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rpfeffer 03-15-2005 10:13 AM

Brickbreaker high scores!?
14,220. Beat that!

rpfeffer 03-18-2005 11:10 AM

I guess I am the only one that actually uses this feature?

nextelnutt 03-19-2005 12:38 AM

I will....
I will have to check with a friend of mine to see what his high score is. What is the highest level you have gotten to?

brickchamp 03-22-2005 07:11 PM

My high score is 32,270. I can send you a screen shot if necessary. Can anyone beat that???

jacobsaa 03-22-2005 09:38 PM

How did you get it that high? I play that game alot and I think the highest level I have reached is 10 - only once. That game is pretty hard. I hate when teh darn thing drops down that makes your paddle go the opposite way. If I get that, Im doomed. Whats your secret?

rpfeffer 03-23-2005 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by brickchamp
My high score is 32,270. I can send you a screen shot if necessary. Can anyone beat that???

I'd like a screenshot. Holy crap, did you beat the game? I got 14,220 with only like 7 levels left after where I finished....

You must have had to beat the game to get that score...

jacobsaa 03-23-2005 10:23 PM

I would like a screenshot as well. That just does not seem possible.

VCI_Cell 03-23-2005 10:38 PM

Damn. Thought I was sitting pretty with 8,485. Guess I'd better get back to it ...

jacobsaa 03-24-2005 12:34 AM

hahahha that is probably about where my score is, (maybe) I even doubt it was that high.

Mark Rejhon 03-24-2005 12:35 AM

BlackBerryOS 4.0 BrickBreaker has a different scoring system than BlackBerryOS 3.7 BrickBreaker.

Thus, PLEASE mention BlackBerryOS when posting BrickBreaker scores. ;-)

jacobsaa 03-24-2005 12:38 AM

Ah Ha!

Mark brings up a good point. Cheaters!!!!!! :)

rpfeffer 03-24-2005 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Mark Rejhon
BlackBerryOS 4.0 BrickBreaker has a different scoring system than BlackBerryOS 3.7 BrickBreaker.

Thus, PLEASE mention BlackBerryOS when posting BrickBreaker scores. ;-)

oh realllllllllllllllllly....

well my 14,220 was before we upgraded to 4.0. :-)

skrzat 03-24-2005 02:07 PM

I have 9490 points on OS 4.0 :)

thunder 06-24-2005 02:32 PM


you ARE da champ so far. Have you improved on it since? I have been posting my progress on the other thread. My new score iiiis 31,245 8-)

It hasn't been easy trying to catch up to you but watch out :smile:

rpfeffer 06-27-2005 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by thunder

you ARE da champ so far. Have you improved on it since? I have been posting my progress on the other thread. My new score iiiis 31,245 8-)

It hasn't been easy trying to catch up to you but watch out :smile:

awww man. I just got 24,675.

bushda 06-28-2005 08:41 AM

ver 4.0 .... I am up to 11.230, I guess i need to practice some more....

DCMike 07-26-2005 04:19 PM

How does one determine the OS?
My game only goes to level 7 - which I can complete without losing a ball - my high score is 7625, which I have not seen beat.

I've heard the newer OS has unlimited (or many more levels) - has anyone completed all the levels?

rpfeffer 08-05-2005 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by DCMike
My game only goes to level 7 - which I can complete without losing a ball - my high score is 7625, which I have not seen beat.

I've heard the newer OS has unlimited (or many more levels) - has anyone completed all the levels?

I have. Once you do, it cycles back through them all, and they just drop down faster.

mazz13 08-12-2005 06:30 AM

Brickbreaker - 3.7 vs 4.0
I have reviewed a number of forums over the last few days. There is some confusion over the two versions.

3.7 (or 3.6) - Brickbreaker (7 levels)
THis is the basic BB with 7 levels. Gun is key, as is proper laser use. The levels do not drop, and it is easy to beat. My personal high is 7,600, another guy here got 7,605. Flip sucks. I have seen scores reported up to 8,000. T0 pull that off you need crazy guns, especially to shoot the unbreakable blocks

4.0 Brickbreaker (34 levels)
This is amazing. I just upgraded my service pack yesterday and have not stopped playing. If you have not upgraed do so immediately. Bomb and wrap are the new items that drop. Gun is still key, levels drop and flip still sucks. The ball moves crazy different and is inconsistent. A lot of levels only have a few blocks with a number of unbreakable ones. Level 16 is tough. I hit 9,655, but have seen a a lot of reports of up to 34,000. Who knows, seems high, but I would not be surprised.

Brickbreaker is a way of life.

checkcashing 08-12-2005 10:25 AM

my high score is 9145 on 4.0
that damn ball moves all over the place
the game cheats

wwiiace 10-03-2005 05:27 PM

28210 but still growing.
I see brickchamp is the winner still but i know i will beat his score this month. this is my first day posting... but now that i know there is something to shoot for.

one question for everyone though... can anyone get the gun to shoot all the way to the Left on v4.0??? it seems like a fault in the game to me but it would be nice to know that particular detail!

thanks all.

good luck to brickchamp and all.


VaprTral 10-04-2005 12:53 PM

Tip for "Flip" capsule
I used to HATE the flip capsule 'cause it makes your paddle go the opposite way....until I tried this.

When I get a flip capsule, I pause the game and turn my black berry upside down and roll the paddle with my left hand. Sure your paddle is at the top BUT it rolls the normal way...much easier!!!

I have a BB7250 V4.0 High Score 9045

redwine77 10-05-2005 12:38 PM

BrickBreaker high score
After you get past level 17 it gets MUCH easier. There are only a few bricks per level (so fewer points per level). But the first time I got past 17 I made it to 22 on only one life. My high score (4.0 ver) is 10825 as of now, but I play the darn thing whenever I'm just sitting around in a meeting or something.

billd 10-05-2005 01:31 PM


ref18 10-05-2005 02:18 PM

I just made it to level 29 with 15,530

IronHokie 10-12-2005 03:31 PM

Brick Breaker Hack - Unlimited Lives
During Pause Screen hit 7 9 7 9 8 5 7 9 Help OK Resume.

Good luck and God Speed

wwiiace 10-12-2005 03:56 PM

I tried the hack and it didn't work. Do I need anything else like code?

I had exited the game and came back in.. and it was on pause. Then pressed the codes using the keypad and the rotary dial on the left. Do you need shift or is this just a waste of my time?


Peppe 10-18-2005 06:31 PM

i tired the unlimted lives code too, and no success.....btw 15315 v4

wwiiace 10-18-2005 07:08 PM

yeah, that dude sucks or simply a wrong version
yeah, i think that dude is either an idiot / jerk, or simply on a different version than us. i'll try to think the better of him but i was kinda pumped about a code... just to relive my original NES days. up down up down left .. well you know it. ah well. my high score is safe for a bit from cheating brickbreaker players.


big0mi 10-19-2005 09:29 AM

15555 here. got lucky one time while on the train. :)

stovenator 10-19-2005 05:04 PM

Here's a real hack
I've found a cheat... or actually a bug. On the first level, at the exact instant your ball (or laser or gun) comes into contact with the last brick, press in the jog dial. The box will pop up with "Level 2/34" and also the menu will pop up. Hit "Ok" on the level dialog, then hit "New Game" on the menu.

It will then start a new game on level two. When you finish level two it will jump ahead to level 4, and then to level 6, etc. Your score won't be very high, but you'll get furthur along in the game quicker.

It takes a little practice, but you'll get it.

Hatchy 10-20-2005 11:00 AM

Shooting on the left
I've only been able to get the gun to shoot all the way to the Left if your paddle is wrapping. You can then move slightly off the screen and line up the gun.

28,275 - getting closer to 30k...


Originally Posted by wwiiace
I see brickchamp is the winner still but i know i will beat his score this month. this is my first day posting... but now that i know there is something to shoot for.

one question for everyone though... can anyone get the gun to shoot all the way to the Left on v4.0??? it seems like a fault in the game to me but it would be nice to know that particular detail!

thanks all.

good luck to brickchamp and all.


wwiiace 10-20-2005 04:37 PM

Good score!
The left paddle thing with the wrap is clever but not the answer I was hoping for. I wish there was a button to slide it over. Again, ah well.

As for your score, that's really good. You are in 2nd place as my high is currently 28,210. I'll have to start taking more breaks around here. :-)


jackolat 11-07-2005 02:25 AM

I've scored 30645, good to see that I still have a reason to play.

insecterx 11-07-2005 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by stovenator
I've found a cheat... or actually a bug. On the first level, at the exact instant your ball (or laser or gun) comes into contact with the last brick, press in the jog dial. The box will pop up with "Level 2/34" and also the menu will pop up. Hit "Ok" on the level dialog, then hit "New Game" on the menu.

It will then start a new game on level two. When you finish level two it will jump ahead to level 4, and then to level 6, etc. Your score won't be very high, but you'll get furthur along in the game quicker.

It takes a little practice, but you'll get it.

thanks!!! i found this about a month ago and for the life of me could not repeat it. i thought it might have been a 1 time thing and it was only me that it happened to. i had a different cheat. when it happened it was on level 12 and I was able to skip level 13 and went right into 14 without starting a new game. i will have to play around with this some more.

wwiiace 11-09-2005 03:40 PM

skipping levels
yeah.. i have been playing around with this a lot as well, but then got bored. it seems as though if you do manage to do it, you can't stop playing, die, or pause the game at all because it will figure out whatever its doing incorrectly.

i still need to play with it as well. it'd be nice to skip that "U" board everytime (i think its level 16). I lose a ton of guys on that level usually.

my high score hasn't been reached in a while playing this darn cheat though. Doh.


shadowlesss 11-17-2005 08:31 AM

You can skip a level in Brick Breaker.....You must have either a Gun or a Laser, when you get to the last break of the brick you can press your scroll button in as if you were going to pause the game at exactly the same time the last brick is broken with the gun or laser. The game will not pause but will skip a level.

Try it, it works!



Originally Posted by wwiiace
i still need to play with it as well. it'd be nice to skip that "U" board everytime (i think its level 16). I lose a ton of guys on that level usually.

my high score hasn't been reached in a while playing this darn cheat though. Doh.


wwiiace 11-21-2005 08:22 PM

Any new high scores
hi everyone,

how's the high scores doing?

I am at 32,120. Anyone higher than that these days.. or just destroy the record?


canttouchthis 11-29-2005 03:25 PM

Brickbreaker High Score
2 Attachment(s)
Maybe I've got more time on my hands than I care to admit. My running high score is 1,142,720. I've gone around the world 69 times to the 2,346th level. Currently I also have 74 lives. Will keep you posted.

Mantis 11-29-2005 04:20 PM

hmm i see a lot of talk but no SS! I too have a high score of 54,472 :razz:

nc-chris 11-30-2005 02:35 PM

Guess my 9,020 (level 17) is pretty pathetic in this crowd... ;)

Danc 11-30-2005 02:42 PM

3,445. Anyone want a screen shot for proof?

Iron Man 11-30-2005 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by shadowlesss
You can skip a level in Brick Breaker.....You must have either a Gun or a Laser, when you get to the last break of the brick you can press your scroll button in as if you were going to pause the game at exactly the same time the last brick is broken with the gun or laser. The game will not pause but will skip a level.

Try it, it works!


Thanks for the tip man. I just tried it and I was shocked to find that it really does work! Do you have any other tips or cheats you could help us out with? I'm stuck on 16,165.

loose88 12-15-2005 02:35 PM

Excuse me?

Originally Posted by canttouchthis
Maybe I've got more time on my hands than I care to admit. My running high score is 1,142,720. I've gone around the world 69 times to the 2,346th level. Currently I also have 74 lives. Will keep you posted.

How in the world did you get through the "U" shaped one the second time (or the other 1000) around? Once it drops to the bottom, I cannot get it back to the top. Any ideas from anyone else?

Hatchy 12-19-2005 12:40 PM

Brickbreaker on an 8700 device is easier!! The game is essesntially the same, with one major difference... the bricks don't drop down as far. On the dreaded "U" level, there is still room to bounce, they never drop as far as on my previous 7290 or 7280 devices. Perhaps the screen resolution helps?

There is also a high score web site which you can post to. When you get a new high score, you have the option of posting it directly from the game. Unfortunately, the URL is only viewable on a BlackBerry


ELA 12-19-2005 07:36 PM

been playing for about a week now . . . high score is 40!

Do I really have to post a screen shot of this? LOL.

Great thread, very entertaining.


BDDeWeese 01-31-2006 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by loose88
How in the world did you get through the "U" shaped one the second time (or the other 1000) around? Once it drops to the bottom, I cannot get it back to the top. Any ideas from anyone else?

My high score is 1,195,270 (happy to provide a screenshot if someone tells me how to do it), but my game is over now -- after a solid month of playing that one game! The "U" the second time around is almost impossible unless you get a Catch, Multi or Gun before it drops, but it can be done. After the second time around, it goes back to normal speed. The levels still drop right away, but the ball doesn't go to hyperspeed right away the way it does on the second time around.

nsbalt 01-31-2006 07:05 PM

I finally cracked the 10k mark with 10,042.

marc408 02-01-2006 10:09 AM

15480 on V4.0.0

Mixxdup 02-15-2006 09:46 AM

Yeah it is easier on the 8700...I had a 7100g for 6 months and I could barely ever pass the U level and never beat the game. I've had the 8700 for less than a week and I've beat the game over and over and now my score is 104,420 with 26 lives. I almost don't want to keep going..I wonder why its so much easier..

Bornking 02-15-2006 10:15 AM

Yall are good ... i lost many dates on phone hold while i barely made it past level 16.
But i did post a all time high for me... 9220. thank you...thank you ...thank you...

8man 02-22-2006 03:44 PM

Level Maps
1 Attachment(s)
Here are some level maps I worked up. I haven't gotten back to level 32 to finish the mapping. Been to level 34 once, but no further.

ady i love brickbreaker 03-08-2006 04:47 PM

this is too hard..
i realy cant get past the U (level 16) its driving me mad! hi score 9315.

bassing1 03-22-2006 02:39 PM

262715 with 26 lives

nicco14 03-27-2006 03:15 PM

I'm on my 44th lap around, my score is 712585, I still have 163 lives left.(y)

mattoid 03-28-2006 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by 8man
Here are some level maps I worked up. I haven't gotten back to level 32 to finish the mapping. Been to level 34 once, but no further.


Raelly 03-29-2006 02:34 PM

I saw this board a while ago and relate to the same frustrations.

Well todayI finally made it around all the levels.. amazing to re-see Level 1/34

tried to take a picture - it's blurry as hell.

Made it back to Lvl 16 and crapped out at *fanfare* 23656 - beating the old high score of 15165..

I think I can put it down for a while!

Good luck to all and "Catch" on that miserable U.

BrickerBreak 03-31-2006 02:19 PM

New member, thought I was the only one addicted. High score is 28,755 on
v4.0.0. I was in the 15k range for about three months, and then something clicked.

seeley23 03-31-2006 04:14 PM

Brick Breaker High Score
26,705 :) I got 25k pretty quick but it took a while to get this score. If I get the right stuff like (catch) on the "U" shaped board--maybe 16 then I think I could get close to 35k.


Originally Posted by rpfeffer
14,220. Beat that!

seeley23 03-31-2006 04:17 PM

When I got 25k I thought I would give up too! However, after about two weeks the itch to play will come back and your new goal will be to beat all 34 levels TWICE!! I've been so close but the U gets me every time!!!:(
If only the brick gods would bless me with a catch!!!!! ---ps..High Score--26,705


Originally Posted by Raelly
I saw this board a while ago and relate to the same frustrations.

Well todayI finally made it around all the levels.. amazing to re-see Level 1/34

tried to take a picture - it's blurry as hell.

Made it back to Lvl 16 and crapped out at *fanfare* 23656 - beating the old high score of 15165..

I think I can put it down for a while!

Good luck to all and "Catch" on that miserable U.

nicco14 04-21-2006 03:21 PM

Bric Breaker Addict
:-o Whats your progress now? Just wondering what the top score is? I'm in the middle of what seems to be an endless game. 65th round, score of 1,103,145 with 256 lives left. No matter how bad it gets, I still end up with a few more lives every round.

sonny 05-15-2006 01:55 PM

24265 , did i beat it?

sonny 05-15-2006 02:00 PM

life game
i figured out that in the first level if a lfie drops there are more lives through out thw whole game... next time you play try it... and its really good if you get 2 lives to drop...

ootdoo 05-16-2006 06:14 PM

brickbreaker ?
i tried to post a score but it says my password is wrong....what password is this talking about?

sonny 05-17-2006 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by ootdoo
i tried to post a score but it says my password is wrong....what password is this talking about?

when you type in your password ,amek sure the first letter is :cap: it helps, if thats not the problem tell me

rafa2044 06-09-2006 01:44 PM

2 subway rides later and 7850!

ndub33 06-09-2006 01:57 PM

2085-clearly I need to devote more time to this...:smile:

snoopy 06-23-2006 03:11 AM

real hack - expanded upon
ok - i've gone nuts over the past few months of business travel w/ my brickbreaker (have the 7230 model). anyway, the 'real hack' post on the previous page is legitimate, but after months of messing around (trying the same cheat on different levels, on one level after another, etc., and losing most lives on level 16) i've found the holy grail.

first, a couple ofthings about that hack that you should know - once you successfully get into the skip-level mode, if you die OR HIT PAUSE it will stop skipping, and continue on one level at a time - the same is true of my version (took me a long time to realize this - thought it was just inconsistent).

ok - here's my version - wait 'til level 3 before doing the cheat - on level 3, do the same thing as the other cheat- press in your scroll wheel at the split second the ball/missile/gun (whatever you have at the time) hits the last remaining brick, then hit 'ok', then hit 'new game', then ok again. you'll notice it takes you back to level 2 - which is what you want. if you were to continue from here without executing the rest of my cheat, it would skip every other level (go from 2, to 4, to 6, etc.). BUT - for the holy grail - repeat the cheat again on this level (remember - you can't die, or pause). this time, you'll notice that if you execute the same cheat as before, you have to hit ok again (twice i believe this time), then do the same thing as before - press the scroll wheel after you've got through the 'ok' screens, and select 'new game'. this time, you'll have to hit 'ok' about 3 times, but you'll notice it takes you to level 3.

at first you might think this is just the next level, and nothing happened - WRONG. proceed through this level as normal (don't execute the cheat again). now - when you're finished, you'll notice that you will have to press in the scroll wheel about another 3 times of 'ok' screens - and a miracle happens - you will now be on level 6! just continue to play and you will skip 3 levels at a time - not the 2 as before.

the real beauty - because of the sequencing, you will SKIP the dreaded level-16 that usually sucks all your lives (the 'U' shaped disaster people have referred to).

if i die before that, i will simply start over and re-execute the cheat because once you're past that as i think someone else mentioned, the levels are all easier for the most part.

once i got this cheat to work, i have made it to level 34 (frustratingly enough, i only had one life and didn't finish - but the good news is, level 34 looks pretty easy).

ok - yes i have a life (and a job) - but this little experiment has occupied many hours in airports and i'm happy to share.

e-mail me if you want to know where you can send money.

ps - remember what i said about manually pausing the game or dying neutralizing the 'skip' effect. if you need to pause, wait until the last brick is destroyed on whatever level you're on and don't touch anything - the game will remain on hold.

pps - i THINK this cheat works if you execute it on level 2 first, which will then put you back at level 2 again, and then repeat the cheat again - but it seems difficult for whatever reason to catch the last brick just right on the second attempt this way (like the ball accelerates slightly and it's hard to time or something like that).

ppps - because i'm so happy when i manage to repeat the cheat twice and get into 3-level skip mode, i haven't experimented past that to see if you can skip even further - would be curious if anyone out there can expand on this cheat. i have executed the cheat on other levels and so far, if i do it after level 3 the first time, it starts me back at level 2 regardless of what level i execute it on.

Heather924 06-24-2006 08:46 AM

2,520 and proud of it.

emac 07-13-2006 01:14 PM

Did anyone figure out if the unlimited lives thing worked?

missblackberry 07-13-2006 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by VaprTral
I used to HATE the flip capsule 'cause it makes your paddle go the opposite way....until I tried this.

When I get a flip capsule, I pause the game and turn my black berry upside down and roll the paddle with my left hand. Sure your paddle is at the top BUT it rolls the normal way...much easier!!!

I have a BB7250 V4.0 High Score 9045

haha good idea!!

Dylan Trott 07-14-2006 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by 8man
Here are some level maps I worked up. I haven't gotten back to level 32 to finish the mapping. Been to level 34 once, but no further.

These are pretty damn cool!

G-Unit 07-15-2006 03:07 PM

Has anyone else gotten the cheat working??

I've tried it a bunch of times, unless i'm doing something wrong.

I tried at level 2 to 6, waiting until the last brick and then pausing it just when i touch it.

I get the next screen with the OK, but then when i chose New Game, it asks me if i want to cancel the existing game , so i say "yes", and it takes me back to level 1.

There definately is a glitch with the game because i know that I have skipped level 16 once, I don't know what happened but from all the times i've played it, that was the only time.... I need to figure out the cheat!!

adrianbruce 07-21-2006 12:37 PM

highest score 17995. went to level 34 then atarted again at level 1. i finished on level (34+) 5. later levels were easier. 16 the hardest

deathbywedgie 07-26-2006 10:45 AM

BDDeWeese's right. Once you get good enough to beat the game the second time through the levels, it gets easier again. The bricks still drop more quickly, but the ball doesn't move psychotically fast. At that point, all you have to do is focus on dying less than you bring in new lives, and you can play forever. (Sounds like sarcasm, but it's true.) I'm at 135,000+ right now on my 9th or 10th rotation through the levels with 46 lives (would be more lives except I got bored and started catching all the Flips just for practice, and you can't help but die a LITTLE more that way), and the game will basically go on forever from here on out I suppose.

tailormaid 08-01-2006 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by 8man
Here are some level maps I worked up. I haven't gotten back to level 32 to finish the mapping. Been to level 34 once, but no further.

This is awesome, dude! I have been dreaming of this for a year!

I found the best "cheat" of all. I usually play on the subway, but the bouncing around can take its toll. When I play at my desk (instead of working, dudes) I am hot!

Today I got to 13,225 at level 25....besting my previous best of 12,250! Woo Hoo!

jhf 08-03-2006 03:30 PM

on the board
just rolled over 500,000 with 140 lives left ... same game for a couple months. a ways behind the leaders with scores over 1M, but seems like this game will last a long time ...

deathbywedgie 08-09-2006 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by deathbywedgie
BDDeWeese's right. Once you get good enough to beat the game the second time through the levels, it gets easier again. The bricks still drop more quickly, but the ball doesn't move psychotically fast. At that point, all you have to do is focus on dying less than you bring in new lives, and you can play forever. (Sounds like sarcasm, but it's true.) I'm at 135,000+ right now on my 9th or 10th rotation through the levels with 46 lives (would be more lives except I got bored and started catching all the Flips just for practice, and you can't help but die a LITTLE more that way), and the game will basically go on forever from here on out I suppose.

So... a very important lesson about Brick Breaker, life, and the pursuit of happiness: NEVER forget to charge your phone. At around 300,000 points my battery died. I had to start over, but I'm back at around 80,000. Stupid battery. :-o

GMONEY126 08-18-2006 03:01 PM

Brick Breaker Score

Originally Posted by rpfeffer
14,220. Beat that!


HALLEGERE 08-18-2006 06:17 PM

Best score and unbeatable
I got a score of 200. I will never play again therefore I will never break my record. My personal record will stand to the end of time. Took me hours but I am really proud of my accomplishment. I should have saved the screen for my grandchildren but alas I got sent work to do and had to close the game.

Sorry can't find the OS version but it was on a 7250

nicco14 10-05-2006 07:22 PM

Brick Breaker Score
8-) Last time I wrote I was doing great, well over a million and plenty of lives to spare. Then the game went haywire and I couldn't do anything else. I was caught in a loop. As soon as the ball hit a wall it would say try again as if I had lost a life BUT it did not subtract one. I had to reset therefore loosing my high score and had to start all over. I just completed my 66th rotaion and have a score of 1,126,815 with 75 lives. Not sure how long I can go on untill it screws up again. BTW, I don't use the cheats. I didn't even know they existed. Maybe next time. I have the 7280 with OS 4.0

zilla 10-11-2006 07:34 PM

Is it true that the game dies like that after ~1,100,000? If so I'd like to know now so I can kill myself off before that happens, and my high score can be registered. Took me a year and a half of playing before I finally got through the second go-round, after which the game gets ridiculously easy and you just keep playing and racking up lives. Currently at 350,205 with 123 lives.

I'm thinking if the game really does crap out like some are saying I'll just try to kill myself off at 1,000,000 exactly.

vhest 10-13-2006 01:30 PM

Scores and such........................
I'm currently sitting @ 950,000 w/250 lives left, but my BB has gone off of my email network and now I can't sent/receive emails. The way for me to get BACK on the network is to obviously take the battery out and put it back in, essentially resetting the unit, and my high score thus far. Can you back up the game somehow? Any help can/will appreciated.................


markfact 10-13-2006 08:18 PM

I have 73000, still going... on my 7th time around? lol well anyways, I have 13 lives, and it isnt really getting harder, in my opinion its getting easier. Im using a 7100 i think

wazza 10-16-2006 02:27 PM

how do you guys get such high scores?!?!?i find that the trackwheel gets "loose" and loses some of its there any assitance (cheats) or suggestions (cheats) that any one can offer up so i can break 10k...

damarc 10-22-2006 01:16 AM

Brick Breaker High Score

nicco14 10-23-2006 12:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
8-) I have version 4.0 with the 7280.
Just ended the game with a high score of 1,325,110. I had 71 lives left but the game started screwing up on me (not the first time) so I had to end it quickly. Last time this happened I had 1.2 million and 200+ lives but the game screwed up and every shot I took just hit the wall and said try again, no loss of life, nothing. It was caught in a loop so I had to restart it, took over 5 months to get a good game going. Its a piece of cake once you've gone twice around. I was on my 78th round when I had to end it. At least this time I have something to show for it. So for those non're just not good enough:razz: . Try a little harder.

DrChillax 10-23-2006 02:01 PM

once you beat all the levels, you restart the game at level one...

Bret Givens 11-21-2006 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by sonny
when you type in your password ,amek sure the first letter is :cap: it helps, if thats not the problem tell me

What password are we supposed to enter?

crackberry.addict 12-14-2006 07:25 PM


i feel like a loser with only a 14k score.

Andrrea 01-03-2007 02:59 PM

Why doesn't this work???

Originally Posted by stovenator
I've found a cheat... or actually a bug. On the first level, at the exact instant your ball (or laser or gun) comes into contact with the last brick, press in the jog dial. The box will pop up with "Level 2/34" and also the menu will pop up. Hit "Ok" on the level dialog, then hit "New Game" on the menu.

It will then start a new game on level two. When you finish level two it will jump ahead to level 4, and then to level 6, etc. Your score won't be very high, but you'll get furthur along in the game quicker.

It takes a little practice, but you'll get it.

Ok so I love brickbreaker and have a current high score of 15,390. I got this on level 29, or thereabouts. I'm really interested in playing through all of the levels, and so I tried this cheat in order to skip level 16 (the one that allways kills me unless I get catch or gun). But it doesn't work for me!

ALWAYS_THINKING 01-13-2007 05:12 AM

Best Cheat of All

Originally Posted by tailormaid
This is awesome, dude! I have been dreaming of this for a year!

I found the best "cheat" of all. I usually play on the subway, but the bouncing around can take its toll. When I play at my desk (instead of working, dudes) I am hot!

Today I got to 13,225 at level 25....besting my previous best of 12,250! Woo Hoo!

.....Hey so tell us what it is, please?:oops:

DCMike 01-19-2007 10:22 AM

Version 4.0 High Score 1,300,000+
The high scores posted on the Plazmic site are now approaching 1,400,000.

As high as that seems it really isn't that difficult to get above 1,200,000.

With practice anyone should be able to get through all 34 levels once. The second time around is VERY challenging so save those lives. Once you make it past the the second time through the 34 levels life is good. You will accumulate lives much faster than you lose them and can play for months until the you've been through 80 rounds of 34. At that point, you should easily be above 1,200,000 which (currently) puts you in the top 200 or so on the Plazmic scorecard. What separates the elite from the near elite is maximizing points. Once you've got a comfortable number of lives (20 or so) you MUST shift your focus to points. Sacrifice a life for points. GUNS are the most important power up and should be used to destroy steel plates (for a net +50 score) when possible. It has been suggested that your score must average 17,000 per round to acheive elite status - I'm not sure if that is enough - I'm at 1,220,000 and still going, but don't know how many more rounds I've got.

I'd be interested in hearing how the game ends when you've completed 80 rounds.

PS- Don't try to post an imtermedite score on Plazmic - your game will be reset.

geyver 02-09-2007 02:09 AM

Ok EVERYBODY talks about the cheat but no one really give the answer. I have a 8700c (from cingular) and when I do the cheat say ok to next level the say new game and it ask me "end current game" no one has said what to do here... everyone says click ok then new game then ok, I have tried it both ways and does not work...

Does anyone have an answer?

sshocker96 02-10-2007 09:16 AM

How do you 'save' a game? Whenever I stop a game, if I go back into brickbreaker, the only option I have is for 'new game'!?

Cableguy 02-10-2007 07:49 PM

No need for your ability

Originally Posted by Andrrea
Ok so I love brickbreaker and have a current high score of 15,390. I got this on level 29, or thereabouts. I'm really interested in playing through all of the levels, and so I tried this cheat in order to skip level 16 (the one that allways kills me unless I get catch or gun). But it doesn't work for me!

I have had my BB for years now and have never used a cheat. I didn't even knew they existed. I have had scores of 400,000 and 800,000. I am now working on a score of just over 1,100,000 and still going strong (with 340 lives). My suggestion is to forget the cheats and just practice. You will find a rhythm (no other way to describe it) in your playing and in time you will master every board.

Cableguy 02-10-2007 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by geyver
Ok EVERYBODY talks about the cheat but no one really give the answer. I have a 8700c (from cingular) and when I do the cheat say ok to next level the say new game and it ask me "end current game" no one has said what to do here... everyone says click ok then new game then ok, I have tried it both ways and does not work...

Does anyone have an answer?

Yeah, the simplest answer is....don't cheat. Just practice your arse (and thumbs) off. That's the only way to beat this god for saken game.


Cableguy 02-11-2007 01:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 7118Howdy y'all. Thought I would post a picture for you non-believers.

Remember, this was all done with hard work (even when I should have been actually "working" at my all know what I mean ;-)) and thumbs that end up looking like Popeye"s forearms. Oh, my garshk!!

jaegerup 02-21-2007 07:14 PM

So Many Lives?
I have completed the game twice, level 68, but I never have more than 9 lives at any given time? Can some tell me how you get 100+ lives? Is there a trick? Thanks

[email address]

Cableguy 02-22-2007 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by jaegerup
I have completed the game twice, level 68, but I never have more than 9 lives at any given time? Can some tell me how you get 100+ lives? Is there a trick? Thanks

[email address]

No tricks. Just pick them up as they come along and try not to lose any along the way (sounds crazy, doesn't it?). If you have made it around twice, as you say, you may be a little low on dudes but the game slows right down and you are able to build up guys (a lot of them) as you carry through. You have to go through the 34 levels several times over before you get over 100 lives.

I had almost 400 (lives) with my high score so just keep breaking.

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