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camaxtli 01-18-2009 04:40 PM

8350i camera wont open close open apps
I just started getting a error message when trying to open the camera function. I press the shortcut key and the camera may or may not open. It says I have to close other apps. To my knowledge I don't have any open apps. Any ideas?:?

big-fokker 01-18-2009 04:54 PM

Go to the home screen, the one with all the icons. Press the menu button - switch application - close as many out as you can.

Mine did the same and when I looked, I had almost 10 apps still open. I now make a habit of closing everything instead of just backing out and it's been good since.

Hope that helps.

camaxtli 01-18-2009 05:00 PM

Thanks but I just had the usual 4 that I cant close. So I did the trusty battery pull and it worked.
BTW Its a pretty nice phone, much different than my old bb with d/c. I gave up my evdo but heck at least I get to carry just one phone.

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