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Mark Rejhon 09-01-2004 10:30 AM

BlackBerry Development - How To Get Started ASAP
Useful links for people who are knowledgeable in programming, but is currently new to programming for the BlackBerry or cellphone programming in general.

There are two main methods:

(A) Run on Just BlackBerry: The advantages is that you have a much more comprehensive API, with an easier development environment that already has the BlackBerry Emulator integrated into it. You just need to download the RIM JDE, install it, and compile away. The 4.x environment is completely integrated and even comes with a free "Hello World" type samples that you can compile, run, or install on your BlackBerry right away. Alternatively:

(B) Run on Multiple Cellphones: Did you know you can write a generic Java midlet that works on multiple cellphones? Yes, including BlackBerry, Nokia, Motorola, SonyEricsson, etc. Examples of phone-independent Java midlet software that runs on BlackBerry too. If you need to cast a wide net because you think the Blackberry market is too small despite over one million users, this is an option you can go to gain a bigger potential market to justify development. Alternatively, you can benefit with using BlackBerry extensions for a BlackBerry-specific application! In fact, you can write for both, and automatically use the BlackBerry extensions if you're running on a BlackBerry, too!The optional $100 code signing key simply permit more flexible development such as programmatically modifying PIM, bluetooth programming, programatically dialing numbers, loading/saving settings, etc. The key is unlimited use; you can use this key as often as you want for as many applications you want, released under your name or your company name.

Please feel free to come back here and post a new thread to ask further questions;


This is a "Mark Rejhon BlackBerry FAQ" article.
Copyright (C) 2005 by Mark Rejhon, All Rights Reserved. Some portions may be Copyright (C) by respective forum members.
Mark Rejhon grants permission to use this article only for private use. For all other uses, please ask Mark Rejhon at Mark Rejhon - aka Marky - Home Page of Mark D. Rejhon to ask for permission to use this article. If any content of this article also contains content by other forum members, please ask them for permission too as well. This includes commercial use, public use, reposting in full/part anywhere on the Internet, publication in magazine/book or any other media, or any other use than private use. This copyright notice may not be edited or removed in any manner. Mark Rejhon reserves exclusive right to edit, remove, or restore this article, and this article may not be edited, removed, or restored by any other individual or organizations.

Nikhil 10-21-2004 12:42 PM

That's some fundoo stuff you have posted.
I'm quite new to coding of applications on blackberry [ haven't written one 9-) ].
Didn't know that the midlets can run on my 7100.
Just downloaded the chessbuddy from the and works fantastically !!!!

Quick question : The 7100 has the OS 3.8 correct ?
Is this OS proprietary to Blackberry ?
pardon me for the silly questions though.

Mark Rejhon 10-21-2004 01:36 PM

Does 7100 use 3.8?
-- Currently uses Version 3.8 (as of October 2004)

Is BlackBerryOS Proprietary?
-- Yes, except for the standardized Java/J2ME portion.

mookia 11-30-2004 04:55 PM

Mark Rejhon 02-06-2005 01:48 AM

If you are publishing software for Over-The-Air downloads (i.e. you create .jad/.jar files instead of .cod/.alx files), don't forget to configure your web server to permit Over-The-Air downloads to BlackBerries:

MIMEType Configuration Instructions

yyjjll 02-26-2005 04:33 AM

embedded C programming for 7100 device
Greetings, I'm kinda new here ...

I wonder if there's anyway to run embedded C programs on the 7100 device, below the Java VM layers, and above the OS.

A major problem with the Java VM is it's too slow for computationally intensive tasks.

I've asked RIM about this issue and of course I got the answer no, since Java Midlet is the only thing officially opened to developers.

However, according to what I've found, 7100 runs on an ARM processor, and nothing should prevent one from running compiled C/C++ programs on the processor.

Does anyone have any idea on this? Thanks.

ins0mniaque 03-14-2005 03:09 PM

I'm kinda new here too :P

I am trying to convert "Mystic Island 2" to the BB, but it uses the nokia "FullCanvas". I was wondering if someone with enough BB API knowledge could port the class to the BB. It derives from javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas.

Porting this to the BB could makes a WHOLE lot of games work out of the box.

See for more information.

FCGreg 08-01-2005 06:04 PM

FYI: The link you posted for "Introduction to Java and J2ME on BlackBerry" is no longer active. It probably needs to be updated.

Thanks for the great info.

benroul 09-24-2005 01:47 AM

For some reason, all the resources that I try to download off those link does not work, I tried the newest JDE (4.02 version) and the simulator that works for 7780 but when I try to install the JDE, a warning shows that installer got some problem. When I try to unzip the simulator zip file with winrar, it shows the ending of the file got some problem. I try to download both again, the system transfer a huge file and claim "system call is too small..."
Master, can you help me out here?

Mark Rejhon 02-05-2006 02:11 PM

Links fixed.

ralphc 04-27-2006 11:52 AM

works now

tom2112 07-12-2006 02:24 PM

Thanks Mark! There's a ton of great content in the "RIM - Getting Started" link. It seems that a lot of the knowledge-base articles have been created in the last 3 months! Gotta love up to date info.

KYU SUNG JUNG 07-20-2006 02:58 AM


I have some problem ..

I got error when activating MDS runtime on the device:

The procedure I've done:
1. on BB device, options->security->wipe handheld
2. Enterprise activation (success)
3. install MDS runtime (v1.0.1.57) from Blackberry Desktop Manager (success)
4. on BB device, options->MDS Activation

Then I got above error message and failed to activate MDS runtime.

Any ideas? Thanks for help!

What should i do?


My Email is [email address]

jeevessnsv 08-24-2006 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by yyjjll
Greetings, I'm kinda new here ...

I wonder if there's anyway to run embedded C programs on the 7100 device, below the Java VM layers, and above the OS.


However, according to what I've found, 7100 runs on an ARM processor, and nothing should prevent one from running compiled C/C++ programs on the processor.

Does anyone have any idea on this? Thanks.

I too would love to know about this. Has anyone tried hacking on it? In theory we should be able to cross-compile almost any language to the BB's processor, if we have a way of discovering the system calls and loading the code. I'd be interested in working with others on figuring it out, if someone knows how to start.

csivaraj 09-04-2006 11:41 AM


How can i program to access file in BlackBerry?

Any one have idea?

csivaraj 09-04-2006 11:42 AM


How can i program to access file in BlackBerry?

Any one have idea?

Lowrider 06-27-2007 11:06 AM

Can u point me to a FAQ on theme developement for BB, I need icon sizes. tia

jonabyte 07-03-2007 05:43 PM

The link for the getting started page at has changed somewhat;

BlackBerry - BlackBerry Developer Program | Overview, Features, Tools and Opportunities

The main link for developers is;

BlackBerry - BlackBerry Developer Program | Support, Simulator & MDS Downloads, Knowledge Base & Community

xxxdev 08-10-2007 07:17 PM

I suggest - Java discussion forum

and Knoweledge base
Livelink - Redirection

It is very useful!


mr_pink23 09-07-2007 01:23 PM

Any other resources?
I already read most of the FAQs and Papers on the BlackBerry site.
They are quite helpful but also very theoretically.
Does anybody know any tutorials that go a little further than HelloWorld?

I would really appreciate it!(y)

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