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The photographs are of the actual item for sale and/or are a good representation of the condition of the unit. If you do not see it in the photographs, please do not assume that an item/accessories are included with a unit unless it is pictured or in the listing details. All items are as pictured. We always show the actual photo of the item in the listing for single items. However, if multiple items are also available we only take 1 photo, any additional purchased items will be in similar condition. After you have read the entire item description - contact if us if you have anyquestions. Please note most of the medical equipment pieces need some maintenance and re certification. It is a normal and legal requirement. We strongly recommend that you get proper certification prior to use and get the unit completely checked out.Rubber tubing's, seals, O-rings, filters and such items often need to be replaced on a routine basis for preventive maintenance on a lot of different types of equipment, It is recommended that they are replaced as per need basis per manufacturesrecommendations. We re-marketnew and used equipment from hospitals and all our equipment comes directly from hospitals. All the equipment we post on is either in our possession or has been thoroughly inspected by us. We don't list any items that are in bad shape or are not desirable.
We mostly use recycled packing & shipping materials when we can.
Items can take the allocated amount of business days listed in the sale after payment is received to ship, but we try our best to send them out as quick as possible.
Orders will be shipped by the most cost-effective carrier.
"The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. If so, do not offer on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, we will verify your status as an authorized purchaser of this item before shipping of the item."
If you have questions about legal obligations regarding sales of medical devices, you should consult with the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological.
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6/3 Wire ROMEX 75 FT 6/3 NM-B WG Wire/Cable Non-Metallic NEW
DryShield DS1 Isolation System DS-SYS-001. NEW in MFR packaging Solmetex Dental