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arfanqureshi 10-11-2010 04:14 PM

Water damage please help!
Hi Guys

Im really new here so please excuse me not knowing all the terms.

I have a Storm 1, the other day i accidentaly left it on a wet patch on the kitchen work surface and headed out. I cam back and the phone was drenched, but seemed to work fine. So i dried it out just by wiping under the battery and when i put the battery back in again it worked fine for an hour or so. Then it just completely froze. I took the battery out and put it in again and nothing happened. So i decided (possibly foolishly) to leave it on the radiator in the hope the water will dry out. Which worked. Until Sunday when at 4pm it froze again, and just would not respond at all. So last night i tried the bag of rice trick.... Which worked really well until about 4.30 today ..... i noticed the screen going from my bbm, to my email, to the locked position.... and now it just freezes. Ive taken the battery out many times but still no joy. Last night in my vain attempt to sort it out i evan re installed the software on there and still no joy. It seems to register my carrier it recognizes when i touch an icon but just doesnt do anything when i press the screen. The button on the bottom dont work neither.

Can anyone please help!!!


hrbuckley 10-11-2010 04:23 PM

It is probably too late, but read this: Got Your BlackBerry Wet? - BlackBerryFAQ

arfanqureshi 10-11-2010 04:33 PM

Yep mine certainly has water damage just cheked the indicator on my battery and on the inside...... any ideas, beacuse stupidly i seem to have done everything that it says not to do on that thread lol

hrbuckley 10-11-2010 05:03 PM

You could try following those suggestions now. May not help, but it won't hurt either.

arfanqureshi 10-12-2010 02:59 AM

Yeh i tried that rice bag trick again last night. Bizzarest thing happened. Left it overnight, woke up this morning and tried it and it didnt work, so toook it to work with me switched it on after an hour or so now its working again! i'm guessing by about 4pm its gonnna go bezerk again :-( fingers crossed it doesnt!

rutheglen 10-12-2010 03:29 AM

Good luck!!!
Posted via Mobile

arfanqureshi 10-12-2010 04:42 AM

Thanks, but unfortunately its done it again.... so battery out sim card and memory card out and wait a few hours....... do you guys think something internally has been damaged, or is it the software becaus it must be dry internally by now!

hrbuckley 10-12-2010 07:04 AM

If you haven't left it in the rice for 3 to 5 days it is probably still wet inside. A few hours is not nearly long enough. Every time you apply power when it is wet you risk damaging one of the chips or other components. Take the battery out, re-read the advice on the link, be patient and follow it. But, yes, there is a good chance it has already been damaged. But as I said before, following the advice on the link won't do any more damage, and if by some lucky chance it hasn't been damaged you may be able to use it again.

thebluedotdotnet 10-12-2010 09:52 AM

After its properly dried out you may want to consider replacing the battery. No need to take a chance with a water damaged battery.

arfanqureshi 10-12-2010 10:16 AM

Thanks for help guys, i'll be back on in a few days to let you know the progress. i might evan open it up and try drying it that way with a bag of rice and leave it for a few days.... advisable?

Iare Tosevite 10-12-2010 03:51 PM

Yes!!! Everyone who tried it always said it worked.

People who didn't usually regretted it.

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