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ArgonNJ 06-15-2010 06:11 PM

iphone 4 pre orders SOLD OUT
I'd like to see RIM do that with any of their products. 8-)

AT&T iPhone 4 pre-orders sold out « Boy Genius Report

aiharkness 06-15-2010 06:28 PM

Wirelessly posted

Geeze. Seek help already.

jsconyers 06-15-2010 06:29 PM

Like anyone doubted the iPhone 4 would sell well. They have a solid following, most of which are oblivious to anything non-iPhone.

It looks like a solid device, I still prefer the EVO over the iPhone 4.

NJBlackBerry 06-15-2010 06:40 PM

All the lemmings got in a line and ordered something new from Apple.
What a surprise.

Of course Apple never seems to have enough supply to meet the "demand", thereby generating useless news articles, quoted by the fanbots everywhere.

What a racket. Best marketing group anywhere.

aiharkness 06-15-2010 06:44 PM

Wirelessly posted

Gotta work on those security problems ...


Technology Alert
from The Wall Street Journal

AT&T's website, unable to handle the demand for Apple's new iPhone, had difficulty processing orders and in certain instances appeared to reveal subscribers' personal information to strangers.
Although the scope of the problem and its underlying cause couldn't immediately be learned, some AT&T customers, who were logged into AT&T's website as themselves ended up in other users' accounts.

NJBlackBerry 06-15-2010 06:53 PM

It is not Apple's fault.
It is never Apple's fault.
Apple is perfect.

Argon's new signature.

NJBlackBerry 06-15-2010 07:29 PM

I am trying to get the status of my backordered iPad case. Seems Apple again didn't have enough made. I guess their suicide laden factories in China aren't up to the job.

Oh, I can't even get onto Apple's online store to get the order status.

Terrible customer service. For a company that stresses their superiority over everything and everyone, they stink.

TBOLTRAM 06-15-2010 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1618834)
I am trying to get the status of my backordered iPad case. Seems Apple again didn't have enough made. I guess their suicide laden factories in China aren't up to the job.

Oh, I can't even get onto Apple's online store to get the order status.

Terrible customer service. For a company that stresses their superiority over everything and everyone, they stink.

Truth is Truth. I sometimes wonder if this is planned by the PR department of Apple or a result of disorder and randomness.

Your comment about China is interesting as it appears the locals are getting restless and rioting and staging strikes. I wonder if Steve Jobs a_hole is beginning to pucker as he worries about if the China factory will be able to deliver product. I know I would.

the-economist 06-16-2010 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by ArgonNJ (Post 1618816)
I'd like to see RIM do that with any of their products. 8-)

RIM's userbase is a tad older to camp the night outside a store so to buy a handset the following morning. Apple's marketing has been extremely successful in building a culture behind the product and creating a religious following. Corporations should really take lesson from Apple's success.

The product itself looks rather nice. I can't type on the damn thing so it won't replace my main handset anytime soon. Some of the applications look rather appealing and since i had extremely good experiences with apple products and support in the past i'll probably pick one up as a weekend handset/toy.

Now that the iphone platform has matured even more, and the developer base are actively targeting the corporate space it would be interesting to watch if any major corps jump ship to apple. If it happens it would be the Palm/treo saga all over again.
I'm on a business account and the Voda rep said she can hook us up with some handsets to test and play with no strings attached. If that's an Apple sponsored marketing campaign - and i don't have information that it is- i expect it to be somewhat successful.

The product currently doesn't fit my usage, but i'll keep a close eye on it. I advise the rest of you to do the same (when you're done bashing the fanboys). :-(

LunkHead 06-16-2010 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by ArgonNJ (Post 1618816)
I'd like to see RIM do that with any of their products. 8-)

AT&T iPhone 4 pre-orders sold out « Boy Genius Report

In all fairness Apple has one device thats released once a year on one US carrier....

RIM has what like 15 spread across all US carriers and released several times a year...

I think if RIM had one device released once a year on one US carrier you would see the same happen...

penguin3107 06-16-2010 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by LunkHead (Post 1618995)
I think if RIM had one device released once a year on one US carrier you would see the same happen...

RIM would also need to deliberately under-produce the supply, so there would be no way to meet demand... you know, just like Apple does.

fratts 06-16-2010 01:17 PM

Theres a huge difference here, RIM has many different devices that you can choose from, Apple only has ONE. So if you want an Apple, you have no choice other than the Iphone, if you want a Blackberry, you have a bunch of differnent choices. So ya, it makes sense that Apple would sell out of their ONLY smart phone when it gets released.

kathrynhr 06-16-2010 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by the-economist (Post 1618958)
Apple's marketing has been extremely successful in building a culture behind the product and creating a religious following. Corporations should really take lesson from Apple's success.

That word is exactly 3 letters too long.

Religious following indeed. My own mother snarls at me if I imply there's anything less than stellar about the iPhone. 8-)

bostonnerd 06-16-2010 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by the-economist (Post 1618958)

...Now that the iphone platform has matured even more, and the developer base are actively targeting the corporate space it would be interesting to watch if any major corps jump ship to apple.... (

Jumping ship may be a little strong, but many of the Global 500s do support iPhone along with Blackberry. I'm using both on Exchange (BB on BES).

NJBlackBerry 06-16-2010 07:56 PM

We support both. I have both. Not actually sure WHY I have an iPhone, since I use my iPad for all non work media related cult items.

daphne 06-16-2010 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by ArgonNJ (Post 1618816)
I'd like to see RIM do that with any of their products. 8-)

AT&T iPhone 4 pre-orders sold out « Boy Genius Report

/rolling eyes

ArgonNJ 06-16-2010 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1619293)
We support both. I have both. Not actually sure WHY I have an iPhone, since I use my iPad for all non work media related cult items.

You have an iphone? We are more alike they you care to admit 8-)

daphne 06-16-2010 10:53 PM

AT&T #FAIL ... again

AT&T fails to cope with iPhone preorders | TG Daily

NJBlackBerry 06-17-2010 12:45 AM

Yes Argon, we are alike.
You are a fanbot and I can make decisions on my own.
Right, we are alike.

I deactivated the service on my iPhone. It makes a great iPod Touch.

One phone
One network
One failed launch
One troll

jsconyers 06-17-2010 03:43 PM

What it's like to own an Apple product - The Oatmeal

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