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arcurlyq 03-25-2008 01:01 PM

I have been using this Nexthaus/Mobical sync solution for several weeks now and I LOVE IT!! The $40 that I had to pay for Nexthaus's Sync software is more than worth the peace of mind I have from knowing that my data are backed up. Mobical supports calender, tasks, and contacts. It does not back up email and notes, but I am more concerned about losing the three things it DOES back up. I would highly recommend this solution to anyone.

rivviepop 03-25-2008 02:56 PM

My only real gripe with Nexthaus is that I've been after them for over a year to add Notes support to OS 4.2 devices, and have received "in a month" and "real soon" way too many times - a year ago. I have been hounding them for Notes support, it's killing me from properly using my BlackBerry.

Any other registered users (or trial users) who feel like emailing [email address] and asking where the h*ll Notes support is would be really cool. It's just horrible the treatment this need has gotten, the runaround and year long delay keeps me from really wanting to push their product.

DocGo 04-11-2008 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by rivviepop (Post 457220)
The cool thing about Mobical is that you can do a full export in a variety of formats that can easily be imported to something else (I exported my calendar and imported to Google Cal, for instance). So, you're not locked into their website or any proprietary junk! Score +1 Swedish coder nerds.

Rivvie, how do I export my calendar? I did not see this function?

rivviepop 04-11-2008 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by DocGo (Post 890833)
Rivvie, how do I export my calendar? I did not see this function?

Mobical completely redesigned the website and lost a lot of functionality - I've sent emails telling them how much worse it is (with pointed examples and specific areas where they've made cardinal UI sins) but they claim "everyone loves it!" and don't really care. Import/export are gone, I don't even use their website anymore - it's lame "web 2.0" crap without any of the features and power it used to have.

EDIT: I should clarify I still use them to sync my device data to, just not the web login.

arcurlyq 06-23-2008 02:40 PM

Ok, another plug for this Nexthaus/Mobical solution for syncing your BB. My old Curve recently died (I guess I dropped it one too many times) and I had to get a new one. There was a glitch with trasnferring my Nexthaus license over to my new BB, but their excellent customer support resolved the problem in 12 hours. I installed my Sync software from Nexthaus and had all my info from my old BB back up on my new device in several minutes. This really is a wonderful way to keep your information safe in the event that your BB totally dies. Had I not had this, I would have lost EVERYTHING. If you aren't able to sync you BB with your computer (or if you just want another option for backing up your information in the event that your computer crashes), invest in this. The price of Nexthaus's software (I believe it's $40 or so) is well worth the peace of mind. Their customer support is also lightening fast, so when there is an issue, it's resolved quickly.

berry much 08-10-2008 12:30 AM

everyone probably already knows about this but Google Sync Google Mobile - Sync works pretty well, it is only for Calendar though

rivviepop 08-16-2008 05:34 PM

Hey y'all - I've just written a new Howto for using completely free tools to sync:

I've grown tired of waiting on Nexthaus to get off their a** and add Memo/Notes support (it's been 1.5yrs already - at this point their company is in "lame" territory with me, I need my dang notes backed up!) so I am trying to move over to the newly release Funambol 7 sync client. Initial tests are promising!

In the above link are instructions for Evolution/SyncEvolution as well for us linux nerds, it's worked without any problems for me. :)

LunkHead 08-16-2008 09:14 PM

Awesome rivvie!

LunkHead 03-02-2009 01:26 PM

For the interested.... Version 3 Beta is out and available for download from SyncJe

From device (OTA)


emag 03-18-2009 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by LunkHead (Post 1304915)
For the interested.... Version 3 Beta is out and available for download from SyncJe

Having just read the entire thread, I gotta ask... Do they do memos/notes yet? :smile:

LunkHead 03-19-2009 05:07 PM

No not yet, and it 's a bummer.....


evrert 03-18-2010 01:14 AM

thanks for everything

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