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cowboy9from0hell 03-13-2011 01:49 PM

droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
im not really sure if this belongs here but my contract with verizon is up tuesday and im debating between the droid pro and the blackberry bold 9650 6.0 os. i know this is a blackberry forum but if you say no to the droid pro id like expirence with before you bash it. as of right now i have an htc ozone windows phone. thank you

tsac 03-13-2011 02:04 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
Go to a store and try each. The selection of a phone really depends on what the user expects and if the phone will do it. Each offer apps but one may have some that are better suited to the users lifestyle. In reality only you can decide. Any opinions offered on each would be reflective of that users own needs. In my opinion the blackberry is a more secure device but may not have offer the consumer apps the Droid does because it is generally a business tool.

Have fun.

cowboy9from0hell 03-13-2011 02:07 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
i was at the store lastnight and tried the pro, 9650 6.0 and the droid r2d2. the r2d2 seemed slow to me. and im having a hard time deciding between the pro and 9650 6.0.

now between the droid apps and the balckberry apps they both seem to have the same apps. now with pro have more space and a faster processor is their difference in the app size? like is the blackberry apps smaller in size then the droid apps?

tsac 03-13-2011 02:10 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
Unless your planning on putting a million apps on the phone why worry abouit size? The app is build for the phones OS so it may be different.

aiharkness 03-13-2011 02:17 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
My advice: Make a list of your 3 to 5 must have features or functions. Be honest. Think about how you will use the smartphone and what you need it for. Focus on what the smartphone must do for you. Then line up the models you are considering and compare against your list. Pick the one that best matches up with your list of must haves.
Posted via Mobile

rambo47 03-13-2011 02:19 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
I've used several Android devices (Samsung Epic 4G, HTC Evo 4G) and came back to my BlackBerry. I've gone back and forth several times, but in the end BlackBerry won out for me. My #1 priority remains messaging, with PIM functions a close second. That's where BlackBerry shines.

If your focus is multimedia, Android wins hands down. For me though, I found I was constantly trying to make Android more "BlackBerry-like" for email. The obvious solution: use a real BlackBerry!

It all depends on your own usage and focus. If you're honest about that, the choice makes itself.

cowboy9from0hell 03-13-2011 02:20 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
i just wuna get the nfl, nhl and mlb app. so pretty much for sports updates. the apps i want and plan on using both bold 9650 6.0 os and droid pro have them

rambo47 03-13-2011 02:31 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
In that case, I'd go Android. The Sprint sports apps were excellent. Hopefully Verizon will have something similar. I wouldn't go for the Droid Pro though. Either a Droid2 or the new Thunderbolt.

cowboy9from0hell 03-13-2011 02:46 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
why wouldnt you go with the pro?

rambo47 03-13-2011 04:30 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
It's a Droid trying to be a BlackBerry. I find the Droid2 a more compelling design for an Android device. Bigger screen. Plus the Droid Pros had some problems with speaker/call quality. The DP design seems to make too many compromises and gets away from what Android does best: multimedia.

No matter how much they try to make it look like a BlackBerry it will never be one. If you want a device for messaging, nothing will outperform a BlackBerry.

cowboy9from0hell 03-13-2011 04:57 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
how is the droid r2d2 compared to the droid 2 global

rambo47 03-13-2011 05:20 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
The Droid R2D2 is just a painted Droid2. The Droid2 Global has a slightly faster processor (1200MHz vs. 1000MHz) but has worse battery life. The big thing is that the Global has a GSM radio for roaming overseas.

Here's a comparison: Compare phones: Motorola DROID 2 Global, Motorola DROID 2 - Phone Arena

cowboy9from0hell 03-13-2011 06:21 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
im looking for battery life in a phone also

rambo47 03-13-2011 07:59 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
My buddy with a Droid 2 (non-Global) was LIVID after the last firmware update. His battery life went in the tank and there is no rolling back to older firmware with the Droid. The update was just pushed onto his phone in the middle of the night. At least with BlackBerrys you have to do any updating yourself. Plenty of opportunity to read the reviews from early adopters and decide for yourself. Case in point: I'm still running OS on my Bold. There are newer versions of OS 5 available, and also versions of OS 6. I've read too many reviews where one problem or another, some quite serious, caused folks to switch back to an older OS version. Since I'm having zero issues I've just stayed put.

Battery live on my BlackBerry is EASILY double what I get on my Evo.

daphne 03-14-2011 12:20 AM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
Moved to more appropriate section.

Tre Lawrence 03-14-2011 07:52 AM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
I think Rambo gives a fair, honest analysis. For the form factor, I'd stay with RIM, even though I'd give the edge to Pro for overall functionality.

cowboy9from0hell 03-14-2011 05:16 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
well i send more txts, and ims a day and go on facebook then anything. i usually go on the internet/sports apps like 3-5 times a day. i play games like 2-3 times a week

cowboy9from0hell 03-15-2011 04:17 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
the r2d2 has 8gb flash/512 ram. not sure what that means compared to the pro with 2gb internal while the bold has 512 flash and ram

rambo47 03-16-2011 10:10 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
All messaging was much better for me on a BlackBerry. Facebook was nice on my Evo. I could get by with FB on BlackBerry, but it's better on Android. I'm such a casual FB user it really isn't a factor for me.

cowboy9from0hell 03-27-2011 06:13 PM

Re: droid pro vs blackberry bold 9650 os 6.0
well im on my 2nd droid pro since march 16th and still having problems with the my 2nd pro. so my 14 days arent up with verizon to change phones yet so im now considering the r2d2 vs bb bold 9650 os 6

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