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-   -   Why the Track Wheel is WAY better than the Trackball ( 12-16-2008 10:25 AM

Why the Track Wheel is WAY better than the Trackball
After using multiple Blackberry devices (8700, Curve, Flip, Pearl, 8800, 7130) I have come to the conclusion that the Track Wheel, while not as cutting edge, is vastly superior to the trackball. Why? Here is why, see if you agree.

Although I am right handed, I can easily use the Track Wheel, while holding my Blackberry in my left palm, and using one of Three fingers (index, middle, and ring) on my Left hand to manipulate the track wheel and back button. This leaves my thumbs to be used mostly for typing on the keypad, I can also use the Blackberry right handed in its conventional one handed style, with my right thumb when I am unable to use both hands, which is seldom. This virtually eliminates the chance of Repetitive Strain Injury, otherwise known a Blackberry thumb, by spreading the load, so to speak among more than just the thumbs.

The Track Ball, can be only accurately used with either one of the thumbs, using any other fingers usually results in the curser being lost on the screen, unlike the Track Wheel that uses orderly top to bottom movement of the curser and positive clicks.

So, what this means to me is, to stock up on Track Wheel Blackberry’s for the near future. What this means to others, well, maybe nothing, until that stabbing pain starts showing up in their thumbs. :cry:

So what do you think?

JSanders 12-16-2008 10:34 AM

Think? Opinions are like you know what... everyone has one.

takeshi 12-16-2008 11:09 AM

I don't really miss the wheel except for playing Ka Glom!.

In any case, people are going to be on both sides of the fence. I personally don't see the wheel as worth losing the features included in my 8310.

curriertech 12-16-2008 11:15 AM

The wheel was the only thing I didn't like about earlier devices, I'm happy with the ball. :)

zerog46 12-16-2008 11:16 AM

I don't miss the track wheel at all.

lraed74 12-16-2008 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by JSanders (Post 1211257)
Think? Opinions are like you know what... everyone has one.

A sphincter? :shock:

vballcoach 12-16-2008 11:45 AM

well since I am a fairly new BB convert, I prefer the ball.
I converted from the MotoQ which is track wheel oriented...

kjjb0204 12-16-2008 12:16 PM

ball is much better in my opinion.

mriff 12-16-2008 12:23 PM

Ball > Wheel

jeremyckitching 12-16-2008 12:27 PM

Even though I am currently using the 8700g I prefer the track ball to the scroll wheel.

piester 12-16-2008 01:30 PM

Wirelessly posted

The ball in my opinion is better in terms of using it as a mouse pointer. But the trackwheel didn't get clogged with dust and pocket lint as easy.

jsntrenkler 12-16-2008 01:32 PM

I liked the ball much better than the wheel.

hd_rider 12-16-2008 01:51 PM

I think the phone should have come with a "mouse stick", similar to what you see on laptops, instead of the track ball. Less moving parts while still giving you the capabilities of a mouse. Though I suppose with a stick, they'd also have to come up with an "Enter" button of some kind.

nchavez 12-16-2008 01:53 PM

I see where the OP was going with this. I am on the fence about the trackball as opposed to the trackwheel. I miss the 8700 trackwheel and it took me a whole 5 seconds to get used to the trackball on the Curve. I felt like the trackwheel was an original feature for Blackberry and now it's gone. I do like the trackball for internet puposes, but I still liked the trackwheel in it's glory days. ;-)

Technologic80 12-16-2008 02:40 PM

Ive had a few BB's (7290 with a wheel) and I much prefer the trackball. ESPECIALLY when browsing web pages, and you can use the cursor.

I bought 5 trackball/ring kits off ebay and keep them as spares. I work on cars alot, eat at my desk at my other job, and the trackballs dont agree with that very much....

Shishkabob87 12-16-2008 03:16 PM

Ball>Wheel for sure

G M Fude 12-16-2008 03:45 PM

Went from a couple of years with a trackwheel BB, for a month have had a trackball BB. Much prefer the trackball in almost every way, so far.

akosnitzky 12-16-2008 03:47 PM

It is a matter of taste. At this point, I am used to trackball and so is the consumer

roofus 12-16-2008 04:32 PM

thinking is stressful . . to be avoided at all costs

rambo47 12-16-2008 05:41 PM

I'm still a wheel man at heart. Although I do prefer the old thumb wheel, I do all right on the trackball. Given a choice, however, I'd go back and retrofit my Bold with the thumb wheel.

Thumb Wheel > Trackball.

JV77 12-16-2008 06:24 PM

Have no problem with the ball but preferred the wheel.

mriff 12-16-2008 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by jsntrenkler (Post 1211561)
I liked the ball much better than the wheel.

Lol. Now you have neither! Wish you had a track ball on your Storm?

google123 12-16-2008 08:28 PM

Wirelessly posted

I never used anything other than the pearl wit the trackball but I believe the next iteration should use an optical pickup, afterall, that's what happened to the trackballs in mice!

radimus 12-16-2008 09:36 PM

Wirelessly posted (8700c)

The wheel was alright until you ended up with a web page with more than one column of links. With the wheel on the 8700 I could not get it to select a link beyond the first column.

Anyway, get used to the trackball or switch devices. The last OS they wrote for the 8700 was 4.5. They won't be releasing anything newer and after a while it won't be practical or well supported.

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