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Old 03-16-2012, 07:58 AM   #15
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Default Re: Playbook vs 'The New' iPad

Originally Posted by jsconyers View Post
Yes, it is what you said. I actually quoted you directly.
I said many things and concluded with:

So, for me, PlayBook is the best tablet of all from the beginning...
I stand by that, for all the reasons I mentioned and more.

You twisted that around into:

Originally Posted by jsconyers View Post
So no native email or PIM sync makes it the best tablet from the beginning? Because that was added in 2.0.
Number of posts is a measure of one's activity on the forum, nothing else. This is not about you or me, so no point in weighing our expertise (don't be sure you'd win). I presented and stand by my arguments - they can be easily verified by anyone interested to find out. You haven't responded with your thoughts as to which tablet suits which purpose or with any counterarguments, but have rather restored to defensive distortiots . That is why I don't like getting involved in forums, and perhaps this has been a mistake on my part.

So my last post here, for those interested in actual devices... If you aree evaluating tablets for whatever purpose, do not be blinded by statements made by those saying that "others can't do something". That is pointless. Nobody can tell you what you can't do - maybe the just didn't even try.

Re HSPA+, iCloud and other stuff - that is exactly what I was talking about. Yes, I use Bluetooth. One hop. Local. With less interference from others. I don't need multiple trips, multiple data plans and data stored elsewhere. It is immediate, without data duplication and latencies. And, most of the time, I don't need to transfer anything really at all, but I'll leave you to think about it. Before talking about speeds, measure them first, learn about what latency is and think about how much needs to be communicated as well - this is something BlackBerries are different from others, too - they are more efficient. Then actually truly try a PlayBook and a BlackBerry pair for a couple of days to see what it is about. If you don't you have no right to speak what they can or cannot do.

It serves little purpose speaking of what was there from beginning and what was not. Yes, right, native email wasn't there. But email was - and in a form still better for me, many others and, perhaps you. We can talk about what other devices didn't have from the beginning and still don't have but that is pointless too. I'll just mention a few to satisfy the hunger of some - cameras, high dot pitch screen, proper multitasking letting your device do, say a presentation, remote computer access and document editing at the same time, flash support without someone lying to you that not having these is good for you (that is Apple trademark, not mine, in case you are wondering).

As for presentations, I don't need to carry a "wireless projector" everywhere I go (oddly enough I think there is a power cord needed for it (I guess "cord" with the entire projector attached to it does not count as a "wire"). Just a standard HDMI cable, for 3D 1080p video. And if I forget it, I can get it anywhere... BTW, just came back from the park where I recorded some 1080p videos of my children using the PlayBook from my jacket's pocket (front *and* back cameras) and played them in full quality on my 50" plasma TV.

I'll sum up my perspective this way...

If you tend to need a tablet only while on the couch and not while on the move, you don't have a BlackBerry, don't care about 1080p playback on standard equipment or ease of media transfer, and you are fine spending more money on data, think iPad or Android (Android is better in a number of respects here).

On the other hand, if you want to carry it and use it on the move, you care about cameras and media you already have, you want to not spend money on multiple data plans but spend it on better things (say fun), want most natural gestures of any platform, then by all means get a PlayBook + a BlackBerry phone. This pair does everything others do and more.

As for the number of apps - if that is what you are after, get one of the keyboardless touch screen Windows boxes. They have more apps than all BlackBerry, Android and iOS devices combined.

See - you can't cut it just one way. Don't work in reverse by finding justifications why everyone should like your purchase. One needs to choose based on his/her specific needs and when you realize that, you will realize that Apple (or any other product) is very far from ideal of any kind.

To even out some other comments to, I'll finish on this one, a woefully ignorant and oversimplified observation to match that poster's (so don't take this too seriously): "iPad3 is all about catching up with screen pixel density and to be just able to control additional pixels them they had to throw in more some CPU power and bigger battery. That's all. Still lagging on other fronts."

Think for yourselves and enjoy!
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