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apple85 01-15-2006 09:55 PM

3G Blackberry's
Does anyone know if any 3G HSPDA Blackberry's might be in the works? I'm going to be switching from a Treo650 to the 8700c and just hope they don't come out with a 3G shortly there after ya know?

berry_apps 01-16-2006 09:14 AM

Most networks haven't gone to HSPDA. It could be a year or more before there is a wide deployment.

Mark Rejhon 01-16-2006 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by apple85
Does anyone know if any 3G HSPDA Blackberry's might be in the works? I'm going to be switching from a Treo650 to the 8700c and just hope they don't come out with a 3G shortly there after ya know?

Interestingly, it was reported that the Intel PXA901 chip inside the 8700c supports UMTS (HSDPA).

No word if the 8700 series will have a firmware upgrade to support this 3G technology.

apple85 01-17-2006 05:30 PM

So basically I just have to make the executive decesion... Buy it now and hope they report was right and they'll release a UMTS (HSPDA) firmware for it... OR buy it now and they don't and they'll make me buy a new phone later down the road...

apple85 04-10-2006 08:15 PM

This is a bump
So I asked this before... An HSPDA Blackberry and when the answer was that the current 8700 series hardware can support it and it's a matter of firmware... So basically I'm just bumping this up to see if anyone knows anything new... I'm tired of waiting for a 8700 on verizon...

dc/dc 04-10-2006 08:26 PM

There will be a UMTS (not HSDPA) model called the 8707v coming soon for Vodafone. It will not support UMTS 1900/850 that Cingular has deployed in the US, only UMTS 2100.

I say all that to say no, probably not in the near future.

jibi 04-10-2006 08:38 PM

anyone know if there are any HSUPA models available yet? :-P

robber 04-10-2006 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mark Rejhon
Interestingly, it was reported that the Intel PXA901 chip inside the 8700c supports UMTS (HSDPA).

No word if the 8700 series will have a firmware upgrade to support this 3G technology.

Woulden't be more a question of the radio(s) than the CPU? Thats the case in the CDMA world at least.

yunone 04-11-2006 10:42 AM

its more of a marketing question

deploy edge, let the market buy edge devices, let them love it, let them want faster, in a year or so then release your next technology forcing people to upgrade again..its all about money...why skip a generation to make the consumer happy when you can sell them two devices and make more money?

i would expect to see hsdpa BB's sometime mid next year, might even see something in the works and rumor mill late this year.... cross your fingers

jibi 04-11-2006 10:50 AM

there aren't currently enough HSDPA deployments in North America to even warrant a handheld, imo. even by the end of the year, i don't think there will be more than 20 cities (and only parts of them) with the technology. within the next 2-3 years, we should see one ... at that time, we will have UMTS/HSDPA deployments on the 2100 band (auction is 2.5 months) from T-Mobile, Cingular/ATT and Rogers, if not others. There will be a dual- or tri-band UMTS device available at that time that will also feature USDPA (and quite possibly USUPA if later on that spectrum).

yunone 04-11-2006 10:56 AM

wherever there is umts on the cingular network , there is hsdpa. cingular expects full nationwide rollout of hspda by the end of this year, most likely first quarter next year.

Which means where you get edge now, you will get hspda.

bb's are huge for cingular, but so are those lovely pc cards at 60 bucks a month for unlimited data. thats where the next exploitable market is for CW. more and more people are going wireless with their laptops, truckers, field technicians, and let us not forget the large Enterprise prosumers, UPS, FEDEX, DHL.....

i think we should make a betting poll on when we should see the first hsdpa BB, like a football pool for superbowl sunday....I get february 17th 2007 through february 21st 2007....thats 5 spots out of 10 bucks a spot....should be a healthy pool :)

jibi 04-11-2006 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by yunone
Which means where you get edge now, you will get hspda

Is Cingular really forking out the dollars to put in new hardware in ALL of their EDGE-enabled towers for UMTS and THEN HSDPA? I just don't see them upgrading their entire wireless data network to accomodate UMTS then HSDPA within the next 8 months. That's a LOT of money on hardware and licensing...

yunone 04-11-2006 01:33 PM

umts was in place already from ATT back in the 2001 rollout...during tower integration to the gold standard cingular is upgrading existing umts towers to hsdpa, and at the same time expanding the hsdpa network. so you are right, they are dumping money into hsdpa expansion, but at the same time the umts stuff was already there for the most part coming from attws.

also, dont think of an edge tower as also a umts tower or hsdpa tower.... if you look at a map of tower integration there is seperate cell sites for data and voice, but also piggybacked both worlds....

all of this is considered in the works, which means there are goals and goals slip...which means schedules i think its lofty that hsdpa will be in place by end of this year? hmm..not really....there is markets coming online every month now....its something to look forward too..... especially with verizonz REV A coming out.....

Jagga 04-11-2006 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by jibi
there aren't currently enough HSDPA deployments in North America to even warrant a handheld, imo. even by the end of the year, i don't think there will be more than 20 cities (and only parts of them) with the technology. within the next 2-3 years, we should see one ... at that time, we will have UMTS/HSDPA deployments on the 2100 band (auction is 2.5 months) from T-Mobile, Cingular/ATT and Rogers, if not others. There will be a dual- or tri-band UMTS device available at that time that will also feature USDPA (and quite possibly USUPA if later on that spectrum).

Well, thats just the USA; here in Canada a nationwide provider, Rogers Wireless equal to Cingular, is already in the testing phase in a few major cities across Canada. Further more they've promised nationwide rollout for UMTS across Canada by Fall 2006 - THIS YEAR! And you can believe that with ALL major cities that UMTS will be available; they did the same with GPRS back in 2001; and again with EDGE 2 years ago!

K-Mack 04-11-2006 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by yunone
wherever there is umts on the cingular network , there is hsdpa. cingular expects full nationwide rollout of hspda by the end of this year, most likely first quarter next year.

Which means where you get edge now, you will get hspda.

bb's are huge for cingular, but so are those lovely pc cards at 60 bucks a month for unlimited data. thats where the next exploitable market is for CW. more and more people are going wireless with their laptops, truckers, field technicians, and let us not forget the large Enterprise prosumers, UPS, FEDEX, DHL.....

i think we should make a betting poll on when we should see the first hsdpa BB, like a football pool for superbowl sunday....I get february 17th 2007 through february 21st 2007....thats 5 spots out of 10 bucks a spot....should be a healthy pool :)

I say Oct. 2007

yunone 04-11-2006 04:10 PM

you want all 31 days? thats 310 bucks that needs to be collected from you

chirayu 04-21-2006 01:38 PM

Hopefully soon :)

thecapitalizt 04-23-2006 05:38 PM

Dad just got a hspda PC card from Cingular, their rep said that they'll be flipping on HSPDA in the NYC area this summer. When he heads out to his head office in San Fran, speeds are wicked fast apparently.

apple85 04-23-2006 06:12 PM

Oh well i caved and got a 8700g with Edge... Im' happy haha!

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