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Old 03-29-2013, 11:10 AM   #6
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Model: Z10
Carrier: Verizon
Posts: 68
Default Re: Gotta Admire the Genius of the Idiot Button

You folks are missing the point. When the PB was initially released a popular complaint from reviewers were slow boot times because they were simply used to using a button to "turn off" the iPhone or whatever. Putting something into standby without using a button to turn the device off did not register in their minds. QNX OSs can be run for decades without shut down. My PlayBook has, aside from occasional reboots, has run 24/7 for close to two years. It has never been shut down.

The Z10 could be operated the same way (I.E. "swipe") but as we saw with the PlayBook all that did was confuse people who felt compelled through force of habit to use a button which resulted in the typically longish reboot of the device.

Unless I'll not be using the Z10 for a period of days which is highly unlikely, it, like my PlayBook, will never be shut down except for the odd reboot.

The proof is in the pudding as there is very little chirping about BB10 reboot times now despite the fact that Z10 does indeed have longer boot times -although markedly improved- than its competitors.