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Tekara 09-05-2008 07:15 AM

BPS: Change user email address
Hi All

I'm looking for some help with Blackberry Professional Software. I've just installed this for the first time and I’m trying to configure a user to test the system, which so far has been unsuccessful.

So far I have been able to add a user to the system, send out the activation email, and enter the details into the device. Despite this the device fails to pickup any newly received emails.

Looking in the Blackberry manager I noticed that the user still has initializing under the status, I also noticed that the email address for the user is incorrect, but you are unable to alter this. For reference all users on the AD have multiple SMTP address based on different domain names. Despite whichever SMTP address is specified as default in Exchange the BlackBerry Manager just selects the first address for the users details.

Can anyone offer any advice on how to get the system running, and how to change the email address?

Many Thanks

egotrip21 09-05-2008 07:19 PM

I am having a very similar issue with not being able to rename the users e-mail address..

Since this is just a test BPS for you, I would suggest removing the incorrect e-mail address from the users AD account. See which smtp address BES picks up? Honestly, it should be the primary SMTP address the BES uses.

cde3879 09-08-2008 06:20 PM

What stage does it get to in the activation process? Does the handset say:

"Activating [email address]..."

or does it get to the:

Verifying Encryption
Encryption Verified
Waiting for Services


If it doesn't get to the second stage and just sits there on "activating":

1. Check with Vodafone that BES is enabled on the SIM card
2. Have a look in the user's mailbox for a message from with an ETP.DAT attachment

If #1 is okay and #2 never arrives, then I suspect a spam or virus scanner is probably preventing the ETP.DAT message from getting through, so disable any temporarily and see if it helps.

Oh and activate the handset with the address that the BES reckons is the right one - you can always change it later when the mailboxes are enumerated properly.

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