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emacf1 02-08-2009 02:14 PM

GPSLogger [100% free - 100% offline]
2 Attachment(s) GPSLogger v0.4.10
I would like to use the opportunity to present the first release of an application that I have written for the all BB with OS 4.2.1 or higher [successfully tested (by other users and myself) with 8100, 8310, 8800, 8820, 9000 & 9500].

It's a quite straight forward application, that is recording your movement with your BB-phone over time - this includes Elevation and Speed (and some more data).

The main motivation to write this application was first of all to learn how to program my new Blackberry (via RIM's Java API) - The main benefit (compared to a JavaME Midlet) is, that you have full access to the hardware (like the Filesystem) without any confirmation from the user. Of course this will restrict the usability of the application to Blackberry devices only - but well - I own now one - so I do not care ;-)
The second reason for creating a own application was that I wanted to have a GPSLogging application without any kind of online access (so without any additional costs).

Of course I am looking desperately for feedback from other Blackberry Users (specially devices that I do not have tested) - your feedback is highly appreciated.

What you can do with GPSLogger v0.4.10:
  • Record your movement (as long as you take your BB with you) :wink:
  • Display current Position:
    • Longitude / Latitude
    • accuracy of Longitude / Latitude
    • # of Satellites
    • current altitude (in WGS84)
    • current course/heading
    • current speed [Ø speed (if available)]
    • travel distance
    • travel time
  • While recording you can mark your current position and specify a Note for it
  • While recording you can pause & resume the recording
  • Copy your current location data [Lon|Lat|Alt] into the Clipboard to be able to paste it in a SMS or eMail (or where ever you like)
  • 4 different Main views:
    • Path View: 2D-View of Longitude & Latitude values
    • Elevation View: Altitude over time
    • Speed View: Speed over Time
    • GPS View: Longitude / Latitude / Speed / course in a large font
    • Switch between Day/Night Mode
  • Options:
    • Select GPSLogger Font Size:
      • Small (= BB Default Font Size/1.5) [GPSLogger default]
      • Medium (= BB Default Font Size/1.25)
      • Large (= BB Default Font Size)
    • Specify the initial view of GPSLogger
    • Specify if the background should be always ON
    • Select NightMode Color Scheme [Yellow/Red/Green/Blue]
    • Specify the sample frequence (in which period the application will record the current position)
    • Directory on your BB device to which your Paths will be recorded (can be also SDCard)
    • Units in which the Data will be displayed (Metric/Imperial/Nautical)
    • Export Directory on your BB device
    • Specify the recipient list (when you have chosen eMail-Export) - separated multiple recipient eMail addresses by space
    • Export format(s): GPX & KML (GoogleEarth)
  • Load previously recorded Paths
    • Navigate with the trackball through your Path
    • Navigate with the Keyboard through your Path
      • a|s: Start Position
      • e|r: End Position
      • y/z|x: 15 Positions back
      • c|v: 1 Position back
      • b|n 1 Position forward
      • m: 15 Positions forward
    • Load previously recorded paths into the Background (as many as you like) to compare the current (e.g. recording) Path with previously recorded Paths. [e.g. to compare your actual hiking or biking route with the ones you did in the past]
    • Export a Path to GPX/KML (depeding on your Settings) to the BB filesystem
    • Export a Path to GPX/KML and send it automatically by BB-eMail to a recipient (list) [recipients configurable in options dialog]
  • The exported KML files can be loaded into GoogleEarth and you can get a detailed view of your paths

You can install GPSLogger "over the air" directly to your Blackberry device* via the following link:
(aprox. 90KiB)

or if you like to install it via RIM DesktopManager simply download a ZIP containing the ALX and the COD:

* unfortunately I did not managed to get OTA working with BB 8100 (4.2.1) Series devices - so if you are an 8100 owner, please download the zip below and install GPSLogger via DesktopManager (or javaloader)

Additional Notes
  • Even if I own a Storm myself there is no TouchScreen support (yet) - but once there is a stable/complete version of GPSLogger there will be a Strom enhanced Version, that allows to browse though a recorded Path via the TouchScreen (instead of the Keyboard)
  • GPSLogger currently only work with 'JSR179 LocationProvider' compatible Devices (this is the Java spec.) - these are for sure all BB with build in GPS-Receivers (as long as supported by the provider) - but I have already feedback from people using the software with external (Bluetooth) GPS-Pucks (as long as they are activated before the application start)

Finally: of course it would be nice, if this application meets your standards, that it can be listed in the 'All-known-gps-applications-bb' Thread (in the section free: 'Tracking, outdoor and recreational related GPS').

Looking forward for your comments

PS: Please visit the new GPSLogger Homepage

Iare Tosevite 02-08-2009 03:35 PM

Cool I will test it soon.

Stinsonddog 02-09-2009 12:18 AM

Looks interesting. I fixed the links and stuck the thread for a bit.

emacf1 02-09-2009 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by Stinsonddog (Post 1277165)
...I fixed the links and stuck the thread for a bit.

thanks a lot - I just hope, that the app can match the expectations - one thing that can be still added to the initial post are some screenshots [which I could not add right now - and I do not want to make "Dummy"-Posts just to get the post count to get permission to do so].

=> the sceenshot I would like to attach can be found here:
http: 'slash' 'slash' 'slash' forum 'slash' download 'slash' file.php?id=7848&mode=view (but I do not mind, if this is too a big hassle for you Stinsonddog (or another Forum Mod)

looking forward to your feedback (and even if xmas is not even close around the corner you can post your wishes as well)


Jon_Hill 02-09-2009 07:19 AM

Thanks for the application, I will try it out.

update, works great, what is your intended application of the exported data. Are there any good free ones that can inport your datastream and be able to analise some more?

Great app and thanks, keep up the good work.

emacf1 02-09-2009 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Jon_Hill (Post 1277277)
update, works great, what is your intended application of the exported data. Are there any good free ones that can inport your datastream and be able to analise some more?

Go to 'Manage Paths' select a file and choose 'export' from the menu... that give you a GPX and/or a KML File (depending of your configuration). Then use e.g. DesktopManager to get that exported files from your device (I store mine on the SDCard and simply put the SDcard into my Notebook)... Once you have the exported files on your PC, you can load e.g. KML's into the free GooglEarth application.

I hope this answers your question

Jon_Hill 02-09-2009 12:56 PM

Thanks emacf1, I was thinking the google for mobile has an import option but it looks not.

Thanks again I will try the full blow descktop application.

Iare Tosevite 02-09-2009 02:30 PM

I tried it out, and its nice! :D Thanks.

emacf1 02-10-2009 10:34 AM

while I was on my way home today I realized, that there have to be a "night mode" as well - so what would be in your opinion the best way to activate it - should it be auto activated by the time? [I assume this will be not so nice when you live not close to the equator]

Any suggestion?

emacf1 02-10-2009 10:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
here is a preview of the upcoming night mode... since I could not decide, which color would be the best I simply made it configurable...

I hope tonight (GMT) I'll can make the next release

emacf1 02-10-2009 10:39 AM

please delete

emacf1 02-10-2009 10:40 AM

please delete

emacf1 02-10-2009 10:42 AM

please delete

emacf1 02-10-2009 10:43 AM

I am sorry MODs - but I was forced to update the link in the initial post [since stupid me have delete the 0.4.1 already on the webserver] - The Tooltip over the "Edit" button here say: edit/delete -> so I thought I could clean up the mess myself - now I have to realize, that I can't :oops:

my apologize

emacf1 02-10-2009 10:45 AM

update 0.4.2 is available:

What's new?
  • Main views:
    • GPS View: Longitude / Latitude / Speed / course in a large font
  • Options:
    • Specify the initial view of GPSLogger
    • Specify if the backlight should be always ON

cbaray 02-11-2009 11:41 PM

I liked the idea of the app, but found it hard to use. On a 8310:

+ the options had to be explicitly saved via the menu. Leaving the options screen and selecting the "save" option on the dialog did not save the options values. I had to bring up the menu and select "save settings" to get them to save.
+ when my blackberry is in a holster (as it is most of the time when I'm traveling) the app did not continue to map my movement. Is there a way to keep it active while the blackberry is holstered?

The holstered behavior is the showstopper for me right now. With it active while holstered, I'd be very happy with the app.


emacf1 02-12-2009 06:16 AM

Thanks for you feedback cbaray - I will look into this issues for sure...

VonnerNIX 02-12-2009 11:55 AM

This sounds like it could be a pretty neat application.

Now only if my VZW 8830 had GPS enabled... :(

Once I upgrade to the storm in a few months I will definitely grab this.

emacf1 02-12-2009 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by cbaray (Post 1281876)
+ the options had to be explicitly saved via the menu. Leaving the options screen and selecting the "save" option on the dialog did not save the options values. I had to bring up the menu and select "save settings" to get them to save.

Confirmed - is fixed in the next release


Originally Posted by cbaray (Post 1281876)
On a 8310:
+ when my blackberry is in a holster (as it is most of the time when I'm traveling) the app did not continue to map my movement. Is there a way to keep it active while the blackberry is holstered?

I am sorry but I can't reproduce this here with my real storm device as well as with various BB-phone simulators [8800, 9000] - all of them have the correct behaviour when they are send to the holster -> the Backlight is turned OFF and the app is still running.

Could I ask you to try the following:
1) start the app
2) start recording
3) put the device into the holster
4) travel around - at least for 10min within two mile radius?
5) take the device out of the holster


emacf1 02-13-2009 04:10 PM

update 0.4.3 is available:

What's new?
  • Main views:
    • Switch between Day/Night Mode
  • Options:
    • Select NightMode Color Scheme [Yellow/Red/Green/Blue]


+ Bugfix:
Leaving the options screen via ESC-Key and selecting the "save" option on the dialog will now save the options.


BBFlunkie 02-13-2009 10:00 PM

My hat is off, good job, I like the way GPSLogger works. :)

It took me a minute to figure out that I had to enter "store/" or "SDCard/" to begin browsing the path to stash the files.

I tested v0.4.2 on two AT&T 8310 Curve's with full cell and data coverage and two AT&T 8820's with no SIM Card. (with custom WiFi connections).

jbeek 02-13-2009 11:16 PM

Very nice ... this is rapidly becoming my favorite logger.

Just a couple of observations:
1) it *does* work with external bluetooth GPS pucks, at least it does with mine (I don't know if you enabled this capability since the first release or were not aware that it worked)
2) the shortcut keys don't work well for a Pearl 8100 since "b" and "n" are on the same physical key

Servus. :smile:

BBFlunkie 02-13-2009 11:51 PM

v0.4.3 works well.

I just installed it around 10:15pm and it looks good in the night mode (Blue).

How tough would it be to 'email the resulting file'? Or upload it to a web site?

Iare Tosevite 02-14-2009 01:56 AM

Will update soon. :)

Simple and no frills AND well done. Thats why I love it.

emacf1 02-14-2009 04:50 AM

Thank you very much for your positive feedback guys - it's really appreciated


Originally Posted by jbeek (Post 1284947)
1) it *does* work with external bluetooth GPS pucks, at least it does with mine (I don't know if you enabled this capability since the first release or were not aware that it worked)

That's very interesting - no I did not change anything since the initial implementation - this means, that RIM API will make also external GPS Devices available via the default LocationProvideInterface - that would be really cool - this this would mean, that I do not have to do anything to support external devices :-)

Would be good/interesting to see if others can confirm this - since I can't test this environment at all.


Originally Posted by jbeek (Post 1284947)
2) the shortcut keys don't work well for a Pearl 8100 since "b" and "n" are on the same physical key

Yes you are right - I have the same problem with the virtual keyboard on the storm [that have to be solved in the next release] - but I hope the trackball nav will work on your 8100?


Originally Posted by BBFlunkie
It took me a minute to figure out that I had to enter "store/" or "SDCard/" to begin browsing the path to stash the files.

yes indeed having some folder icons before the text would make it way more obvious...


Originally Posted by BBFlunkie
How tough would it be to 'email the resulting file'? Or upload it to a web site?

you mean the exported KML & GPX? [personally I store the exports always on the SDCard and either plug in the SDcard then into my PC card reader - or I use the DesktopManager to access the files on the device]

On thing I am going to add for sure in on of the next releases is, that you are able to copy the current position into the clipboard, so that you can paste it into a SMS or email (to let somebody know, where you are)

Thanks again for your feedback

BBFlunkie 02-14-2009 10:58 AM

>>copy the current position into the clipboard....

That is a better idea than email the file.

emacf1 02-14-2009 03:26 PM

update 0.4.4 is available:

What's new?
  • Copy your current location data into the Clipboard to be able to paste it in a SMS or eMail (or where ever you like)
  • Options:
    • Instead of Exporting to the FileSystem the Exported files can be send by eMail
    • Specify the recipient list (when you have chosen eMail-Export) - separated multiple recipient eMail addresses by space
  • Load previously recorded Paths
    • Navigate with the Keyboard though your Path (updated key mapping)
      • a|s: Start Position
      • e|r: End Position
      • y/z|x: 15 Positions back
      • c|v: 1 Position back
      • b|n 1 Position forward
      • m: 15 Positions forward


emacf1 02-14-2009 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by BBFlunkie (Post 1285249)
>>copy the current position into the clipboard....
That is a better idea than email the file.

cause I wanted to learn, how to send eMails anyhow I have added in 0.4.4 an option that allows you to send the export results (XML's) directly by email to multiple recipients :oops:

dankarlinski 02-14-2009 05:57 PM

ill check this out when get home today. it sounds like a good app to me =)

emacf1 02-15-2009 01:04 PM

update 0.4.5 is available (really minor):

What's new?
Instead of configure in the option dialogue, if you want to export to the filesystem or to a eMail recipient (list) I have now added an additional "Export via Email" Item to the Path-Screen. So now you can select the export method by choosing the appropriate menu item.


emacf1 02-15-2009 01:27 PM

What's next ?
Actually to be honest, I am running shortly out of ideas, what else could be integrated into the GPSLogger...

Here is something I just can imagine to add (but i want to hear your opinion first, if you find this useful): You can enter a Location and then you will be directed into the direction of this location... This can be used for geocaching... but I have another use case in mind... Thinking about your friend owning also a BB with installed GPSLogger... in this case you can send your friend via GPSLogger & PIN-Messaging your location and then you can see how close (and in which direction) he is...

Yes I know there is now "Google Latitude" for this - but honestly it would come never ever to my mind to tell Google where I am moving around... So this possible new feature would be to share your location with your BB-Friend (to be able to guide him into your direction - so that you find each other in a crowded place).

Or do you have other suggestions/features that make sense to add? If not I do not mind, then my next project will be a FileExplorer or a AudioBookPlayer.


BBFlunkie 02-15-2009 10:29 PM

V 0.4.5 works well with a T-Mobile Pearl (running HH v4.5) and the TomTom MKII puck.

The email function delivers better than I imagined it would.

The geocaching idea (or Find a target) would work well.

Hat's Off.....

jbeek 02-16-2009 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by emacf1 (Post 1285112)
Yes you are right - I have the same problem with the virtual keyboard on the storm [that have to be solved in the next release] - but I hope the trackball nav will work on your 8100?

Yes, the trackball nav works quite well... I found out accidentally :smile:

jbeek 02-16-2009 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by emacf1 (Post 1286314)
What's next ?
Or do you have other suggestions/features that make sense to add? If not I do not mind, then my next project will be a FileExplorer or a AudioBookPlayer.


Seen on another logging program: a menu link to download the local weather (from Weather Underground, I think) based on the current coordinates.

BBFlunkie 02-16-2009 07:19 AM

V 0.4.5 works well with a Verizon 8830 (running HH v4.2) and the TomTom MKII puck.

Iare Tosevite 02-16-2009 04:11 PM

How about a feature that sends me the current direction of my blackberry if it gets the email request? Of course it should only send to predefined email address and only responds if it's from predefined email... with certain keyword too.

But then it might be too many features for simple tracking program. Above idea should really be its own program.

FF2 02-16-2009 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by BBFlunkie (Post 1287104)
V 0.4.5 works well with a Verizon 8830 (running HH v4.2) and the TomTom MKII puck.

I found it also works with my Freedom 2000 Bluetooth puck on Verizon 8830. (OS 4.5)

FF2 02-16-2009 07:52 PM

Colored me lost, at least as far as saving, exporting or doing something with the log I just did.

I just logged a 16 mile bike ride. The path shows on the "map" but I don't know how to save it. I tried sending and the email only shows that:

"Lat:47Deg.xx'12.00" N Lon:122Deg.xx'49.88" W #Sat:6 Alt:250ft
300°W V:0.5mph (Ø 6.6mph) 2:19:19/15.3mi
(all data in WGS84 format)"

( edited out the lat/lon data)

No gpx or other file? No data stream?

Maybe I goofed. I did not specify folders before the ride, only after I got home.


jbeek 02-17-2009 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by emacf1 (Post 1286314)
What's next ?
Or do you have other suggestions/features that make sense to add? If not I do not mind, then my next project will be a FileExplorer or a AudioBookPlayer.


Aside from my earlier suggestion to add a menu link to local weather from Weather Underground based on current coordinates, I thought of another couple of things:

Maybe a larger font for the satellite info that's at the top of every page ... it's a bit small on the Pearl's screen.

And lastly, the built-in BBmaps automatically turns on my Bluetooth, thereby saving 1 of 3 steps (turn on GPS puck, turn on Bluetooth on Pearl, start logger or navigation program) ... would it be possible to add this to GPSlogger?

emacf1 02-17-2009 02:52 AM

Ok I see various people having problems with the font size - it's always YOUR_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE/1.5 - but I assume you will not like to change your default BB font size just to make GPSLogger readable for you - so expect another option for setting the font size in GPSLogger....


emacf1 02-17-2009 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by FF2 (Post 1287853)
Colored me lost, at least as far as saving, exporting or doing something with the log I just did....
Maybe I goofed. I did not specify folders before the ride, only after I got home.

even if I assume, that F2 and FF2 are equal logins...
  1. go to the options dialog and specify the Export Format(s)
  2. from the main screen select 'Manage Paths (prev. recorded)'
  3. now you should see all your saved Paths
  4. now select the Path you would like to export and choose either: 'Export Path to Filesystem' or 'Export Path via Email' from the Menu. Please note, that the 'Export Path via Email' item is only visible, when you have specified a recipient in the options dialogue.

I hope this clarify the function.


emacf1 02-17-2009 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by jbeek (Post 1288124)
...And lastly, the built-in BBmaps automatically turns on my Bluetooth, thereby saving 1 of 3 steps (turn on GPS puck, turn on Bluetooth on Pearl, start logger or navigation program) ... would it be possible to add this to GPSlogger?

The main problem with this is, that's right now impossible for me to test a possible implementation... since I do not know what I should do in my code in order to do exactly the things that are done under the hood when you are doing these steps... Of course I believe, that it would be possible to CODE such a behaviour - but since the absence of a GPS-Puck [and that I am not aware, that it would be possible to have a GPS-Puck in the Phone Simulator?] it's almost impossible for me to write such a code right now :oops:

All I can try is that you specify a Bluetooth device name in the options, and that GPSLogger tries to connect to that device at startup...

In any other case I would require some hardware donations - or somebody in my area would come by (at the weekend) and we will develop this feature together :-)


emacf1 02-17-2009 09:37 AM

update 0.4.6 is available (minor):

What's new?
  • You now can specify the GPSLogger font size. Select between:
    • Small (= BB Default Font Size/1.5) [that was GPSLogger default]
    • Medium (= BB Default Font Size/1.25)
    • Large (= BB Default Font Size)
  • Auto line wrap of all status data (depending on font size & text that have to be displayed)


jbeek 02-17-2009 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by emacf1 (Post 1288239)
All I can try is that you specify a Bluetooth device name in the options, and that GPSLogger tries to connect to that device at startup...

In any other case I would require some hardware donations - or somebody in my area would come by (at the weekend) and we will develop this feature together :-)


I can see the difficulty if you can't make it start just a "generic" Bluetooth session, but specifying the device in the options would work for me since I always connect to the same puck.

I'd love to drop in and help out (it's been a while since my last trip back :-() but unfortunately I'm an ocean away...

One other question, would it be possible to list direction and distance to saved (labelled) position points?

Surveyah 02-17-2009 12:59 PM

No Data
I downloaded and installed it to day on my Storm (Verizon). When i start the app, I get NO DATA received, and it tells me to start "Path Recording". My VZ Navigator works fine, but I cant seem to get this to give me a position.

Any Ideas?


emacf1 02-17-2009 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by jbeek (Post 1288561)
One other question, would it be possible to list direction and distance to saved (labelled) position points?

you mean without moving the cursor to the specific marked point? -> So getting "details about a recorded Path"?

Surveyah 02-17-2009 01:33 PM

No Data
First it says...


Then heres what it says at the the top of the screen...

Lat:-NO DATA Lon:-NO DATA - Alt:-ft # sat:0 C:??? // V:-mph

Its not receving location info for some reason - should have 12-15 satellites in view

emacf1 02-17-2009 03:21 PM

Hello Surveyah,

Originally Posted by Surveyah (Post 1288685)
First it says...
Then heres what it says at the the top of the screen...
Lat:-NO DATA Lon:-NO DATA - Alt:-ft # sat:0 C:??? // V:-mph
Its not receiving location info for some reason - should have 12-15 satellites in view

Please be so kind and search here in the Forum for "Verizon" and "GPS"... I am still new here too but I have already learned, that there are some Providers, that block certain phone features (or even made them available for certain apps) - I have read, once you have started such an APP (that have GPS with Verizon) and then switch tasks, and then launch GPSLogger it might work.

emacf1 02-17-2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by jbeek (Post 1288561)
I can see the difficulty if you can't make it start just a "generic" Bluetooth session, but specifying the device in the options would work for me since I always connect to the same puck.

I'd love to drop in and help out (it's been a while since my last trip back :-() but unfortunately I'm an ocean away...

Would it be possible that you give me really a step by step instruction, what you are going to do before you start GPSLogger... and I really mean step by step [assuming that I would be a totally noob and you have descripe every single click (and menu item you select)]


jbeek 02-17-2009 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by emacf1 (Post 1288651)
you mean without moving the cursor to the specific marked point? -> So getting "details about a recorded Path"?

I think the path view will give you some details about the cumulative distance travelled by scrolling the cursor to each point on the path.

Here's an example I was thinking of: you mark your start point with a specific label and then go off hiking all over the countryside. Some time later you might want to know how far it is from your current location straight back to the start point (or any other point you have given a special label). Maybe there could be another "view" with a table of distances from the current location to the user-labelled points.

jbeek 02-17-2009 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by emacf1 (Post 1288802)
Would it be possible that you give me really a step by step instruction, what you are going to do before you start GPSLogger... and I really mean step by step [assuming that I would be a totally noob and you have descripe every single click (and menu item you select)]


Sure :smile:

Phone is already on. I turn on the GPS puck. Then I turn on Bluetooth on the Pearl via the screen icon. Finally I start GPSLogger via the screen icon. Then it takes a moment or two for the Bluetooth connection to be established and for the logger to get the gps data and display the satellite fix information.

Keep in mind that my GPS puck and Pearl were paired some time ago, so they recognize each other every time I turn them both on.

emacf1 02-18-2009 08:53 AM

update 0.4.7 is available (cosmetical):

What's new?
  • GPSLogger have a new App-Icon
  • The browse for FileSystem Dialogues (select Path-Directory & Export-Directory) will now render different icons before the directory text


VonnerNIX 02-18-2009 01:48 PM

I like the new icon. Has a neat feel to it!

Iare Tosevite 02-18-2009 02:55 PM

Nice! :D

hayman03 02-18-2009 03:23 PM

I tried the OTA and i get a error 907 invalid COD

rojocrandall 02-19-2009 12:29 AM

This is an issue for me:
Let's say I on a "path" and after 4250 feet, I hit pause and the distance stops
accumulating. Works fine. I then resume after an indeterminate amount of time,
and the distance starts back at zero and accumulates from there. I then hit
stop recording after 3250 feet.
How far was my total distance? I am not exactly sure, there is no view of my
total trip, just the individual distances from one pause to the next, so I need
to manually calculate how far the whole trip was by adding the individual
pause point distances.

So for me, it would be nice to have a grand total of distance traveled for
each path.

emacf1 02-19-2009 05:07 PM

Thanks for your feedback rojocrandall, indeed it's a some sort of none logical [honestly I did not test much the pause-function (and the side effects)]... actually there is anyhow the request to get some sort of details-page for a recorded path... I think it makes sense to make there also some more logical summaries...

emacf1 02-19-2009 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by hayman03 (Post 1290135)
I tried the OTA and i get a error 907 invalid COD

I am sorry - that was a mistake in my initial post - the 8100 /8110 is not supporting various functions - my apologize :oops:

emacf1 02-20-2009 05:06 AM

update 0.4.8 is available (minor):

What's new?
  • Updated/changed GPS Signal recovery strategy


emacf1 02-20-2009 01:03 PM

update 0.4.9 is available (minor):

What's new?
  • Correct calculation of total Path time & distance when using the PAUSE function
  • Support for OS 4.2.1 - and so now 8100 devices are supported as well

unfortunately I did not managed to get OTA working with BB 8100 (4.2.1) Series devices - so if you are an 8100 owner, please download the zip below and install GPSLogger via DesktopManager (or javaloader)


at.rex 02-20-2009 09:22 PM

I think a great feature would be to have a reading for total altitude gained. Is this a possibility in a future release?

emacf1 02-21-2009 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by at.rex (Post 1293324)
I think a great feature would be to have a reading for total altitude gained. Is this a possibility in a future release?

For sure that's something that could/should come in the already planed "Path stats" page which is going to give you detailed information about a selected Path.

rattleandhumm 02-21-2009 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by emacf1 (Post 1293481)
For sure that's something that could/should come in the already planed "Path stats" page which is going to give you detailed information about a selected Path.

This is my first post on this site. I have read many many threads and all I can say is wow. I have had my 8330 for about 6 months sofar so good. It is contributors like you that change the world. Your patience and eagerness is very appreciated keep up the great work. I am hoping to try to d/l and install the logger today this has a definate application for my work and I look forward to using it and growing with it.
Thanks for such a neat prog.

rattleandhumm 02-21-2009 12:11 PM

download failed?
Humm im a noob what am I doing wrong? I selected the d/l link that allows directly onto bb. i got the 907 invalid cod unable to importzip file

emacf1 02-21-2009 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by rattleandhumm (Post 1293770)
Humm im a noob what am I doing wrong? I selected the d/l link that allows directly onto bb. i got the 907 invalid cod unable to importzip file

have you tried to DL the ZIP (with your PC) and install the app via the DesktopManager application?

emacf1 02-21-2009 04:41 PM

update 0.4.10 is available (minor):

What's new?
  • the accuracy of the GPS Data will be shown

unfortunately I did not managed to get OTA working with BB 8100 (4.2.1) Series devices - so if you are an 8100 owner, please download the zip below and install GPSLogger via DesktopManager (or javaloader)


rattleandhumm 02-21-2009 07:44 PM

Thanks Ill try that

Originally Posted by emacf1 (Post 1294043)
have you tried to DL the ZIP (with your PC) and install the app via the DesktopManager application?

I will d/l to my mac. I cant seem to find my cable Ill keep digging around Ill find it im sure. Is there any way to blue tooth apps and progs to the curve? What speed do most of you guys transfer from bluetooth with? Im around 17k when sending pics from bb to macbook.

emacf1 02-22-2009 03:30 PM

update 0.4.11 is available (minor):

What's new?
  • Options:
    • Specify if you like to Confirm Exit of GPSLogger
  • The exported GPX file now contains the following information about each recorded location:
    • Longitude / Latitude
    • Altitude (in WGS84)
    • Timestamp
    • Course/heading
    • Name of the Point (if it's a named waypoint)
    • # of Satellites
    • Accuracy for Longitude & Latitude values

Get the latest version from GPSLogger Downloadpage


emacf1 02-23-2009 06:12 AM

I am sorry - I messed up the Link to the GPSLogger Homepage in the post above...

Since if the new Forum policy I am not able to edit my Posts (after 120min)... so I am forced to make this new one - sorry

So you will find the latest version of GPSLogger at the new GPSLogger Homepage

emacf1 02-28-2009 08:05 AM

So after a long period of silence I am happy to let you know, that there is a new Version of GPSLogger...

update 0.4.12 is available (minor):

What's new?
  • additional GPX export (Mapsource compatible) - this export contains not all the data that could be included into GPX
  • Once one Path-Directory is set (required for appropriate function of GPSLogger) you will directly jump to the option screen at program start (till you specify a 'Path-Directory'
  • reordered Options
  • BB-compatible way of preferences (no functional change)

Please note, that with the new Version your GPSLogger settings are lost (but ONLY the settings - your previousl recorded Paths are save!) - so once you will start GPSLogger you have to adjust your options - I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Get the latest version from GPSLogger Downloadpage


emacf1 02-28-2009 01:55 PM

my appologize guys - I am so stupid!

update 0.4.13 is available (bugfix):

What's new?
  • You can start GPSLogger (for the first time) will be directed to the options screen and once you save you do not have to to a "battery pull" (since GPSLogger does not crash your BB-OS)

Please note, that with this GPSLogger Version your settings are lost (not effecting 0.4.12 users) - But ONLY the settings - your previously recorded Paths are save! - so once you will start GPSLogger you have to adjust your options - I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Get the latest version from GPSLogger Downloadpage


jastop 03-01-2009 09:39 AM

Can't export tracks?
Tried the latest verions this morning (.13). After recording a track this I tried to export it. The error "Uncaught exception: string index out of range: -1" is displayed.

emacf1 03-01-2009 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by jastop (Post 1303851)
Tried the latest verions this morning (.13). After recording a track this I tried to export it. The error "Uncaught exception: string index out of range: -1" is displayed.

Can you tell me, which ExportFormats you have selected in the Options? [and if it's possible for you, can you attach (or PM) me the gpl file?]

jastop 03-01-2009 04:19 PM

Java Exception

Originally Posted by emacf1 (Post 1303960)
Can you tell me, which ExportFormats you have selected in the Options? [and if it's possible for you, can you attach (or PM) me the gpl file?]

I tried the both GPX options, one at a time. Same result. I didn't see a way to attach a file to a PM. If you want it PM me an email I can send it.


emacf1 03-02-2009 04:02 PM

update 0.4.14 is available (bugfix):

What's new?
  • Export will not crash when some points does not have an altitute [Uncaught exception: string index out of range: -1] (thanks to jastop for the report and the sample files)
  • the Mapsource compatible GPX export will include the named Waypoints

Get the latest version from GPSLogger Downloadpage


zduchene 03-02-2009 05:57 PM

I know this is a stupid question but...

The format of the coordinates is:

Lat:35Deg.48'52.74" N
Lon:110Deg.51'20.09" W

How does that "convert" to google maps type coordinates system of decimal numbers? (google default location: 39.773592,-105.042933). I do not know much about GPS or mapping coordinate systems so please excuse me for that.

Cool program though!


emacf1 03-03-2009 10:23 AM

the next release will have a "raw" lon/lat value mode for you zduchene

zduchene 03-03-2009 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by emacf1 (Post 1306215)
the next release will have a "raw" lon/lat value mode for you zduchene

now i feel extra special ;)

stormboy 03-04-2009 01:56 PM

A Few Ideas
Thank you so much for all your hard work creating such a fun GPS app. I've never had a GPS unit before, but all the functions you've included in the GPSLogger are more than enough to keep me entertained. :smile:

I just had a few other ideas for the GPSLogger:

1. I really really like the Night Mode. Is there a way that GPSLogger can remember that as an option / preference, so that the next time I open GPSLogger, it goes directly into Night Mode? (Currently, if GPSLogger closes or crashes, I open the app again, and it's back to Day Mode)

2. Whenever I am recording a tracklog, if I press the Escape button (the U-turn arrow) to move back to the Home menu screen, GPSLogger stops tracking. Looks like I'm supposed to press the red End/Power button instead, if I want to go back to the Home menu/screen AND have GPSLogger continue tracking.

Is there any way you can re-program the Escape button so that it doesn't automatically stop tracking when the Escape button is pressed?

3. I'm not sure if there is a demand for this or how hard it might be to implement. If I load a previously-recorded path, can I resume recording on this same path? So new GPS data points would be added to the old path.

I know that you already include the option to Pause Recording and Resume Recording for a current path. I just thought this idea would be another option for someone who either intentionally or accidentally stopped path recording.

4. My other idea is about navigating a previously-recorded path. I know that you already have keys assigned to navigate a path, but I always forget which key does what. Can you add a menu option that shows all the navigation keys and their functions?

Hope these are some ideas that other people will find useful, too. Thanks again for all your hard work on the GPSLogger!

JAY BIRD 03-05-2009 09:47 AM

how do you install this,I'm a total noob when it comes to this

I don't have internet,so how can I do the desktop manager thing

stormboy 03-07-2009 05:05 PM

I have another couple ideas for the GPSLogger:

1. If I have paused recording a path, is there a way that I can still mark a point on my current path while the recording is paused?

2. Is there a way I can merge 2 or more previously-recorded paths?

Also, I saw a discussion on the CrackBerry forums about the possibility of less battery drain if GPSLogger is set to sample less frequently (ex. set the sample frequency to 600 sec, which is 1 sample every 10 min). Has anyone tried this and confirmed that the battery power actually drains slower? Just curious.

Thanks again, Matthias, for all your hard work on this. It's a really fun app, and I use it all the time to make GPS track logs for fun. :smile:

emacf1 03-07-2009 05:51 PM

thanks for all your support & suggestions... currently I am putting most of my energy into the other I am working on - but I hope there will be an updated GPSLogger soon...


stormboy 03-09-2009 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by stormboy (Post 1307899)
2. Whenever I am recording a tracklog, if I press the Escape button (the U-turn arrow) to move back to the Home menu screen, GPSLogger stops tracking.

I found a work-around solution to this problem. Under Options, select "Confirm Exit of GPSLogger". This will prevent GPSLogger from unintentionally stop tracking when you press the Escape button. Instead, it will prompt you to confirm that you want to exit the application.

Apparently, the Escape button makes GPSLogger exit completely (ie. shuts down the app). That's why it stops tracking.

Just a quick tip.

emacf1 03-17-2009 04:16 PM

2 Attachment(s)
update 0.4.15 is available:

What's new?
  • Option to display Lon/Lat values as raw data
For OS4.6+ owners
  • Virtual Compass (see attachments) - Thanks to to Rob Antonishen for the very nice compass svg file!

Get the latest version from GPSLogger Downloadpage - but please pick the "right" one for your BB OS Version!


gunawanmsc 03-25-2009 04:22 AM

file share here guys.....
i need.
tannks a lot.
smart thinking for all

VonnerNIX 03-25-2009 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by gunawanmsc (Post 1332002)
file share here guys.....
i need.
tannks a lot.
smart thinking for all

What in the hell is this?

dukejuno 03-26-2009 01:41 AM

I might be missing it but is there a way to rename the log files or give them a name when you start a new track?

Is there a way to assign a key to switch between tabs so that you don’t have to hit menu then the view you want. Like 0/space key cycles through the tabs?

It would also be great to be able to restart a stopped path.

And I really, really like the idea if being able to navigate to marked points from the current track, but mostly to points on tracks in the background, and to a location someone sends you or you send to them.

Thank you, and great app!

emacf1 03-26-2009 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by dukejuno (Post 1333161)
I might be missing it but is there a way to rename the log files or give them a name when you start a new track?

BBFileScout can do this job - but by default (and with GPSLogger only) the files get "autonames"...


Originally Posted by dukejuno (Post 1333161)
Is there a way to assign a key to switch between tabs so that you don’t have to hit menu then the view you want. Like 0/space key cycles through the tabs?

not yet - but I admit it sounds quite logical to implement such a key shortcut...


Originally Posted by dukejuno (Post 1333161)
It would also be great to be able to restart a stopped path.

mhhhhh - not 100% sure yet, IF this can be implemented... normally that's the purpose of the "Pause" function...


Originally Posted by dukejuno (Post 1333161)
And I really, really like the idea if being able to navigate to marked points from the current track, but mostly to points on tracks in the background, and to a location someone sends you or you send to them.

... if you are a OS4.6+ owner: have you seen the new compass view? -> there have to be function "guide me to..." in order to make use of this ;-)

dukejuno 03-26-2009 10:25 AM

Wirelessly posted

On my pearl I tried to rename via BBfilescout and when I go to manage my tracks the name change is not there. The track is still there with the old name, when I check it in filescout it has the new name still?

I don't have 4.6, so I can't see the compass. But if I did would it be able to track to a received GPS point or a point that I enter in or from the background?

emacf1 03-26-2009 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by dukejuno (Post 1333544)
On my pearl I tried to rename via BBfilescout and when I go to manage my tracks the name change is not there. The track is still there with the old name, when I check it in filescout it has the new name still?

:oops: sorry I forgot this already - in GPSLogger will display the recoded paths by it's meta data (and not the filename) - sorry for the false information


Originally Posted by dukejuno (Post 1333544)
I don't have 4.6, so I can't see the compass. But if I did would it be able to track to a received GPS point or a point that I enter in or from the background?

it's not there yet - it have to be implemented... and I think once that is done there will be a "simple" none SVG compass as well - we will see

at.rex 03-26-2009 10:19 PM

Hey emacf1 -
Any new information on when an update that includes total elevation gained for each track will be available? Thanks for a great program.


emacf1 03-27-2009 02:14 AM

in 0.4.15 you should be able to see "Details" in the Path loading Window...

at.rex 03-27-2009 09:05 AM

I hadn't downloaded 0.4.15 yet, but now I have.

Pink2 03-27-2009 09:37 AM

This is such a great app!!! I just started walking with my daughter during lunch and it has helped me keep track of improvments in speed and distance!! Thank you so much!!

at.rex 03-27-2009 07:06 PM

Details Page
I did a short hike today to try out the total altitude data on the details page. I went 2.7 miles and climbed a total of less than 100 feet. Yet, on the details page it showed that I had a total elevation gain of 1,355 feet and a total elevation lost of 1,317 feet. There is no way that these figures are correct. Everything else seems correct including total distance, total time, max speed, max elevation and minimum elevation. Any help on these elevation numbers would be appreciated. Thank-you.


Stinsonddog 03-27-2009 07:30 PM

How accurate is elevation
1 Attachment(s)
I went skiing today. This app in the details page says 22k vertical and my watch said 14k. Based on the number of runs, my watch seems accurate.

emacf1 03-28-2009 04:42 AM

mhhh - might be I am totally wrong with my calculations... but I thought the algorithm is not that complicated - allow me to explain, how these values will be generated:

Assuming we have 4 points recorded:
P1: alt 10m
P2: alt 20m
P3: alt 40m
P4: alt 30m

what the code does:
// init...
altGaind = 0
altLost = 0

//iterate though all points
P2-P1 = +10
altGaind = 10

P3-P2 = +20
altGaind = 30

P4-P3 = -10
altLost = 10

do you agree, that this approach is the right one? (comparing current Point with previous point - calculating the difference and ig it's positive, that we add this difference to the "altGaind" value, if it was negative we add the absolute value to altLost)...

so assuming we have recorded 1000 points like this
P0001: alt = 1m
P0002: alt = 2m
P0003: alt = 1m
P0004: alt = 2m
P0005: alt = 1m
P0999: alt = 1m
P1000: alt = 2m

what would be the altGaind value? -> 500 is that correct? (altLost = 499)...

I would just like to confirm, that I have understood your expectations concerning the altGain value calculation correctly.

Thanks for your feedback!

at.rex 03-28-2009 08:21 AM

Your approach appears to be correct but there has to be something amiss to generate numbers that are so far from being actual. Thanks.


emacf1 03-28-2009 08:27 AM

... might be helpfull if you can email me your gpl file (the contact email at the GPSLogger HP)...

but I assume, you are going 2km flat out - but each point you have recorded have a small altitude difference compared to the other... as it's said with the 1000 points recorded... the total alt gained is 500m (even if you had the feeling just to go straight ahead)

at.rex 03-28-2009 10:28 AM

I emailed the file.


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