Thread: Settlement!!!
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Old 03-04-2006, 08:31 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by scaredpoet
Second, this signals to me that RIM’s “workaround” wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. For the longest time we were fed a line that RIM had a workaround and that effectively, they didn’t need to settle. And when experts kept asking the same question we all were - why not just turn the workaround on now and end the case? - there was no answer from RIM. In effect, it feels a lot like Blackberry users were lied to, to give us a false sense of complacency and to prevent more people from researching alternatives. That doesn’t sit well with me.
I feel so strongly about this it made me come out of the shadows and register!

RIM DOES have a workaround. It just happened to inconvenience customers by making them load software on all of their BlackBerry's. RIM had to look at what was the better option: Force customers to "service pack" handhelds and STILL face a possible injunction and more litigation if NTP challenged the workaround too, which you know they would


Settle and have it all over with?

I'd settle too given the situation.