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penguin3107 02-01-2011 04:40 PM

BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.

KOR 02-02-2011 09:44 AM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.
Well, not much of a review if you ask me. The 'analyst' may as well have cut/pasted from boards, blogs, etc. Hope his compensation is in line with his analysis skills...

knottyrope 02-02-2011 01:13 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.

Cooper 02-02-2011 03:39 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.
He's an analyst, he probably barely has an understanding of comptuers and electronic devices.

TonyTone 02-05-2011 02:10 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.
It would appear that this guy Brian Blair is taking liberties in predicting things that are not supported.

He says, "it will be sharply inferior to other tablets on the market and consumers won't buy it." Even if it were truly inferior, that does not mean that the consumer won't buy. The Iphone for example is inferior to other devices yet people buy them simply because of fan fare.

But let's look at why he believes it's "inferior". He thinks that needing to tether it with a Blackberry phone is a limit. Indeed, that is a disadvantage to some but think about it. There are an awful lot of Blackberry owners out there and they already have email, calendar and address book capability on their phones. Why do I need another device to do that when I can easily access it on my larger screen while tethered to my phone? Is he arguing that it's inferior because it's less redundant with same outcome?

Blair actually becomes comical when he states the following (although being led by the interviewer): -- LL: What makes Apple king is the Apps. Blackberry has been lagging in this area. Do you see anything down the pipeline to suggest anything different?

BB: No, developers aren't interested in Blackberry generally. Can't really play games on blackberry, difficult to get apps on the devices and no easy payment mechanism. Also, numerous screen sizes so developers have to write multiple versions of an app. --

This argument about available apps is the most overrated point ever. Whether you have 2000, 20000, or 200000 apps, there is a very small number of apps that are specific to the average use that could be considered a "must have" app. Indeed, other makers have an abundance of apps available but since when do I need 30 apps to mimic cracked glass, or to quiz me on the latest television show, or to do any of the senseless things that most of the apps do? The available apps already associated with RIMM will suit the average user's purposes just fine.

OK Brian Blair doesn't think the PlayBook will be competative to the IPad when released but to make the proclamation that it will be "dead on arrival" and for the resons that he's stated is an incredible reach on his part.

I know now not to trust anything that he says as it appears to be biased at best.

spiggy 02-07-2011 06:42 AM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.
I've always been a huge BlackBerry fan and was very anxious to get my hands on a PlayBook. But...

I attented a session of RIM on the PlayBook at Lotusphere last week and I must say I was quite disappointed. Yes, the hardware is absolutely fabulous. Yes, the QNX OS is very fast, solid and stable. But I think RIM has missed the opportunity here to take a huge lead on competition. You would expect to be able to browse the internet on the PlayBook, using the paired BlackBerry. Or have some kind of a company policy or control on the device. Seems RIM has chosen the launch date over the actual usability and functions of the device. So, IMHO, the PlayBook is a multimedia device, to be used on WiFi and with the extra that you can read your corporate mails on a bigger screen. Nothing less, but also nothing more than that. Can't wait till we get the PlayBook v2 with 4G...

Preroll 02-07-2011 01:51 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.

Originally Posted by spiggy (Post 1699535)
I've always been a huge BlackBerry fan and was very anxious to get my hands on a PlayBook. But...

I attented a session of RIM on the PlayBook at Lotusphere last week and I must say I was quite disappointed. Yes, the hardware is absolutely fabulous. Yes, the QNX OS is very fast, solid and stable. But I think RIM has missed the opportunity here to take a huge lead on competition. You would expect to be able to browse the internet on the PlayBook, using the paired BlackBerry. Or have some kind of a company policy or control on the device. Seems RIM has chosen the launch date over the actual usability and functions of the device. So, IMHO, the PlayBook is a multimedia device, to be used on WiFi and with the extra that you can read your corporate mails on a bigger screen. Nothing less, but also nothing more than that. Can't wait till we get the PlayBook v2 with 4G... would think you could use it with a paired BB. That was my initial impression until proven wrong at CES. I think they should release a BB Smartphone unit in the future similar to the idea of the iPhone 4 (for Verizon only) which will incorporate a built in Wi-Fi hot spot. I believe the new iPhone for Verizon will handle up to 5 devices. I'm sure down the road this will all be sorted out but you would have thought they may have had some better foresight before releasing this thing.

Hauser 02-09-2011 06:27 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.

Originally Posted by TonyTone (Post 1699286)
This argument about available apps is the most overrated point ever. Whether you have 2000, 20000, or 200000 apps, there is a very small number of apps that are specific to the average use that could be considered a "must have" app. Indeed, other makers have an abundance of apps available but since when do I need 30 apps to mimic cracked glass, or to quiz me on the latest television show, or to do any of the senseless things that most of the apps do? The available apps already associated with RIMM will suit the average user's purposes just fine.

If you're talking about the Playbook as a business-only device, then I would agree with you. However consumers have voted with their wallets and proven they they absolutely love games and other fun apps, and apps are a huge reason consumers choose a particular device and platform.

Just porting a few dozen of the top apps from the other major platforms will not be enough. RIM needs to literally bend over backward to court developers at this stage of the game with iOS and Android already firmly entrenched.

flat7 02-10-2011 11:45 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.
The reviewer is a total Apple fan boy.

Apple Can Sell 100M iPhones, 48M iPads in 2011, Analyst Says - Tech Trader Daily -

daphne 02-11-2011 11:54 AM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.
Some of these so-called analysts are simply going for page views with headlines like BlackBerry Playbook is dead on arrival. Some of them are likely at least partially compensated bases on their page views. I take all that crap with a huge grain of salt. It seems the media in general are biased toward Apple these days anyway.
A few years ago I was a blogger, using my real name, for a big tech site that all of you would recognize, and my pay was based on page views, so I'm speaking from experience.

aiharkness 02-11-2011 12:00 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.
Wise words. If it involves politics or a lot of money (or is that redundant?) you shouldn't take the "reporting" or "analysis" at face value.

Posted via Mobile

TBOLTRAM 02-13-2011 10:36 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.
This sort of reminds me of reading articles in People Magazine. You can never tell what is real and what was "prewritten" by the PR people and given to the article author.

jimn367 02-14-2011 11:22 AM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.
But let's not lose sight of the fact that the Playbook does indeed have a big hill to climb. The ipad has a huge lead with ipad2 knocking on the door. Google is absolutely flooding the market with Honeycomb devices in the coming months, and HP is rolling out a new competitor as well. The newfound partnership between MS and Nokia cannot be far behind.

If some articles are to be believed the Samsung Galaxy Tabs aren''t seling like hotcakes and Samsung is pulling an old school Palm "units shipped" as representative of sales...

You have to ask yourself why would I buy a Playbook instead of an ipad or Android Device? Why would I risk my consumer dollars on an unknown when there are two knowns? To me the answer is the bridge, but is that enough? I've seen some snazzy media capability, but where is the [oh boy I hate this term] "eco-system" around it?

Only time will tell, but right now I think it's fair to say the odds are against RIM.

TonyTone 02-14-2011 07:10 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.

Originally Posted by Hauser (Post 1700338)
If you're talking about the Playbook as a business-only device, then I would agree with you. However consumers have voted with their wallets and proven they they absolutely love games and other fun apps, and apps are a huge reason consumers choose a particular device and platform.

Just porting a few dozen of the top apps from the other major platforms will not be enough. RIM needs to literally bend over backward to court developers at this stage of the game with iOS and Android already firmly entrenched.

OK - let's go with that point for argument's sake. Can you name five apps that exist on Android or Iphone that doen't exist on the BB and would be considered a "must have" app?

Sure consumers love their games, but by and large they are not buying their phone because of the available of those games. Their buying their phone for speed, phone service, capacity, and built in features.

penguin3107 02-14-2011 07:52 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.

Originally Posted by TonyTone (Post 1701335)
Can you name five apps that exist on Android or Iphone that doen't exist on the BB and would be considered a "must have" app

Depends on the individual using the product.
If you ask my 2 year old, who wouldn't part with his iPad if you gave him 15 Playbooks, he'd say:
Peekaboo Forest
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Magic Piano
Toy Story 3 Read-along Book
Wheels on the Bus
Fish School
KIDS Fireman
Angry Birds (That would be on my list too.)

knottyrope 02-15-2011 01:46 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.

Originally Posted by penguin3107 (Post 1701342)
If you ask my 2 year old

now we know where you get your answers from ;-)

penguin3107 02-15-2011 03:26 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.

Originally Posted by knottyrope (Post 1701495)
now we know where you get your answers from ;-)

Only the snarky ones.

rambo47 02-15-2011 10:59 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.
You want snarky? Wait until he's a teenager like mine. They've made snarky into an art form.

tsac 02-27-2011 12:29 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.
The latest media is the Blackberry Playbook beats the I-Pad . Apparently the I-Pad has not cleared up it's problems with the clarity of the display for the next release. comments are the BB pad has a very good display.

As seen on CNN news.

ArgonNJ 03-02-2011 09:56 PM

Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.
With the ipad 2 announced today and the price reduction of the ipad 1 to $399, the Playbook just might be DOA.

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