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Old 07-20-2008, 09:28 AM   #12
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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Originally Posted by jibi View Post
That's a very bold (no pun intended) statement to make considering you really have no clue who posts on this website. It's not like a good majority of the Fortune 100 companies aren't represented here (granted, Wal-Mart is not much of a BlackBerry shop, although they are moving in that direction, but we'll exclude them for now).. and let's not mention the government agencies here as well.

To be honest, the tone of your post, which sounds like it was written by a pompous teenager rather than a condescending senior citizen, may not have lost you some credibility but definitely dissuaded anyone from really caring.

...and the 'last week of August or first week of September' timeframe for launch is not a new launch estimate. Given the iPhone was released in mid-July, the Bold was not going to launch anytime before mid-August. It doesn't take a genius to guess anytime after the third week of August for the launch. There's a three week window to choose from currently.

It's pretty presumptuous of you to assume or presume, let alone aver, that I have no idea who posts here. I do my homework and had already read thousands of posts here before I made any of my own.

And it displays a certain separation from some of the street realities of the segment to similarly presume that all large buyers are treated equally.

I am no longer a teenager but not quite yet a senior citizen, so those smears by you are both off-target; whether any given person regards me as pompous or condescending is a personal decision that does not need the support of libelous remarks from you, jibi.

What is true is that I am pragmetic, experienced, even veteran at interpreting the truth behind and the lies surrounding significant product introductions. I recognize and have (within these forums as elsewhere) identified the difference between rumor-mill, buzz, trusted and authoritative sources.

The sole "decider" (to borrow a Bush-ism) on the launch of the Bold in the US is AT&T. The hardware, firmware & software from RIM has already passed muster at other carriers in other geographies. Manufacturing has already begun.

What you do not account for in your petty snipes is the fabric of inside information that reaches people in my role, and the complicated set of rules that govern my ability to incorporate it in what I report (and this forum is not a primary venue for my reporting). In short, I am allowed to share such information only when I learn it from sources well apart from the originator.

So briefings I get off the record remain off the record, secrets I'm told remain secret and I don't break the rules of any NDA I ever sign.

When - as happened this time - I get credible information (and not running contrary to what I hear elsewhere is one small component of credibility) from a trusted source, I gain an opening to share what I learn from that source.

Self-aggrandizement has zero role in my motivations; I don't believe you can say the same for yours.

But if the forum at large wishes me to no longer share what I learn from the investigations I do as part of my "day job", please say so and I'll be happy to comply.
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