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subtrix 05-14-2007 09:45 PM

RCJR thanx for the bat file ...its really cool ...its saved me a lot of time.


amir.rozenberg 05-22-2007 10:11 PM

I just spent a day trying to figure this out. If anyone has done this and willing to help, please contact me. I have a J2ME application that runs well on phones, I want to quick-convert it for BBs.

the main error that RAPC complains about is
Fatal Internal error: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to

For whatever its worth, before that there's a pile of warning like:
r: Warning!: Duplicate method only differs by return type: a
r: Warning!: Duplicate method only differs by return type: b
not sure that's a biggy.

I also tried compiling for BB from netbeans. seems to compile fine but the same error. I don't even want to mention trying to work with the BB JDE.
Any help appreciated!

bitbucket 07-04-2007 04:21 PM

This thread came up when I Googled "blackberry jar loader" but it doesn't tell you a really quick way of doing this on an 8830. I found this on pinstack and thought it worth sharing:

Hook up your USB cable and copy the jar & jad files using Explorer. I put it on my uSD card but I assume you can use device memory too. Then open the Media app and push the BB button to get to Explore. Find the .jad file and click on it. Installation behaves just like OTA from here on out.

bobby9201 08-14-2007 11:23 AM

Is it just me, or am I the only one with massive problems with this? I checked to make sure I have free space, and I load the first program, works fine. Load the second program, the blackberry does this endless loop and keeps restarting. I have to reinstall everything.

Deraj090 08-17-2007 05:14 PM

I keep getting an error saying "error: no files to process".

I even named the .jad I was trying to convert to "virca.jad" so i'd be typing the exact same thing as the example. I put virca.jad in the bin folder. What am I doing wrong?

rabackah6 09-08-2007 10:39 PM

cant run rapc in dos
How do I go about running rapc in dos? Everytime I click on it to run it, the dos window never loads.

jmarvelous 09-25-2007 02:13 AM

Out of Memory Error starting/loading module
The converting process goes fine. I am able to convert jar/jad files to alx/cod. I uploaded them with ease to the black Blackberry 7100i. So far NO errors. :smile:

Now the thing is when i goto run the application on the Blackberry I get:
Error starting "app-name"
Error loading module "app-name"
With only an [OK] button to click.

I converted over 10 different applications one by one and all gives me the same error message.

Do any know what is going wrong ?

had2haveit 09-29-2007 12:32 AM

Thanx bitbucket
Instead of going through all the hassle of converting em you can just do it exactly as bitbucket just said. Copy them to the sd card and open em with media player. Works like a charm!!

had2haveit 09-29-2007 12:42 AM

I assume anyone with a media player on theirs can do it that way. As far as the older models i'm not sure what you gotta do.

jmarvelous 09-30-2007 03:49 AM

The way bitbucket explains it looks like it will only works for the newer model blackberrys. As I have the BB 7100i. The Blackberry 7100i there is not a way to upload files to it's memory and then run that jar/jad application.

Well actually there is a way to upload files to the Blackberry 7100i memory but you still can't run jad/jar files. The program is called DynoPlex eFile which you can google. It's basically a file explorer for your blackberry and surprising it works for the 7100i.

But once again sadly you can't run jad/jar files from that program. You'll get the following error message "There is no application associated with this file type". That error message makes you wonder if there is an application that you can associate with it. Really don't make any since if the Blackberry has Java, why can't the DynoPlex eFile app be able to load jad/jar files for you.

Do anybody know a way to load jad/jar files to a "BB 7100i" not by OverTheAir???... if not Back to my original after converting to alx/cod post:

The converting process goes fine. I am able to convert jar/jad files to alx/cod. I uploaded them with ease to the black Blackberry 7100i. So far NO errors.

Now the thing is when i goto run the application on the Blackberry I get:
Error starting "app-name"
Error loading module "app-name"
With only an [OK] button to click.

I converted over 10 different applications one by one and all gives me the same error message.

Do any know what is going wrong ?

ronag 10-16-2007 07:42 AM

I'm using Curve and have copied the jar/jad files to the micro SD card, but there isn't any app that can browse the card (that I can find)... The media player only shows the various associated files (MP3's, videos, pics), and won't show other file types, or an "explorer" type listing.

We are also using a BES (current version), and while I've read it can handle the conversion, I can't seem to find out how to do it...

Any help is greatly appreciated.

had2haveit 10-17-2007 05:27 AM

OK real simple. 1. Click on media center. 2. Click the blackberry button (left of the trackball. 3. Scroll up to "explore" 4. Browse to the .jad you copied onto the card and click.

ronag 10-17-2007 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by had2haveit (Post 707100)
OK real simple. 1. Click on media center. 2. Click the blackberry button (left of the trackball. 3. Scroll up to "explore" 4. Browse to the .jad you copied onto the card and click.

Ok then.....I feel dumb.... Thanks for your help!!

Davey-boy 11-19-2007 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by had2haveit (Post 686339)
Instead of going through all the hassle of converting em you can just do it exactly as bitbucket just said. Copy them to the sd card and open em with media player. Works like a charm!!

Wow, I was in the midst of downloading all the software listed in the op... So happy to come accross this and see the ease of use.

boostaddict 11-20-2007 02:19 AM

I just tried that method in my curve and I'm getting a download failed.

MysteryMember 11-20-2007 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Mark Rejhon (Post 5303)
This is ONLY needed if you are unable to do Over-The-Air software downloads with your carrier. Big thanks to headtailgrep, quoted from RIMROAD

(Note: Rogers and T-Mobile are both known to permit OTA downloads now without the need for these instructions, and without the need for BES/MDS. So you lucky Rogers and T-Mobile users can skip these instructions. Other carriers may not need these instructions by early 2005.)

OR, you could use BSC Jad to Jar Converter. (free) It will do all the work for you. You will still need the above mentioned apps from Sun.

Maximus_Prime 11-30-2007 12:31 AM

Using RAPC.exe in DOS, convert the midlet to a COD as follows, all on one line (might be easier to make a .bat file out of this)
d) rapc import="c:\Program Files\Research in Motion\Blackberry JDE 3.7\lib\net_rim_api.jar" codename=virca -midlet jad=Virca.jad Virca.jar

I am stuck at this command line

It will not let me finish typing the command. ( I got B
for example the file that I want to covert : Ezmoney

the command line is:

rapc import="c:\Program Files\Research in Motion\Blackberry JDE 4.3\lib\net_rim_api.jar" codename=ezmoney -midlet jad=ezmoney.jad e

It just stop at e ( It will beep if I try to type the rest of the word)

It will not let me to type the remaining file ( ezmoney.jar)

Any help?

poseidon66 01-31-2008 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by rcjr (Post 140019)
I wrote a batch file that will allow you to create the cod and alx files from a java midlet. Remember to save your .jad and .jar files to the same directory.

Here is the text of the batch file, just copy and paste the text into notepad and save as yourfilename.bat then run the batch file and bingo you have your .cod, .jad, .jar, and .alx files all in the same folder. This will allow you to load the program to your blackberry using the blackberry desktop manager instead of using loader.exe then when you run the application loader it will recognize the program and you shouldn't have to re-install it.

@echo off

:: get jde location
set jde=
set /p jde=what is the complete path to your Blackberry JDE directory?

:: get jad and jar locations
set sve=
set /p sve=enter the complete path where your jad and jar files are located:

:: get the name of the jad and jar files
set jar=
set /p jar=what is the name of your jar file?

:: copy jad and jar files to the jde directory
xcopy "%sve%\%jar%.jad" "%jde%\bin\"
xcopy "%sve%\%jar%.jar" "%jde%\bin\"

::create the cod files
cd /d "%jde%/bin"
rapc import="%jde%\lib\net_rim_api.jar" codename=%jar% -midlet jad=%jar%.jad %jar%.jar

:: move the cod file to the jad and jar directory
move "%jde%\bin\%jar%.*" "%sve%\"

:: change to the new directory
cd /d %sve%

:: create the new alx file

echo ^<loader version="1.0"^> >%jar%.alx
echo ^<application id="%jar%"^> >>%jar%.alx
echo ^<name^>%jar%^</name^> >>%jar%.alx
echo ^<description^>%jar%^</description^> >>%jar%.alx
echo ^<version^> ^</version^> >>%jar%.alx
echo ^<vendor^> ^</vendor^> >>%jar%.alx
echo ^<copyright^> ^</copyright^> >>%jar%.alx
echo ^<fileset Java="1.0"^> >>%jar%.alx
echo ^<files^>%jar%.cod^</files^> >>%jar%.alx
echo ^</fileset^> >>%jar%.alx
echo ^</application^> >>%jar%.alx
echo ^</loader^> >>%jar%.alx


NOTE: with this batch file you DO NOT need to copy your .jad and .jar files to the same directory as your Blackberry JDE files.

I hopt this helps anyone who is not comfortable with using dos commands or who would just like to use desktop manager to install midlets.

Where do I put the jar files I want to convert, do I create a folder for the jar files? Do I put them in the bin folder in the jde directory?

I have installed Sun Java sdk, BB jde and the batch file. I put the jde directory in, put the path where the jar files are, the name of the jar files and it errors out. Anything I am missing?


wumbo2 03-29-2008 06:01 PM

I have a problem. Every time I try opening rapc.exe, the DOS command prompt opens and then closes about a second later. All I get to see is that is marks an error. So thanks to this, I cannot convert the .jar file. I'll try rcjr's batch, but I would like it if someone would help me with my current problem. Thanks.

Sith_Apprentice 03-29-2008 06:03 PM

hit start > run then type cmd.exe on your pc. navigate to where you have rapc.exe saved and then run it from the cmd shell.

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