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The Sand 05-26-2010 06:36 PM

FYI-Known Issue with Yahoo through BIS
After spending 5 hours (yes, that is correct) on the phone with RIM on Sunday... I finally found out today there is a known problem (now known, wasn't the day I called) with Yahoo through the BIS.

The sync is what is affected. If you delete mail off Yahoo's server (either via Outlook or directly from Yahoo on the web) it will delete the mail from the BB inbox. That currently isn't working for some users.

RIM is currently working with Yahoo on fixing this.

So if you are having trouble - just wait. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Just hoping to spare somebody the 5 hour phone call.


aiharkness 05-27-2010 08:12 AM

Not known until now?

Do a search. Yahoo has never worked as advertised for many of us pretty much from day one, at least not for very long. There are little tricks that sometimes work and sometimes don't, and when they do, it's never permanent. I've given up and just don't care anymore.

The Sand 05-27-2010 01:07 PM

I have searched - some threads are by me...

Yahoo has been a "cross to bear" for me and others - this I know.

This particular problem is on RIM's end of the sync so I am very hopeful they will deliver on it. I believe they will.

But I certainly understand the "Yahoo frustration."


wcr3d 05-28-2010 01:22 AM

I would suggest switching. Personally I think yahoo is on their way under.

Jay_Crawford 05-29-2010 06:54 AM

Sandy, thanks for the information. I've had sync problems with Yahoo for a couple of weeks now, and yours was the first information I could find on the problem. And thanks for taking a bullet and suffering through such a long call.

For the record, I've been a BlackBerry<->Yahoo user for years and have had flawless syncing up until now. Hopefully, RIM will get this resolved.



The Sand 05-29-2010 03:26 PM

I have had trouble with Outlook/Yahoo sync for a couple of weeks as well... it looks as though Yahoo is struggling with something right now...

For those of us who prefer POP3 there is only Yahoo and Windows Live. Gmail and AOL are IMAP. I like to “own” my mail – thus I want all devices to pull the mail and then I wipe it from the server using Outlook. I just prefer the security of that.

As of now the problem is slightly better (they do delete off the BB – but after many hours where that usually takes minutes.) I have a case number and will be following up with RIM on Tuesday.

I'll post what they say if it doesn't resolve itself by then...


The Sand 05-31-2010 10:10 PM

I am still having trouble with Yahoo through the BIS... Passing along the email I got from RIM today:
Thank you for contacting BlackBerry Customer Support. We are pleased to assist you.

At this time we do not have an update to provide on the reconciliation of your Yahoo! email with your BlackBerry smartphone.

We are working with Yahoo! toward a resolution, and as soon as an update is available I will provide it to you.

If you require further assistance, please feel free to contact us either by replying to this message or by calling us at one of the numbers below.

Thank you again for contacting us. Have a great day.


BlackBerry Customer Support
Research In Motion Limited
So - we continue to wait....


data1025 06-04-2010 01:35 PM

I have noticed this on my phone as well since I heavily use Yahoo mail. I hope they get it fixed :(

The Sand 06-04-2010 05:56 PM

I received this via email today...
Hello Sandy,

We are still waiting on an update from Yahoo! in regard to the email reconciliation issue.

Once an update has been provided we will contact you.

BlackBerry Customer Support
Research In Motion Limited
I have dealt with Yahoo - and getting them to respond is no easy task (as I am sure a lot of you know.) RIM has been very good about keeping me updated on this... they are "trying" so hopefully we'll have some kind of resolution soon...


NJBlackBerry 06-04-2010 08:06 PM

It has *never* worked with Yahoo mail.
I doubt very much if anyone is working on it.

The Sand 06-04-2010 08:20 PM

I understand the frustration with Yahoo...

But it has worked for me (and others) in the past... I am hopeful they will deliver the sync I have been using with Yahoo through the BIS for many years now...

Keeping my fingers crossed...


lawyerkelly 06-04-2010 08:41 PM

THANK YOU, Sandy! I wished I found this before the "5-hour phone call" (it was longer, actually). AT&T sent me to Blackberry, who sent me to Yahoo and they all fingered each other, and didn't fix the issue. ARGH!!!

I am glad other people are experiencing this and I will wait for a resolution. Meanwhile, I HATE deleting emails off my phone that I've already deleted on my laptop. Such a waste of time. Aren't we all spoiled? :)

data1025 06-04-2010 09:24 PM

Thank you for keeping us updated.

The Sand 06-04-2010 09:26 PM

Thanks for posting what happened... (although sorry it did!)

The sync delete - where you delete from Yahoo's server and in turn it takes the mail off the Blackberry is unique to Blackberry. RIM gives Yahoo partial IMAP. No other smart phone does this with a POP setting.

That is why I am hopeful there will be a resolution - because if we had to wait for Yahoo to do it - it won't happen.

That part of the sync is from RIM - I am guessing they need to work "together" with Yahoo on it though... and that is why it's taking so long...

It's worth waiting for... that I know.


penguin3107 06-04-2010 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by The Sand (Post 1614965)
The sync delete - where you delete from Yahoo's server and in turn it takes the mail off the Blackberry is unique to Blackberry.

GMail, OWA, AOL, POP accounts and IMAP accounts all support 2-way Delete reconciliation.
The only service that doesn't is Hotmail.

KB05133 - Email reconciliation features for the BlackBerry Internet Service

The Sand 06-04-2010 09:37 PM

With Yahoo it's not and I have a bunch of smart phones to prove it. Yahoo with a POP3 setting only "delivers" mail into the inbox - Yahoo will not initiate contact again with the smart phone to delete mail out of your smart phone inbox (using an email client of course.) If it did it would be IMAP like Gmail. You can use the smart phone (any and all) to delete in the reverse - to take off Yahoo's server... but not the other way around.

Unless you have a Blackberry...


penguin3107 06-04-2010 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by The Sand (Post 1614968)
Unless you have a Blackberry...

What about the iPhone?

The Sand 06-04-2010 09:56 PM

Yahoo's got a kick a** app for the iPhone that does it all - like IMAP. But that's from Yahoo - not iPhone.

I have always thought it unfair they left the Blackberry out - didn't give them the same app...

But I still think Blackberry's BIS is the best (even better than that app.) Better than them all...

Of course that's just "my opinion" - it's up to the user.

But Blackberry's email client wipes the floor with everybody in my book. Nobody touches them... It's fast, clean - a lean, mean fighting email machine! (hee hee)....


rcw119 06-05-2010 08:48 AM

Over the past couple of nights my wife has received EVERY message in her inbox - again. So, at 2AM she ends up with 400+ unread messages some she received months ago. Is this related or another issue?

NJBlackBerry 06-05-2010 08:51 AM

My iPad has no problem deleting e-mails from Yahoo.
My BlackBerry - to repeat - has never deleted e-mails from Yahoo.

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