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djm2 08-19-2011 02:08 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution
So mriff, do you think that he truly believes that or is he pandering to his intellectually challenged base of voters?

mriff 08-19-2011 08:03 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution

Originally Posted by djm2 (Post 1739251)
So mriff, do you think that he truly believes that or is he pandering to his intellectually challenged base of voters?

Sadly, I think it's both.

TBOLTRAM 08-19-2011 08:07 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution
I am now dealing with an uncle with dementia. If this is Intelligent Design then I want to protest. My mother died last year in September with dementia and I question the sanity of someone who claims that humans are the result of Intelligent Design.

I think either the person in question needs to have a piss test for drugs or a complete mental exam. Something is seriously wrong with him. There is a place in Austin for people with severe mental disorders and it ain't the capital building.

djm2 08-22-2011 04:48 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution
Well said TBOLT.

TBOLTRAM 08-22-2011 06:28 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution

Originally Posted by djm2 (Post 1739903)
Well said TBOLT.

On the other hand I can sing the Aggie War Hymn in Donald Duck. Great way of getting free booze and food while I was at Aggieland.

mriff 08-22-2011 10:55 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution
Gasp! A GOP candidate who 'believes' in evolution. Not quite stated correctly but a start nonetheless.

Jon Huntsman: Does a "center right" presidential candidate have a prayer? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

djm2 08-23-2011 05:00 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution

Originally Posted by mriff (Post 1739955)
Gasp! A GOP candidate who 'believes' in evolution. Not quite stated correctly but a start nonetheless.

Jon Huntsman: Does a "center right" presidential candidate have a prayer? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

I saw that, and was pleased as well as stunned.

djm2 08-26-2011 11:51 AM

Re: President Obama and Evolution
Nice article.

Attention Governor Perry: Evolution is a fact - Richard Dawkins - Washington Post On Faith -

TBOLTRAM 08-26-2011 12:14 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution
Here is an interesting thought:

As the east coast recently had an earthquake and now is facing Irene is it possible that God hates the Tea Party and their recent actions? Seems logical to me.

I wonder why Pat Robertson has not prophetsized this.

jsconyers 08-26-2011 12:20 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution
Ohh you didn't know?

Rabbi Yehuda Levin Blames Washington, DC Earthquake On Gay Marriage (VIDEO)

TBOLTRAM 08-26-2011 05:08 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution
I will blame the Tea Party. Seems logical to me. There was no earthquake until their power structure appeared.

On the other hand it could be caused by the American Idiot TV show. :razz:

mriff 08-29-2011 02:46 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution
Some tough words on Perry from Richard Dawkins.

Attention Governor Perry: Evolution is a fact - On Faith - The Washington Post

djm2 08-29-2011 03:38 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution
Hey mriff,

I've got to bust your chops, 'cause I know that Florida would bust MN chops in college football.:razz: Check out post 1008 my friend.

mriff 08-29-2011 07:54 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution
Dang! How did I miss that?! It was a take down of epic proportions. To draw Dawkins' ire is to suffer greatly. Consider my chops busted. :oops:

mriff 09-09-2011 11:36 AM

Re: President Obama and Evolution
A little off topic, but a good read.

stevetaz 09-09-2011 12:40 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution

Originally Posted by mriff (Post 1743287)
A little off topic, but a good read.

Bad link?

You have reached this page due to an error.

Please try refreshing the page or visiting our home page at Science News, Articles and Information | Scientific American. If you continue to experience this problem, please contact [email address]

We apologize for the inconvenience.

djm2 09-09-2011 06:54 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution
More directly relevant:

Fossil Trove Sheds Light -

mriff 09-09-2011 07:27 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution

Originally Posted by stevetaz (Post 1743310)
Bad link?

You have reached this page due to an error.

Please try refreshing the page or visiting our home page at Science News, Articles and Information | Scientific American. If you continue to experience this problem, please contact [email address]

We apologize for the inconvenience.

It appears that Sci American is all screwed up right now. I can find the post by searching on 'guest post, age of the earth', but clicking on the article gets nothing. Oh well. It was a good read. I'll try to find it again later.

mriff 09-09-2011 07:30 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution

Originally Posted by djm2 (Post 1743322)
More directly relevant:

Fossil Trove Sheds Light -

I've been reading up on that the last few days. It hit the mainstream press in a big way. Looks like a nice transitional form. Fits the evolutionary model like another piece of the puzzle. There are already some who are saying 'see, Darwin was wrong'. Of course they haven't bothered to read ANY of the new information and consider it in the body of existing science.

djm2 09-09-2011 07:34 PM

Re: President Obama and Evolution

Originally Posted by mriff (Post 1743333)
I've been reading up on that the last few days. It hit the mainstream press in a big way. Looks like a nice transitional form. Fits the evolutionary model like another piece of the puzzle. There are already some who are saying 'see, Darwin was wrong'. Of course they haven't bothered to read ANY of the new information and consider it in the body of existing science.

The problem with reading about it in the mainstream press as opposed to Science (I allowed my membership to lapse some time ago) is that you get the information so intertwined with the politics and theology of the matter that there are too many distractions.

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