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Old 04-22-2005, 07:25 AM   #14
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Posts: 49

I think that comparing BBSpell pricing to Pocketday pricing actually helps justify the $35 charge. I agree that Pocketday's pricing is fair. The price of BBSpell really isn't that much more when you consider what you are getting. BBSpell uses the developer's server to do the spell checking. So they are maintaining a production environment for you, which includes power, bandwidth, etc. Even so they are willing to provide a free version so you don't have to directly pay out of pocket. Also, they have an active presence here on the forums. If you add it all up, they are still costing you less than many of the commercial IM clients. Now if I want to make the comparison to them, BBSpell can help me not look like an idiot when I compose mail, and costs less than an IM client that can potentially get me glared at in a meeting.
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