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digitalextremes 05-06-2008 10:52 AM

UMA now offered by Rogers
For those who like to use UMA on Rogers.....the service is now being offered by Rogers

Rogers Home Calling Zone

Enjoy :)

hdawg 05-06-2008 10:55 AM


Enjoy Rogers customers (y)

WorldIRC 05-07-2008 03:22 AM

I guess for now theres no way to get an ATT 8820 working on Rogers or Tmobile UMA

hdawg 05-07-2008 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by WorldIRC (Post 920401)
I guess for now theres no way to get an ATT 8820 working on Rogers or Tmobile UMA

Huh? Why not unlock it and then signup for service with either Rogers or TMo ... am I missing something here?

Sith_Apprentice 05-07-2008 07:09 AM

Only those carrier's devices will pick up UMA. though I am curious if a Tmo UMA device will pick up Rogers UMA.

hdawg 05-07-2008 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Sith_Apprentice (Post 920505)
Only those carrier's devices will pick up UMA. though I am curious if a Tmo UMA device will pick up Rogers UMA.

Thanks for the info; I had no clue.

WorldIRC 05-07-2008 11:28 AM

^Yea..infact, the BB 8820 doesn't have UMA options in it period..even with Tmobiles 8820 OS flashed..even with my Tmo sim card in it!

digitalextremes 05-07-2008 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by WorldIRC (Post 920899)
^Yea..infact, the BB 8820 doesn't have UMA options in it period..even with Tmobiles 8820 OS flashed..even with my Tmo sim card in it!

8820 is UMA capable...maybe TMO is not offering that service on the 8820

the software has UMA settings hardcoded which points the device to the correct UMA network when you enable UMA and try to connect, you will also need the correct certificate that your device will need to use when getting authenticated on the UMA network. You can see the settings when you look at the Wi-Fi diagnostics details, it will show you the correct URL of the network UNC and Security Gateway. you need those two key settings in the device + the certificate (certificate can eaisly be obtained from another TMO blackberry, you can just ask your friend to browse through the certificates on a TMO BB and select it and email to you right through the device, but settings cannot be inputted manually)

I have never tested the software theory explained above but I am hoping that will work becuase it makes sense and the device should connect to the correct UMA network.

John Clark 05-07-2008 12:19 PM

All the wifi devices are UMA capable. However, UMA only works on the carrier that the device is branded to. And that carrier has to offer UMA. A TMo device unlocked will not get UMA on Rogers or vice versa.

WorldIRC 05-07-2008 12:36 PM

^That's a shame because I have Rogers and Tmo and would have liked to use one device for both :(

Cory Scheuer 05-07-2008 12:51 PM

muahah For you fido users, UMA is also available

Fido UNO

digitalextremes 05-07-2008 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by WorldIRC (Post 920899)
^Yea..infact, the BB 8820 doesn't have UMA options in it period..even with Tmobiles 8820 OS flashed..even with my Tmo sim card in it!

  • just curious to know what happens when you enable Wi-Fi, does it let you connect to the internet through a wireless router?
  • if that works and then you enable "Wi-Fi Preferred" Under Network Settings, does your device connect to TMO's UMA network?
  • What do you see under Wi-Fi Diagnostics --> Advanced Settings for UNC and Security Gateway?

WorldIRC 05-07-2008 01:35 PM

I know on my 8320 I used to see the UMA information under diagnostics... Theres nothing for UMA labelled anymore. Wifi does connect fine.

RegisteredUser 05-08-2008 12:59 PM

Roger's Wireless UMA
I have the unlocked Blackberry 8320 from Tmobile working on Rogers Wireless. I love the WiFi capabilities. Cuts cost for sure on the data charges for browsing the web and sending and receiving emails via WiFi. It's even FASTER for browsing on the Internet with WiFi.

It's kinda retarded to pay for an additional $15 per month (plus tax) if you :

1.) already have unlimited evenings and weekends for phone calls. Especially for the ones who lucked out with the after 5pm evenings plan...

2.) Constantly in a WiFi zone: At work during day and at home during after work.

3.) Surf and access the Internet using WiFi using WiFi Browser.

4.) ...I even still get my Exchange Emails via WiFi when I turn off the Rogers Wireless or take out the SIM card...

5.) ....without the SIM Card, I can still use WiFi with some OPENED WiFi spots to use Google Map to find a place or lookup some stuff quickly on the Internet.

VoIP Client such as Skype is CHEAP. $2.95 CAD per month for unlimited calls to US/CANADA to a landline or mobile. Better than $15 CAD plus TAX from Rogers. And MUCH Cheaper than Shaw's Digital Phone...what a friggin' rip off. I just pay for my Extreme High-Speed at Shaw and use Skype for calling across Canada/USA. MUCH CHEAPER.

If you are computer savvy enough, you can save alot on cost. For those who are computer challenged, those are extra costs that will eat up your savings. Plain and simple.

And MOST INTERESTING of all, there are several developments happening underground to get VoIP client to work properly on Blackberry with WiFi capability.

When this opensource type application is up and running, it's a whole new ball game. It'll be like Linux slow to gain popularity in the beginning but will eventually be in the mainstream.

The real challenge is, getting Linux on Blackberry. Theoretically, it is possible to have Linux on it. It is a matter of writing the codes to work with the device in the first place.

Once there is a working Mobile Linux OS for Blackberry, the possibilities are ENDLESS. A whole bunch of Linux developers from all around the world will jump right in code up stuff, use, reuse, rewrite and patch up the original codes used under the GPL agreement. It'll be like wildfire.

After that, you can have Linux version of VoIP client on Blackberry on WiFi and make FREE calls to landline and regular cell phones.

With a working Linux version of this and all the talented developers with their names on it, that IS their resume for a World Class dream job.

What Rogers Wireless's Marketing does not want you and others to know is... if you already have a Blackberry WiFi, you can already surf the Internet and send/receive emails (via hotmail/yahoo/exchange) for free--provided the WiFi router you are connected to is either OPENED or you have the keys to use it.

WorldIRC 05-08-2008 01:48 PM

^Does your phone read UMA when on Wifi?

Sith_Apprentice 05-08-2008 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by RegisteredUser (Post 922383)
The real challenge is, getting Linux on Blackberry. Theoretically, it is possible to have Linux on it. It is a matter of writing the codes to work with the device in the first place.

Once there is a working Mobile Linux OS for Blackberry, the possibilities are ENDLESS. A whole bunch of Linux developers from all around the world will jump right in code up stuff, use, reuse, rewrite and patch up the original codes used under the GPL agreement. It'll be like wildfire.

wish for this in one hand and spit in the other, sPit in another and see which one fills up first. BB hasnt been hacked, never any other OS on it, never any viruses, nothing like that. good luck removing the OS and replacing it with linux.

RegisteredUser 05-08-2008 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by WorldIRC (Post 922449)
^Does your phone read UMA when on Wifi?


No. It does not show UMA. My Blackberry 8320 is UMA ready and capable.

The phone was bought from a US vendor/supplier and unlocked for us. The phone was branded for T-mobile.

Works fine up here no problem.

The past few days to a week, we can see that Rogers Wireless is mucking around with the network as there were some MDS issues where Market Filters and BBToday would not work for about 3 days in a row.

Nothing was changed on our BES. The problems were pointing to Rogers Wireless. It was ridiculous to talk to the technician I was talking to. He kept denying that the problem is Rogers Wireless and hinted that it was our problem. I hate those first level tech and customer service reps. They know DICK all about the way things work. Just say it out that you don't @#$%ing know and escalate the me/call to a senior technician more competetant.

After a heated argument to request to talk to the higher up, yes, Rogers Wireless WAS mucking around their network in the past few days to a week just to get certain stuff in place to get their UMA working properly on their network. Instead of calling it UMA, they've branded their UMA service...another marketing ploy.

Now, the real question is, will the visitors who are already on UMA outside of Canada get UMA service in Canada?

Technically, it should be possible and without incurring additional charges. But, this is Rogers, they will charge you up the Ying Yang. Why do you think Rogers was one of the Top 5 highest Revenue Earned? They've monopolized Canada. We need more competitors in the market, but the CRTC are being anal about it and my assumption is that the executives are all in on it with Rogers.

My argument is, why should I be charged for using my/our own WiFi for Internet browsing and sending/receiving emails through WiFi???

It's like having your own laptop that is WiFi capable, have Skype to make the calls (at $2.95/month), and being charged for using WiFi at your own home/work where Internet is already paid for by you/company...????....doesn't make sense from a consumer point of view.

Thanks but no thanks. I'm happy with what I have....WITHOUT the additional cost.

My job is to reduce cost--not incur more cost.

RegisteredUser 05-08-2008 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sith_Apprentice (Post 922453)
wish for this in one hand and spit in the other, sPit in another and see which one fills up first. BB hasnt been hacked, never any other OS on it, never any viruses, nothing like that. good luck removing the OS and replacing it with linux.


That is true. Like I said, "the real challenge..." and "...matter of writing the codes..." to work with the devices.

The devices themselves are really just a shell...I am not a veteran programmer but I have takened programming before in Assembly, Visual Basics/C++/C# and Java before up to intermediary.

I've started out Linux last 2 years and I see a lot of potential with it. The coding part will take some time to get used to. But Linux is everywhere such as Routers and enterprise switches and NAS/SANs. Another good example, the One Laptop per Child program, those inexpensive laptops are based on Linux. And let's not forget about Asus, Asus's EEEPC is based on Linux as well.

Linux is in the mainstream. Linux doesn't require that much resource to run.

kjdoug 05-08-2008 04:08 PM

uma sucks for now cause they only have the crappy nokia phone and not the pearl 8120 they were supposed to have....boy am i unhappy!!!

WorldIRC 05-08-2008 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by RegisteredUser (Post 922630)

No. It does not show UMA. My Blackberry 8320 is UMA ready and capable.

The phone was bought from a US vendor/supplier and unlocked for us. The phone was branded for T-mobile.

Works fine up here no problem.

The past few days to a week, we can see that Rogers Wireless is mucking around with the network as there were some MDS issues where Market Filters and BBToday would not work for about 3 days in a row.

Nothing was changed on our BES. The problems were pointing to Rogers Wireless. It was ridiculous to talk to the technician I was talking to. He kept denying that the problem is Rogers Wireless and hinted that it was our problem. I hate those first level tech and customer service reps. They know DICK all about the way things work. Just say it out that you don't @#$%ing know and escalate the me/call to a senior technician more competetant.

After a heated argument to request to talk to the higher up, yes, Rogers Wireless WAS mucking around their network in the past few days to a week just to get certain stuff in place to get their UMA working properly on their network. Instead of calling it UMA, they've branded their UMA service...another marketing ploy.

Now, the real question is, will the visitors who are already on UMA outside of Canada get UMA service in Canada?

Technically, it should be possible and without incurring additional charges. But, this is Rogers, they will charge you up the Ying Yang. Why do you think Rogers was one of the Top 5 highest Revenue Earned? They've monopolized Canada. We need more competitors in the market, but the CRTC are being anal about it and my assumption is that the executives are all in on it with Rogers.

My argument is, why should I be charged for using my/our own WiFi for Internet browsing and sending/receiving emails through WiFi???

It's like having your own laptop that is WiFi capable, have Skype to make the calls (at $2.95/month), and being charged for using WiFi at your own home/work where Internet is already paid for by you/company...????....doesn't make sense from a consumer point of view.

Thanks but no thanks. I'm happy with what I have....WITHOUT the additional cost.

My job is to reduce cost--not incur more cost.

So then no, youre not on UMA..simply Wifi. The issue was never getting a foreign blackberry to work on Wifi..its getting them to work on UMA

RegisteredUser 05-09-2008 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by WorldIRC (Post 922679)
So then no, youre not on UMA..simply Wifi. The issue was never getting a foreign blackberry to work on Wifi..its getting them to work on UMA


No. I never said mine was working for UMA. The phone is UMA ready and capable.

I have heard issues from others where they are unable to get it to work with Roger's UMA.

Thinking about it, if you have a working VoIP client on the Blackberry WiFi, logically, you don't really need Roger's UMA--just use WiFi.

As I had mentioned before, it is a matter of writing up the codes to work with the Blackberry WiFi device.

WorldIRC 05-09-2008 10:30 PM

I got the Tmobile certs downloaded and certified but still no luck. My friend @ Rim is using engineering firmware on an 8820 and he can enable and disable the UMA feature menus and enter the settings at free, at the software level, I think it's possible. I think its the firmware which is telling the OS to enable or disable it and engineering firmware simply overrides that firmware command...he says whenever he reboots the phone he has to reenable the UMA menu but once its done, he can use it.

John Clark 05-09-2008 10:32 PM

all we need is that method of reenabling the UMA menus. I'm wondering if it's some kind of alt + x x x x code.

WorldIRC 05-09-2008 11:18 PM

Apparantly its in the engineering menus on the engineering OS...Unfortuantely even if one could obtain the software, one would need a dongle to install it.

WorldIRC 05-09-2008 11:18 PM

Even if the menus were enabled though, one would need the ability to modify the server settings. The engineering software allows for this.

WorldIRC 05-11-2008 10:38 AM

John Clark,

So, you know how we use Blackberry.alx to unlock themes with a different Vendor ID. Do you think its possible that Blackberry.alx for TMOBILE could be used in the same fashion. There's gotta be a code in there somewhere that installs the WIFI / UMA settings by Vendor ID. Perhaps we need to "unlock" this in the same fashion as we would the themes?

John Clark 05-11-2008 10:59 AM

No, there's no .alx edit unlock for that.

WorldIRC 05-11-2008 11:21 AM

Hmm..well there HAS to be a file somewhere to be hacked or prawded at lol. Unless the UMA "menu" is 100% based within the firmware itself and not loaded by the OS...which wouldn't really make sense.

Berry One 05-11-2008 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by RegisteredUser (Post 922383)
The real challenge is, getting Linux on Blackberry. Theoretically, it is possible to have Linux on it. It is a matter of writing the codes to work with the device in the first place.

Once there is a working Mobile Linux OS for Blackberry, the possibilities are ENDLESS. A whole bunch of Linux developers from all around the world will jump right in code up stuff, use, reuse, rewrite and patch up the original codes used under the GPL agreement. It'll be like wildfire.

BlackBerry runs Sun certified JVM. All we need is Java developers to start writing apps for blackberry. They can use GPL for their apps, just like GPL applications run on Mac and Win.

This is not about Linux. This is about interest from people who are not paid for their coding to code for blackberry.

My thinking, the blackberry user base is not yet large enough to attract these people.

santo 05-12-2008 06:07 AM

Is UMA not simply an IPSec tunnel to T-mobile's UNC servers? If so, can't an IPSec tunnel be created to Rogers UNC servers? Key information needed for Rogers (T-mobile settings below):

UNC server:
Security Gateway:
T-Mobile certificate:

Does anyone know the Rogers settings and possibly where to get the Rogers certificate?

WorldIRC 05-12-2008 10:03 AM

^I think we still require the UMA "menu featureset" to enable it in the OS.

John Clark 05-12-2008 10:16 AM

Yep. Until someone figures out how to do that, you need to stick with your carrier's own device for UMA.

WorldIRC 05-12-2008 11:45 AM

^Does the BETA OS feature the engineering functionality required to unlock UMA?

stylesx 05-16-2008 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by digitalextremes (Post 919517)
For those who like to use UMA on Rogers.....the service is now being offered by Rogers

Rogers Home Calling Zone

Enjoy :)

Im new at this , how will it work and am I limited to getting that Home Calling Zone option added to my plan or will it work without it ?

Thank you

WorldIRC 05-16-2008 08:56 AM

^You need a compatible ROGERS device. You don't have to subscribe to HCZ to use it, but you won't benefit from unlimited airtime.

RegisteredUser 05-20-2008 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by stylesx (Post 931951)
Im new at this , how will it work and am I limited to getting that Home Calling Zone option added to my plan or will it work without it ?

Thank you


If you are not computer savvy enough and you don't mind spending $15 plus tax for something you get for free anyways.... go ahead.

Here are some links where VoIP is possible for Blackberry phones with WiFi. In otherword, you don't need UMA (Rogers's Home Calling Zone).

fring – Free mobile calls, and chat with mobile Skype, mobile MSN Messenger, mobile icq, Twitter, AIMxxx174; & Yahoo!xxx8482; and more

If you are always in the WiFi zone: at home by night and at work by day (ie: office), you don't really need Roger's Home Calling Zone.

stylesx 05-20-2008 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by RegisteredUser (Post 937343)

If you are not computer savvy enough and you don't mind spending $15 plus tax for something you get for free anyways.... go ahead.

Here are some links where VoIP is possible for Blackberry phones with WiFi. In otherword, you don't need UMA (Rogers's Home Calling Zone).

fring – Make free mobile calls, IM with Skype, MSN Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk™, SIP & Twitter, AIM® & Yahoo!™

If you are always in the WiFi zone: at home by night and at work by day (ie: office), you don't really need Roger's Home Calling Zone.

Thanks for the info, anything more info you may have that would greatly help but i will look at this link and check it out.

Thank you

stylesx 05-20-2008 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by RegisteredUser (Post 937343)

If you are not computer savvy enough and you don't mind spending $15 plus tax for something you get for free anyways.... go ahead.

Here are some links where VoIP is possible for Blackberry phones with WiFi. In otherword, you don't need UMA (Rogers's Home Calling Zone).

fring – Free mobile calls, and chat with mobile Skype, mobile MSN Messenger, mobile icq, Twitter, AIM® & Yahoo!™ and more

If you are always in the WiFi zone: at home by night and at work by day (ie: office), you don't really need Roger's Home Calling Zone.

These dont seem to work on blackberry 8320. I downloaded Nimbuzz and it downloaded fine but wont connect to the test, do I need any special settings?

Thank you

stylesx 05-27-2008 07:28 AM

Still didn't get Nimbuzz to work even after adding the APN settings for Rogers. Still get the Socket Connection failed and HTTP Connection Failed messages

santo 05-28-2008 06:23 AM

Hi stylesx,

Check your TCP settings (Options > Advanced Options > TCP)

For Rogers:
Username for APN: wapuser1
Password for APN: wap

For other carriers have a look at

Hope this helps.

caponesj 07-02-2008 11:59 PM

I'm thinking of purchasing a tmobile unlocked 8320, will i be able to put skype on it as I am almost always in a wifi zone?

Huynhc 08-26-2008 12:48 AM

thats the question i have to?
cause i just bought a bb bold today and i cant use the wifi to go on the internet
i tried those codes in th tcp and they didnt work for me?
i'm also with rogers

so if i had this phone unlock would it enable me to use wifi alittle more freely?

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