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Old 09-12-2004, 01:30 AM   #8
CrackBerry Addict
Join Date: Aug 2004
Model: 950
Carrier: robbers
Posts: 909

How many students can afford a Blackberry? (The service, not the device...) I certainly would not pay for it when I was a student, that's a lot of coin that i could have been spendig on tuition and beer..

I've heard of some schools possibly deploying some to students, but this number would be relatively low..

Maybe this will pick up in the near future..

This pricing makes much more sense however, I would be happy to pay approximately this price, however i don't qualify for academic pricing, and $199 from any company for telnet/ssh is just not something i'm willing to do.

How about a cheap version with just telnet, NO ssh? Corporations serious about their administrative setup will want ssh support and pay for it. Telnet however is an option for personal users with nothing to hide..

With public MDS support, everything will change. Since you can no longer assume that your telnet/ssh marketbase has spent considerable amounts of cash on their blackberry infrastructure to have the ability to use the software in the first place (except nexttel users), those who have not are now in the market for their software..

which means either the price lowers, an alternative (telnet only) is released, or someone will create a new open-source Midlet alternative and drive the market for this cheaper..

The larger the BB marketshare, the better the chances of the above occuring.