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Old 04-07-2005, 11:24 AM   #19
Thumbs Must Hurt
Join Date: Mar 2005
Model: 7520
Carrier: Nextel
Posts: 183


I have not tried IM 2.1 yet. I'm trying to prolong my trial usage until the rumored proprietary IM apps launch which I hope is soon. If I had a choice between IM+ and Verichat, IM+ all the way. I don't know why everyone is ranting about Verichat. I don't mind the longon logoffs so much but if you have a 95% (estimated) success rate in sending/receiving IM's, that is a big no no in my book. 2.1 fixed major issues and I look forward to trying it out.

Am I missing something here? IM+ offers a 5 day trial which is not enough time. Someone posted 30 day trial which would be super.