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Scooters 12-09-2005 10:25 PM

John: Great Info and Thread!

During the next "round" of questions, could you ask them to test and post info on "stand-alone" car bluetooth car kits.

I have the new Motorola IHF1000 kit. I thought that it was working fine, but now I realize that it is great for outgoing calls. However, incoming calls connect, but do not pass audio either direction. I re-paired the unit once, but still no success. I will fiddle some more.... etc. However, It would be great if they would add these kits to their list. ((Hint Hint, It would be great to see if they can troubleshoot before the next software release)).

Thanks Again!

joginder 12-09-2005 10:54 PM

There is another issue that I just identified on my 8700. When you hit A to got to address book and then type some letters to jump to the desired contact. Say you type 'Joh' and you got to John. Now you delete the letters using Del key and once you delete all three letters 'Joh' and you still keep pressing delete key. it will prompt you to delete that contact that is selected on the list. And this way I hace already deleted 3 of my contacts.
This is a serious bug and it does not happen on my 7290. Unless I am missing something in my 8700. I checked the settings on 8700 and 7290 and they are same.
Can someone confirm this.

joginder 12-09-2005 10:55 PM

I just checked in 7290 again and it is sure an issue on 8700

barjohn 12-09-2005 11:48 PM

I am going on vacation for a week in the Caribbean so I will be in and out of cell phone range (cruise ship). I will check in once in a while but please don't expect too much from me while I am away. I will be back on the 20th.

XDS 12-10-2005 12:56 AM

Wirelessly posted (7290: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) BlackBerry7290/4.0.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1)




I'm surprised.
No one has even mentioned weather or not they will release the certs and API's for the InfraRed port.


barjohn 12-10-2005 01:51 AM

That is because there is no infrared port.

rbsti 12-10-2005 09:00 AM

Thanks for the efforts!

NJBlackBerry 12-10-2005 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by XDS
Wirelessly posted (7290: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) BlackBerry7290/4.0.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1)




I'm surprised.
No one has even mentioned weather or not they will release the certs and API's for the InfraRed port.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha

Hey - let's write APIs for hardware that isn't there!

VidGameKing 12-10-2005 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry
Ha ha ha ha ha ha

Hey - let's write APIs for hardware that isn't there!

Why waste the time on non-existent hardware when we could get the UMTS/HSDPA up and running!

wmcapella 12-10-2005 11:47 PM

This is the option I am most interested in. My company currently uses Nextel and the service / signal has gotten extremely bad in our area since the merger with Spring. Are they at least considering putting the PTT service in the 8700c at a later time?

leakylegsrider 12-11-2005 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by wmcapella
This is the option I am most interested in. My company currently uses Nextel and the service / signal has gotten extremely bad in our area since the merger with Spring. Are they at least considering putting the PTT service in the 8700c at a later time?

I also am very interested to hear more on PTT on the 8700.

.....and the new BIS.

thanks for all the hard work, John.


hf1khal 12-16-2005 02:20 PM

I am realy interested in Voice dialing on the BB8700, I was pointed to this link: and I have also contacted them about if it is comaptible with the 8700 and here is what their response was:

Thank you for your interest.

Currently we only run on the Blackberry 7520 and 7100i from Nextel. We are exploring the business cases of running on other carrier devices and have not concluded our evaluation yet. We will be making a decision in the next month or so, so please check back at our website. The response for other blackberry devices has been overwhelming, and we are making sure we evaluate the business properly.

Please keep checking in at our website for more details over the next month.

MobileVoiceControl Support

I then later emailed them with support to think about this and to visit this forum and others and see that there is demand by others, I even suggested that they partner with RIM in making their software to be part of the BB units.

May be a joint effort from here can convince them to expand.

fortunado 12-18-2005 05:56 PM

What happens if the injunction goes through?
I'm a first time BB user and bought the 8700 on Cingular. Bars none the best phone I've ever had (had treo 650,600,razr,nok8890,etc). But now with the threat of the injunction in Feb what will happen if it doesnt go RIM's way? I still have about 15 days to return it. Thx.

Loomy 12-18-2005 06:51 PM

This is off-topic in this thread, but...


Originally Posted by fortunado
I'm a first time BB user and bought the 8700 on Cingular. Bars none the best phone I've ever had (had treo 650,600,razr,nok8890,etc). But now with the threat of the injunction in Feb what will happen if it doesnt go RIM's way? I still have about 15 days to return it. Thx.

The injunction is a non-issue for users as far as I can tell. I wish this would be made more clear by RIM in the media, but this is my understanding:

- Modified non-infringing software is being made as a contingency in case of getting shut down.
- They would settle before letting their US market get shut down.

The only reason this procedure is taking so long is that RIM is fighting tooth and nail to prevent having to pay money to NTP. They're not going down without a fight, basically.

rcbjr 12-18-2005 06:58 PM

Thumb Slippedn Pressed Instead of Rolling.

rcbjr 12-18-2005 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by fortunado
I'm a first time BB user and bought the 8700 on Cingular. Bars none the best phone I've ever had (had treo 650,600,razr,nok8890,etc). But now with the threat of the injunction in Feb what will happen if it doesnt go RIM's way? I still have about 15 days to return it. Thx.


I'm going to give you a little advice before you get flamed.

1. Go to the General Discussion Forum and read the Welcome To the Forum thread,

2. Learn where the Search Link is and use it before Posting,

3. Read the FAQ topics also.

These 3 things will keep the ancients and the MODs here Happy.

Hope this helps.

barjohn 12-19-2005 11:14 PM

Guys & gals, I am back from my vacation and ready to try and help anyone that needs my help with their units. RIM Execs asked for a count on the number of users experiencing dust problems as they have only had 2 reports from Cingular. I will post a separate thread to try and get this info. Sorry I couldn't respond to questions while I was gone but the boss, my wife said NO COMPUTERS allowed on the vacation so I figured I had better comply.

rcbjr 12-19-2005 11:29 PM

Welcome Back, hope the cruis was a success.

Thanks for your Help.

barjohn 12-19-2005 11:39 PM

I had a nice relaxing time but don't recommend Royal Caribbean Lines. This is another story for another post.

Brad00111 12-20-2005 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by barjohn
I had a nice relaxing time but don't recommend Royal Caribbean Lines. This is another story for another post.

I dont want to de-rail this thread, but can you PM me with your experience, my fiance and I are planning a honeymoon and Royal Carribean is at the top of the list.


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