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ricecakes619 12-20-2006 02:15 AM

Help me! I'm not addicted yet! Wheres the crack in my Berry?
Ok I don't mean to rant so hard,

(I am keeping this device despite my grivences...err ok so I'm keeping the device because it's a present lol)

But I really need help easing into using this device. I converted from a SideKick 3 to the 8700g because I was tired of my side kick breaking all the time and the BB is a more mature device. I'm going through a quarter life crisis so i upgraded =P

Anyways I'm seriously annoyed by how hard it's been to set up things for it to run as well as a sidekick. After several false starts, upgrades, and surfing forums it took me a month (I'm a busy guy!) to finally get Opera and Ramble to work. The programs that came with the BB are severly lacking! It dosen't even show my complete buddy list!

So compared to the side kick:

Side Kick:

Ready out of box
Ease of use
Mp3 player
SD Mini for extended memory.
Chat is so NICE on this phone!
Pretty interface.

Extra programs and ringtones cost $$$
Breaks easily!
I'm tired of ghetto kids having my phone.


Great if your company uses it. (I don't need that though)
Java Programs FREE!
Mp3 ringtones FREE!
Use as modem FREE!


the 8700 looks WAY better than older blackberry's but it aint gonna win any beauty pagents soon.

Set up is buggy for 3rd party software. Some have more luck than others.

Don't have experience with device, I'll let you guys know when I break it. I'm kind of a power user when it comes to devices. I get a little extreme.

Browsing through programs slower than Side Kick

Short cuts, keyboard, and other commands not as intuitive as Side Kick. (it took me a week to figure out how to move the cursor around! alt+click wheel!!! wth?! give me a D-Pad!)

I KNOW there's more to this device than meets the eye. Otherwise it wouldn't be called crack berry! I'm biased from having a sidekick every since it came out as black and white, that's almost 5 years!

Please help me figure out more pros! I wanna feel cool with the BB crowd cause i'm too old for the side kick crowd!


flash24 12-20-2006 02:45 AM

be patient my friend..

teamcrn 12-20-2006 09:32 AM

Not sure about the ghetto kid comment but you should feel alot better with a 8700... SK's are for kids.. i brought my 8 year old daughter a sk3 for her birthday in july...

qc_metal 12-20-2006 09:54 AM

I hope you aren't the person being referred to in this thread! :)

Personally, I probably would have gone to the Pearl from a Sidekick, in the interest of keeping the mp3 and external storage (plus the camera!), since that seems to be more of an appeal to you...

Good luck, I hope it grows on you!


blakeatl 12-20-2006 10:43 AM

Be glad the ghetto kids bought theirs and didn't jack you for yours.....jack*** Stereotyping folks (especially black people) needs to stop. Even if you could buy the most expensive phone......some "ghetto kid" would have one.

ricecakes619 12-20-2006 12:50 PM

I hope I'm not the person in that thread either!

There used to be a time when I was able to wow people with it's neat swing out screen form factor but I'm so over it.

Through the years I sold a lot of sidekicks telling people about the device.

It's just that now danger is moving on to trying to cultivate the cool crowd instead of sticking to its roots. The first sidekicker's were there because it was an affordable device that had more connectivity than the average phone.

After my sk3 broke from "water damage" when I KNOW it was a faulty battery connection. (stupid tmobile! thanks for dropping the ball on a 6 year customer!) My friend gave my a 8700 he found. (You'd be supirsed what airport workers find. It's the 2nd one this year!)

I was planning to take myself online for a while and take a break from connectivity but I didn't want his gift to go to waste.

Well, the camera sucked so I never used it and the sk3 didn't take normal sized headphones. I bought a PMP for entertainment needs and I'll be buying a camera soon too.

I have a flip phone I make for calls, and I finally have opera and ramble on my BB. I'm just trying to think of other things I can do with it that'd be neat.

Help me fall in love with the BB folks hehe.

Willie115 12-30-2006 06:51 PM

It isn't that hard to get used to, just take a good hour or so to get used to the interface. Installing Ramble and Opera took me like... 1 minute in each application. Think of it as learning a new system instead of trying to integrate the old at the same time.

secrecyguy 12-30-2006 07:31 PM

There is so much "pro" to Blackberry, I made this chart comparing the Sidekick 3 to Blackberry 8100.

Eventually, by people's request, I expanded the chart to include all the smart phones by T-mobile.

Wait until the Blackberry 8800 comes out and than there's no reason to get a Sidekick 3 anymore.

tr4driver 12-30-2006 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by secrecyguy
There is so much "pro" to Blackberry, I made this chart comparing the Sidekick 3 to Blackberry 8100.

Eventually, by people's request, I expanded the chart to include all the smart phones by T-mobile.

Wait until the Blackberry 8800 comes out and than there's no reason to get a Sidekick 3 anymore.


I've never felt that the specs quite did the BlackBerry line justice. I've always thought that the *lack* of a touch screen was a plus for the BB. I used a Treo 650 with a touch screen for a while. I hated the fact that it took two hands to do almost anything. The thumbwheel on the BB lets me complete most all non-typing functions one-handed.


Dawg 12-31-2006 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by blakeatl
Be glad the ghetto kids bought theirs and didn't jack you for yours.....jack*** Stereotyping folks (especially black people) needs to stop. Even if you could buy the most expensive phone......some "ghetto kid" would have one.

Blake not once did he say black people dont jump to conclusions it just makes you look stupid. Assuming that only blacks live in the ghetto is just as stupid. Jews were the first to use the word ghetto. So get over it and move on.

brucejr 12-31-2006 10:58 PM

Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8703e/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105)

BB is a solid combination of form and function. I have used all types of OS (Palm, Windows Mobile, and RIM). I have had the the best luck with both of my BB. Just keep exploring and find how your new BB makes you more productive. For each person this is different and a journey they must make on their own.

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