate Windows accounts
(3) Two separate virtual machines (PC emulators)

Try the two separate Windows accounts method. See if that works.

Cedric85 10-12-2004 08:57 PM

But I need to run 2 simulator at the same time... So using the 2 seperate Windows Acc is not possible...

But wat do u mean by "Two separate virtual machines (PC emulators)"??

Mark Rejhon 10-12-2004 09:02 PM

Huh. Didn't you know you can be logged onto 2 accounts at the same time running programs SIMULTANEOUSLY on separate accounts. :D Even Windows XP Home :D

EASY: Hold the Windows key and hit L to switch between the two accounts running software simultaneously. Try this first. It's easy! Or use "Start -> Logoff -> Switch User" ... That will keep all applications running while you log into another account.

HARDER: Failing this, use the PC simulator/emulator method. This allows you to run multiple copies of Windows simultaneously on your computer instead (on separate hard disk partitions or separate virtual disks). Virtual machines allows you to concurrently run Linux and Windows 95 and Windows 98 and Windows XP simultaneously in separate windows on Windows XP. Or multiple copies of Windows XP. Try Microsoft Virtual PC, or VMWARE. You need to be sure they support the networking support you need with the BlackBerry emulator.

Cedric85 10-12-2004 09:19 PM

hehe... Me a bit blur nia..... :D But am I able to see the 2 blackberry at the same time??? or I have to switch between acc to do it..

Mark Rejhon 10-12-2004 09:27 PM

You do have to switch between accounts, but once you're logged on, it takes only 3 seconds to switch screens if you don't have a password for the two accounts you are testing in.

There are other methods -- you may be able use third party software to get software from multiple user accounts to run on the same screen. This prevents them from being able to "see" each other, yet allow you to see both. You could also try using Microsoft Terminal Services between the two accounts, and seeing a virtualized screen of the other account. I'm not sure if Terminal Services supports this;

Cedric85 10-24-2004 09:14 PM

SOrri for reviving an old topic...

Anyway, my teacher wans me to give a gd explanation to our marker on why izzit not possible to run 2 simulator on the same acc, without installing any third party program.

So can anyone give me a very pro reason.. Need to impress my marker... sob

berryapps 10-24-2004 10:23 PM

while you can't have 2 simulators connected to the debugger at the same time. It is super easy to have 2 simulators running at the same time. All you need to do is change the ports that each one binds to. This can be done on the command line. Check out C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry JDE 3.7\bin\run.bat. This is the batch file that launches the simulator and contains all the parameters.


Mark Rejhon 10-25-2004 11:19 AM

That's good information. Using different ports. Thanks!

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